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Här visas ändringar i "Examination" mellan 2014-12-07 21:27 av Magnus Andersson och 2014-12-08 15:09 av Magnus Andersson.

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The course examination consists of two parts:

* Completing the three hand-in tasks (they will only be graded pass/fail, but you might be asked to complete). Three passes result in extra points on the written exam corresponding to 25%. Note that all three tasks need to be passed to give extra points on the written exam.
* Written exam. Date and place will be announced.
* 3 hand-in tasks, and a written examination, which will take place 1 pm to 5 pm in Room Fb51 on March 17. ¶

The re-examination will take place 8 am to 1 pm in Room FD41 on May 22. ¶

Example questions for the written examination.¶