Macroalgae for the Swedish bioeconomy.
Renewable and innovative raw materials from the sea; production of foods and bioenergy; provision of ecosystem services; restoration of nutrient levels; removing carbon from the atmosphere and nurturing fossil-free and resilient economies.
Too good to be true?
No, this is already happening! Seaweed farming circumvents several disadvantages related to land-based biomass production, such as the need for fertilizers and irrigation, and does not compete for valuable arable land. In addition, seaweeds grow fast, their farming counteracts coastal eutrophication and depending on end-use, seaweed products can replace fossil- and carbon-intense ones and even capture carbon from the atmosphere. In collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers, Linnaeus and Lund Universities, the Seafarm project puts KTH at the center of a burgeoning innovative industry that will secure Sweden’s position as a world leader in the implementation of blue growth strategies. Seafarm is a great step towards achieving Sweden’s goal of being the first fossil-free country in the world.