• Introduction to electricity networks
◦ Introduction to electric power systems
◦ Introduction to microeconomics
◦ Introduction to electricity markets
• Optimal dispatch
◦ Efficient dispatch of electricity generation with no transmission constraints
◦ Market-based dispatch of electricity generation with no transmission constraints
◦ Efficient dispatch of electricity generation with transmission constraints
◦ Nodal-Zonal-Regional pricing
• Managing risk
◦ Basic concepts
◦ Hedging with no transmission constraints
◦ Introduction to electricity markets
• Market power
◦ Introduction to market power
◦ Market power, nodal pricing, and transmission congestion
◦ Market power in wind-integrated power systems
◦ Measuring, forecasting, and mitigating market power
• The generation investment decision
◦ Efficient investment in electricity generation
◦ Market-based investment in electricity generation
• Transmission regulation, investment, and planning
◦ Introductory concepts
◦ Efficient coordination of transmission and generation investment
◦ Is there a role for market-based transmission investment?
◦ The transmission planning problem
◦ The transmission regulation problem
• Electricity Market Lab
◦ Workshop on PLEXOS for Power Systems
◦ A series of home projects on different electricity market issues
▪ CO2 market and Financial Markets
▪ Market power and game theory
▪ Optimal Power Flow and Zonal/Nodal Pricing
▪ Hydro Power Planning
▪ Generation and Transmission Planning
▪ Transmission pricing