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Hej! Nice to Meet You (Again)

Hey there! I’m Samantha, and today, I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce myself to all of you on this blog. As a girl who hails from Toronto, Canada, I find myself in the midst of my second year, pursuing a Master’s degree in Sustainable Technology with a specialization in management and economics. Here I am, embarking on a thrilling journey, ready to spill all the exciting details with you on post-secondary life at KTH.

Samantha standing in the middle of a boulevard street in Stockholm
The prettiest boulevard street in Stockholm in my opinion! Karlavägen!

Before diving into the world of sustainable technology, my academic journey was an exploration of design and creativity. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Architecture at the University of Toronto. This background in architecture has given me a unique perspective on sustainability, allowing me to bridge the gap between building science and environment.

Some of you might remember me from KTH’s Instagram last year, but you’re probably wondering how I ended up in Sweden. Well, it’s a bit of a tale. I spent several years working in the hockey industry, particularly surrounded by many Swedes. This experience kindled my interest in Sweden, its culture, and its commitment to sustainability, eventually leading me to KTH and with a scholarship, I might add.

Samantha holding a hockey trophy
My life working in the hockey industry before moving to Stockholm

For me, moving to Stockholm wasn’t a massive leap into the unknown. I had previously lived in vibrant cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Groningen, which had already given me a taste of the joys and challenges of life abroad. However, my time in Sweden has been the longest away from home yet, providing me with a unique opportunity to truly immerse myself in the Swedish way of life.

I’ve embraced Swedish life with open arms and fallen head over heels for my new home. My plan? To stay in Sweden for the long haul after completing my studies. You can often find me exploring museums, enjoying the opera, and indulging in innovative cuisine, all while soaking up Sweden’s rich arts and cultural scene. And yes, you can definitely say that I have a passion for design, making me an expert in all things Scandinavian style (fashion, furniture, and architecture).

Three girls stand posing for the camera
Me (middle), Sara (left), and Sofia (right) at an ambassador event last year!

As a second-year student at KTH, I’m excited to share my experiences, insights, and knowledge with all of you. Whether you’re curious about life at KTH, the world of sustainable technology, or just Sweden in general, I’m here to help. I’m eager to answer your questions, offer advice, and provide you with a sneak peek into my life as a student in this stunning Scandinavian city.

So, get ready to join me on this journey as I navigate the world of masters studies, immerse myself in Swedish culture, and share my passion for arts, culture, and style. Stay tuned for exciting stories, helpful tips, and an inside look into life at KTH and Sweden. I’m thrilled to be a part of this blog, and I hope you are too! Have you met my fellow blogger Lorenzo yet? If not, check out his introduction post! In a few days, you will also get to meet our newest digital ambassador Sai, so stay tuned!