The course consists of lectures given by the course leader and presentations of cases of research misconduct given by the students, with the presentations running in parallell with the lectures. Each student has to take part in the presentation of a case, prepared in groups of 3–5 persons.
The course will run during two days in May (May 7 and 8), from 10:00 to ca 15, with a break for lunch. This outline of the course means that the presentations of cases need to be prepared before the start of the course; to provide enough time for the preparations, the applications for the course need to be made already before April 7.
The course will allow ample time for discussion, not only about scientific misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, FFP), but also about questionable research practices (QRP).
The number of participants is limited to 20. An alternative course for students from the Biotechnology departments is planned and will be given later this year (please contact the Director of Third Cycle Education for additional information); for this reason priority will be given to students from other departments within the CBH school.
The lectures will be held in the Erdtman lecture room, Teknikringen 30, floor 7. To register, send an e-mail with your Name, Division, and Department to Christina Moberg, e-mail, before April 7.
Supervisors are welcome to attend and to participate in the discussions.