Adlercreutz |
Ludvig |
Industrial doctoral student |
ludvigad@kth.se |
+46 73 685 48 81 |
Andersson |
Kjell |
Professor |
kan@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 74 |
Andrikopoulos |
Georgios |
Assistant professor |
geoand@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 31 |
Andruetto |
Claudia |
Doctoral student, phd student |
andru@kth.se |
Arekrans |
Johan |
Postdoc |
arekrans@kth.se |
Asplund |
Fredrik |
Associate professor |
fasplund@kth.se |
+46 8 790 74 05 |
Bergseth |
Ellen |
Associate professor |
bergseth@kth.se |
+46 8 790 73 83 |
Björk |
Jennie |
Associate professor |
jenniebj@kth.se |
+46 8 790 95 22 |
Boström |
Anton |
Laboratory manager |
antonbos@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 59 |
Boukhris |
Rahma |
Doctoral student |
boukhris@kth.se |
Buck |
Lennart |
lbuck@kth.se |
Calderon Salmeron |
Gabriel |
Doctoral student |
gbcs@kth.se |
Carlsson |
Peter |
Research engineer |
pecar@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 86 |
Chen |
Dejiu |
Associate professor |
chen@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 64 28 |
Cronhjort |
Andreas |
Associate professor |
andreas.cronhjort@itm.kth.se |
+46 8 790 83 33 |
De Baets |
Patrick |
Affiliated professor |
debaets@kth.se |
de la Presilla Patiño |
Roman |
Doctoral student |
romandlp@kth.se |
Derbyshire |
Vicki |
Officer |
vicki@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 85 05 |
Duraisamy |
Rimmie |
Doctoral student |
rimmie@kth.se |
Edin Grimheden |
Martin |
Head of department |
mjg@kth.se |
+46 8 790 77 97 |
Eneberg |
Magnus |
Researcher |
meneberg@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 15 |
Engholm |
Albin |
Doctoral student |
aengholm@kth.se |
+46 8 790 73 31 |
Feng |
Lei |
Associate professor |
lfeng@kth.se |
+46 8 790 76 49 |
Forzelius |
Carl Henrik |
Doctoral student |
forz@kth.se |
Frede |
Daniel |
Lecturer |
frede@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 08 |
Gaspar Sanchez |
Jose Manuel |
Doctoral student |
jmgs@kth.se |
+46 8 790 73 68 |
Gasson |
Julian |
Doctoral student |
jgasson@kth.se |
Georén |
Peter |
Researcher |
peterg@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 92 |
Glavatskih |
Sergei |
Professor |
segla@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 82 |
Gyllenhammar |
Magnus |
Industrial doctoral student |
gyllenha@kth.se |
Hampus |
Anton |
Doctoral student |
ahampus@kth.se |
Hässler |
Lars |
Consultant |
larhas@kth.se |
+46 70 633 44 14 |
Hedlund Åström |
Anna |
Associate professor |
hedlund@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 64 44 |
Hemphälä |
Jens |
Researcher |
hemphala@kth.se |
+46 8 790 97 41 |
Hesselgren |
Mia |
Assistant professor |
miahes@kth.se |
+46 8 790 89 08 |
Holmberg |
Ted |
Industrial doctoral student |
tedho@kth.se |
+46 8 790 91 78 |
Ilstedt |
Sara |
Professor |
sarai@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 30 |
Inam |
Rafia |
Adjunct professor |
raina@kth.se |
Janhager Stier |
Jenny |
Researcher |
janhager@kth.se |
+46 8 790 74 79 |
Johansson |
Hans |
Associate professor |
hbjo@kth.se |
+46 8 790 74 90 |
Jörgensen |
Nils |
Doctoral student |
nilsjor@kth.se |
Kaalen |
Stefan |
Industrial doctoral student |
kaalen@kth.se |
Kadaba Jayaprakash |
Rakesh |
Industrial doctoral student |
rakeshj@kth.se |
Karlsson |
Magnus |
Adjunct professor |
mka7@kth.se |
+46 70 349 19 40 |
Leckner |
Johan |
Adjunct professor |
leckner@kth.se |
Lius |
Andreas |
Doctoral student |
lius@kth.se |
+46 8 790 68 26 |
Loiret |
Frederic |
Researcher |
loiret@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 01 |
Lu |
Emma Rui |
Postdoc |
emmarl@kth.se |
Magnusson |
Mats |
Professor |
matsmag@kth.se |
+46 8 790 81 40 |
Manem |
Divya Bharathi |
Research engineer |
manem@kth.se |
Möller |
Björn |
Researcher |
bjornm@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 80 72 |
Munavirov |
Bulat |
Postdoc |
bulatm@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 28 |
Nilsson |
Susanne |
Researcher |
suni@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 43 |
Norrby |
Thomas |
Adjunct professor |
tnorrby@kth.se |
Nyberg |
Mattias |
Adjunct professor |
matny@kth.se |
+46 70 788 37 36 |
Olofsson |
Ulf |
Professor |
ulfo@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 04 |
Ölundh Sandström |
Gunilla |
Associate professor |
gunillaos@kth.se |
+46 8 790 68 63 |
Ottikkutti |
Suranjan |
Doctoral student |
suranjan@kth.se |
+46 8 790 78 39 |
Palmberg |
Robin |
Doctoral student |
robinpa@kth.se |
Pernestål |
Anna |
Director |
annapern@kth.se |
+46 8 790 73 24 |
Persson |
Erik |
Affiliated faculty |
eperss@kth.se |
Ramli |
Muhammad Rusyadi |
Doctoral student |
ramli2@kth.se |
+46 79 066 39 78 |
Raoofi |
Zeinab |
Doctoral student |
zeinabr@kth.se |
Reddy |
Akepati Bhaskar |
Researcher |
abreddy@kth.se |
+46 8 790 73 81 |
Ritzén |
Sofia |
Dean of faculty/professor |
dekanus@kth.se, ritzen@kth.se |
+46 8 790 91 82 |
Rylander |
Lina |
Industrial doctoral student |
linary@kth.se |
Saleh |
Diana |
Doctoral student, doctoral student |
dsaleh@kth.se |
Sherrington |
Ian |
Affiliated professor |
iansh@kth.se |
Sjöman |
Martin |
Doctoral student |
martsjo@kth.se |
Söderberg |
Anders |
Associate professor |
aes@kth.se |
+46 8 790 72 65 |
Ståhlgren |
Stefan |
Lecturer |
stahlg@kth.se |
+46 8 790 67 49 |
Sten |
Gustav |
Doctoral student |
gussten@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 53 |
Su |
Peng |
Scholarship |
pensu@kth.se |
Subasic |
Nihad |
Lecturer |
subasic@kth.se |
Tan |
Kaige |
Doctoral student |
kaiget@kth.se |
Terra |
Ahmad Ishtar |
Industrial doctoral student |
terra@kth.se |
Thorapalli Muralidharan |
Seshagopalan |
Doctoral student |
setm@kth.se |
Tisell |
Claes |
Associate professor |
ctisell@md.kth.se |
+46 8 790 90 48 |
Törngren |
Martin |
Professor |
martint@kth.se |
+46 8 790 63 07 |
Tu |
Minghui |
Researcher |
minghuit@kth.se |
+46 8 790 77 22 |
Vaddadi |
Bhavana |
Researcher |
bhavana@kth.se |
Zapata Tamayo |
Juan Guillermo |
Doctoral student |
jgzt@kth.se |