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Här visas ändringar i "Extra material" mellan 2016-02-24 11:51 av Magnus Andersson och 2016-02-25 22:54 av Magnus Andersson.

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Extra material

We have a separate page with extra non-public reading material available at www.tcblab.org/outgoing/proteinphysics. You can e-mail Magnus Andersson to get the password if you are registered on the course, or ask during class.

* Lecture 1:Introduction, proteins, amino acids. Chapters 1 & 2 of the book. slides-2016The review by David Eisenberg - it's a good read - and will facilitate your understanding of protein secondary structure - optional though. 2003_Review

* Lecture 2: Molecular interactions (chapters 3-4). slides-2016Cyrus Levinthals paper in Scientific American on protein structure & folding - good introduction - but optional for this course. Levinthal

* Lecture 3: Thermodynamics, defining hydrophobic effect from free energies, electrostatics (chapter 5-6). slides-2016

* Lecture 4: Secondary structure (chapters 7,10). Note that we cover chapters 8 & 9 later! slides-2016

* Lecture 5: Statistical mechanics, the partition function, phase transitions & a-helix formation (chapter 8 & 9 (to p. 109)). slides-2016

* Lecture 6: Protein secondary structure formation and free energy (rest of chapter 9). slides-2016

* Lecture 7: Fibrous proteins and globular proteins with alpha-helix and beta-sheet structure (chapter 11, 13 & 14). slides-2016

* Lecture 8: Membranes & membrane proteins (chapter 12, but we will deviate a lot from the book). slides-2016

* Lecture 9: Protein folds (chapter 15-16). slides-2016

* Lecture 10:Denaturation & the character of transitions - cooperativity or not (chapter 17-18). slides-2016

* Lecture 11:Kinetics of protein foldning (chapters 19-21). slides-2016

* Lecture 12:Prediction and design of protein structure, bioinformatics (chapters 22-23). slides

* Lecture 13:GPCRs, docking and drug design (chapters 24-25, deviate a lot from the book). slides

* Lecture 14:Course repetition. slides