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Celebrating this year’s student ambassadors — and how you can apply to be one

This week marks the end of the 2021-2022 academic year! The exam period and master thesis presentation weeks are wrapping up. For the international student ambassadors, it has also marked the end of their duties for KTH. To celebrate, our supervisors treated the student ambassadors to a farewell dinner evening and a boules tournament. 

Did you know? There are actually two different roles which KTH international ambassadors serve – student ambassadors, and digital student ambassadors. Both are part-time, paid positions generally for the duration of the academic year (September to May). Although the names are pretty self-explanatory, here’s a bit about the responsibilities for each: 

Student Ambassadors are representatives of their respective master’s programmes whose main role is to share their experience and connect with prospective students. Main tasks include responding to email inquiries, directing students to resources, leading campus tours, and helping out on webinars or other events representing your programme. It’s common to serve in this role as a second-year student. 

Digital Student Ambassadors are representatives of the university and international student experience to prospective students, though we also share information which is more relevant to current students. Each digital student ambassador has a specific domain of responsibility; there are Instagram curators, bloggers, and Chinese channel curators. It entails collaboration with other channels and creativity, and is open to those currently registered for a KTH master’s programme. 

Interested in working as an international student ambassador?

Although the application deadline for next year’s Student Ambassadors has passed, if you’re an incoming master’s student you can always apply after your first year, in May 2023. But, whether you’re a first or second-year student, if you’re interested in working as a Digital Student Ambassador starting this fall, keep an eye on this application page for updates in the coming weeks. 

In the meantime, you’ll still be hearing from Declan, Valerie, and me – that is, until next year’s digital team takes over in September!

Claire, Declan, and Valerie goofing around outside KTH Entre.

Happy summer 🙂 

// Claire