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Spring 2023-60243 ( Start date 20 Mar 2023, English )

Kursplan DM1588 ( VT 2022 - )Kurs-PM DM1588 Spring 2023-60243Kursanalys: 2023-08-21
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Marianela Ciolfi Felice

Marianela Ciolfi Felice


LAB1 (3.0) P, F

PRO1 (3.0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

98 % *

See the content of the analysis for a summary of changes.

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Spring 2022-1 ( Start date 21/03/2022, English )

Kursplan DM1588 ( VT 2022 - )Kurs-PM DM1588 Spring 2022-60514Kursanalys: 2022-10-12
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Marianela Ciolfi Felice

Marianela Ciolfi Felice

73 *

LAB1 (3.0) P, F

PRO1 (3.0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

98.6 % *

Changes implemented to improve the course include: - proposing and getting approved changes in the syllabus (simplification of the ILOs, and making seminar attendance mandatory) the previous semester; - improving the Kurs PM and publishing it by the beginning of the course; - adding resources on Raspberry Pi; - adding references and videos to inspiring novel sensors and actuators; - adding a practice quiz to help the learning of the theoretical aspects of the course; - adding an optional field in each assignment so that students can critique the description (asking them to report if they had struggled with a specific part of the description –not with the solution– and why); - allowing the student group to decide on when they wanted to have the final deadline for their iterated deliverables post-presentations; - adding in-class exercises to the seminars, and in general delivering the content of seminars in more depth; - improving the explanation of the grading criteria for the project, so that they were aligned with the updated ILOs.

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VT 2021-1 ( Startdatum 2021-03-22, Svenska )

Kursplan DM1588 ( HT 2019 - VT 2021 )Kurs-PM DM1588 VT 2021-60264Kursanalys: 2021-09-21
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Marianela Ciolfi Felice

Roberto Bresin

71 *

LAB1 (3,0) P, F

PRO1 (3,0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

99 % *

Changes implemented to address students' feedback from Spring 2020 include: creating 3 lectures from scratch; maintaining only 2 of the 4 original guest lectures; improving the description of the assignments; creating and uploading demo videos for the labs; coordinating a grading schedule among the teachers; offering a course outline on Canvas, with the week-by-week activities and preparatory tasks, from the beginning of the course; creating a stock of the available material; incorporating a signup sheet to track the material; purchasing new material.

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När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.


När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.