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Decision support on the Brazilian Forest Code

Publicerad 2016-04-19

KTH research used in a public hearing about the Brazilian Forest Code, organized by the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil

Professor Gerd Sparovek

During the public hearing about the Brazilian Forest Code, organized by the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, it has been presented preliminary results from study carried out within the , KTH, in collaboration with the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. The Supreme Federal Court of Brazil is analysing the constitutionality of the Brazilian Forest Act of 2012, and organised a public hearing, inviting various experts to provide technical advises and opinions about the Forest Act. In this opportunity, Prof Gerd Sparovek (USP), partner with the EMA group, was one of the expositors. The presentation can be seen here (in Portuguese).

A link to the related research project Forest Bioenergy Options in Brazil, funded by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPQ), is available here .