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Vaishali Adya

Profile picture of Vaishali Adya

Universitetslektor, bitr


Works for


Hannes Alfvéns väg 12


Researcher ID

About me

I obtained my PhD from the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), Max Planck for Gravitational Physics, Hannover in May, 2018 during which I worked on designing and testing control schemes for future third generation gravitational wave detectors like the Einstein Telescope (a planned European project). I have been a member of the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) Scientific collaboration since 2013 and worked at LIGO Hanford for a period of 4 months on general commissioning of the detector and also modelling the alignment sensing scheme to control the angular positions of the suspended optics of the detector. During my postdoctoral fellowship at the Australian National University, the focus of my work was development of squeezed light technology (intracavity and external) for present and future gravitational wave detectors and also optical modelling for NEMO, the Australian concept of a kHz band gravitational wave detector.

At KTH, I work predominantly on squeezed light generation in waveguide systems and also on the development and characterisation of integrated squeezed light sourcs for gravitational wave detection, biosensing and quantum communication. My work is funded by the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a starting grant from The Swedish Research Council and the large Göran Gustafssonprise for young researchers. I currently serve as the deputy coordinator of the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Sweden. I am also on the EDU-WACQT and the EDI-WACQT committees which aim to shape and coordinate graduate education in quantum technologies in Sweden and promote a equal, diverse and inclusive environment in quantum technology research respectively.

Research interests

  • Non linear optics and Development of squeezed light sources predominantly in 1- 1.55 micron range
  • Optical simulations for current and future ground based gravitational wave detectors
  • Integrated photonics and laser interferometry
  • Squeezed light as a resource for Quantum Key Distribution
  • Cascaded squeezed light sources for biosensing
Profile picture of Vaishali Adya


Publication list