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Version skapad av Catharina Gottberg 2013-08-28 15:27

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Previously have the functionalities been scattered in the column to the right, now that we have moved the navigation to the left, have we also gathered together the functionalities in a tool menu. You can find the tools at the top of your course, programme or group web.


The tools are:

My Settings

Here you can change your notifications, unsubscribe, and set the rounds / groups you want to attain information from.

Create, manage content

Below ”Create, manage content“ you find the tools to create pages and posts as well as the trash can.


Visible only to administrators / teachers in a course, programme and group web, are the tools that were previously situated under course links and copy pages. This is also where you can view who are subscribing, belongs to the student / member group and add members and administrators (in groups).

Find content

Here you obtain an overview for all pages and posts. You can find tags and search within the course. There is also search functionality at the top of the page.

In the courses / programmes you are able to find rounds / groups that have not beforehand been selected. You can read more about rounds / groups on the page Course rounds.
