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Stefanos Antaris

Profile picture of Stefanos Antaris

About me

I am a second year Industrial PhD student at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My supervisors are Šarūnas Girdzijauskas and Seif Haridi.

In parallel to my PhD studies, I currently work at Hive Streaming AB as a research engineer. Prior to my PhD studies, I was Marie Curie Fellow at the iSocial Initial Training Network (ITN). I currently hold a Master’s degree in information systems from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the same department.

My research focuses on highly-scalable and efficient algorithms for computationally challenging problems related to: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Temporal Interaction Networks.

Feel free to contact me, if you are looking for projects or collaboration on any of the above topics.