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Publikationer av Anders Dahlkild



S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Influence of Upstream Exhaust Manifold on Pulsatile Turbocharger Turbine Performance," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 141, no. 6, 2019.
S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Aerothermodynamics and Exergy Analysis in Radial Turbine With Heat Transfer," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 140, no. 9, 2018.
F. Zhang et al., "Near-Wall Convection in a Sedimenting Suspension of Fibers," AIChE Journal, vol. 60, no. 12, s. 4253-4265, 2014.
F. Zhang, A. A. Dahlkild och F. Lundell, "Non-linear disturbance growth during sedimentation in dilute fibre suspensions," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 719, s. 268<-294, 2013.
L. Prahl Wittberg et al., "Flow conditions in the grooves of a Low-Consistency refiner," Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, no. 2, s. 173-183, 2012.
A. Dahlkild, "Finite wavelength selection for the linear instability of a suspension of settling spheroids," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 689, s. 183-202, 2011.
C.-O. Danielsson et al., "Modeling Continuous Electropermutation with Effects of Water Dissociation Included," AIChE Journal, vol. 56, no. 9, s. 2455-2467, 2010.
C.-O. Danielsson et al., "A Model for the Enhanced Water Dissociation On Monopolar Membranes," Electrochimica Acta, vol. 54, no. 11, s. 2983-2991, 2009.
M. Parsheh och A. A. Dahlkild, "Evolution of flat-plate wakes in sink flow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 626, s. 241-262, 2009.
M. Parsheh och A. A. Dahlkild, "Mixing Layers in Sink Flow : Effect of Length of Flight on Mixing in a Channel Downstream," Flow Turbulence and Combustion, vol. 82, no. 3, s. 407-433, 2009.
C. Holmqvist och A. Dahlkild, "Consolidation of sheared, strongly flocculated suspensions," AIChE Journal, vol. 54, no. 4, s. 924-939, 2008.
M. Hyensjö och A. Dahlkild, "Study of the rotational diffusivity coefficient of fibres in planar contracting flows with varying turbulence levels," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 34, no. 9, s. 894-903, 2008.
M. Hyensjö et al., "Modelling the effect of shear flow on fibre orientation anisotropy in a planar contraction," Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 3, s. 376-382, 2007.
C. Holmqvist, A. Dahlkild och B. Norman, "A flexible approach for modelling flow in multi-component blade formers," Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, s. 73-81, 2006.
C.-O. Danielsson et al., "Nitrate Removal by Continuous Electropermutation Using Ion-Exchange Textile : II. Experimental Investigation," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 153, no. 4, s. D62-D67, 2006.
C.-O. Danielsson et al., "Nitrate Removal by Continuous Electropermutation Using Ion-Exchange Textile : I. Modeling," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 153, no. 4, s. D51-D61, 2006.
R. Wedin och A. A. Dahlkild, "On the transport of small bubbles under developing channel flow in a buoyant gas-evolving electrochemical cell," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 40, no. 23, s. 5228-5233, 2001.


L. Schickhofer, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "On direct aeroacoustics calculations of the vocal tract," i Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation XI, ERCOFTAC Series, 2019.
S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Aerothermodynamics and exergy analysis of a turbocharger radial turbine integrated with exhaust manifold," i Institution of Mechanical Engineers - 13th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging 2018, 2018.
S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Influence of upstream geometry on pulsatile turbocharger turbine performance," i Microturbines, Turbochargers, and Small Turbomachines; Steam Turbines, 2018.
S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Exergy analysis on turbocharger radial turbine with heat transfer," i 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2017, 2017.
L. Schickhofer, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Influence of changes of the glottal waveform on vowel production," i Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Acoustical Society of America, Paper ICA2016-586, 2017, 2017.
L. Schickhofer, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Aeroacoustics of an elastic element in unsteady flow of low Reynolds numbers," i AIAA Technical Paper 2016-2700, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016, 2016.
S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Wall Treatment Effects on the Heat Transfer in a Radial Turbine Turbocharger," i Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2016, s. 439-447.
M. Hyensjö, A. Dahlkild och T. Wikström, "Modelling the Fibre Anisotropy Profile in Shear Layers Leaving a Planar Contraction," i Paper Conference and Trade Show 2010, PaperCon 2010 : Volume 3, 2010, s. 2320-2353.
M. Parsheh, A. A. Dahlkild och C. K. Aidun, "Advances in design of elastic guiding vanes used in traditional and stratified headboxes," i Paper Conference and Trade Show, PaperCon '08; Dallas, TX; United States; 4 May 2008 through 7 May 2008, 2008, s. 329-352.
M. Hyensjö et al., "Modelling a Turbulent Dilute Fibre Suspension in a Planar  Contraction : Effect of Vane Types, Vane Position and Wall  Boundary Layer on Fibre Orientation Distribution," i Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF’04  Yokohama, Japan, 2004.

Icke refereegranskade


M. Hyensjö, J. P. Hämäläinen och A. Dahlkild, "Turbulent Dilute Fibre Suspension Flow Modelling In a Sudden Circular Pipe Enlargement," i 89th PAPTAC Annual Meeting, Montreal, 2003.


S. M. Lim, A. Dahlkild och M. Mihaescu, "Influence of upstream geometry on pulsatile turbocharger turbine performance," Shyang Maw Lim, 2018.
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