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Media coverage

This websites shows selected media reports on the work of Jan Bieser (in English and German).

Smartphones ausleihen statt kaufen
Interview with Jan Bieser in Echo der Zeit on SRF1 Radio about the CO2 footprint of the ICT sector.
Interview (07/2021)

Die Umweltbelastung mittels IT reduzieren
Interview with Jan Bieser in Bulletin.ch on environmental impacts of ICT.
Interview (06/2021)

Wir dürfen die Chance nicht verpassen
Interview with Jan Bieser on the opportunities and risks of working from home for climate protection.
Interview (06/2021)

So soll 5G CO2-Emissionen reduzieren
Article in Netzwoche on the presentation of Jan Bieser about the impacts of 5G mobile networks on climate protection at the asut Lunch Forum.
Article (06/2021)

Was bedeutet Automatisierung für die Verkehrs-Energiebilanz?
Article in Springer Professional on energy impacts of automated driving based on research by Jan Bieser.
Article (04/2021)

Digitales Treibhaus: Ist das Internet nun ein Klimakiller oder nicht?
Article on the energy consumption and greenhouse gas footprint of digital technologies in NZZ am Sonntag based on an interview with Jan Bieser and Vlad Coroama.
Article (11/2020)

Is Working From Home a Missed Environmental Opportunity?
Article and video on the environmental impacts of working from home based on an interview with Jan Bieser on "Well, That's Interesting Tech!" a news platform on emerging technologies that aim to deliver a positive impact on humanity and our planet.
Article incl. video (03/2021)

5G-Netz besitzt hohes Klimaschutzpotenzial
Article in Forschung und Wissen on the study "Next generation mobile networks: Problem or opportunity for climate protection?".
Article (11/2020)  Study

Wie klimafreundlich ist 5G? Forscher ermitteln Treibhausgas-Bilanz für 5G-Infrastruktur und Anwendungen
Article in the science magazine Scinexx on the study "Next generation mobile networks: Problem or opportunity for climate protection?".
Article (11/2020)  Study

5G: Die Technologie hilft dem Klimaschutz
Article in NZZ am Sonntag on the study "Next generation mobile networks: Problem or opportunity for climate protection?".
Article (08/2020)  Study

Digitalisierung sollte dem Umweltschutz nützen
Article in Springer Professional on the study "Direkte und indirekte Umwelteffekte der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie" by Jan Bieser und Vlad Coroama.
Article (06/2020)  Study

Digitalisierung birgt große Potenziale für Klimaschutz
Article on Industrie.de on the study "Klimaschutz durch digitale Technologien: Chancen und Risiken".
Article (05/2020) Study

Bitkom-Studie: Können digitale Technologien das Klima retten?
Article in Informatik Aktuell on the study "Klimaschutz durch digitale Technologien: Chancen und Risiken".
Article (05/2020) Study

Digital: la planète s'inquiète
Article in Bilan on environmental effects of digitalization and based on an interview with Jan Bieser.
Article (05/2020)

Wie nachhaltig ist die Universität Zürich? Der CO2-Abdruck ist besonders beim Fliegen gross.
Radieo report on SRF1 on the sustainability report of University of Zurich developed by Jan Bieser, Linde Warland and Lorenz Hilty.
Radio report (04/2019)

Towards a Sustainable and Transparent Future
Article in UZH News on the first Sustainablity Report of University of Zurich developed by Jan Bieser, Linde Warland and Lorenz Hilty.
Article (04/2019)

Wie Schweizer Rechenzentren effizienter werden sollen
Article in the magazine Netzwoche on the conference "Mehr Effizienz in Rechenzentren und Serverräumen" in Bern including the presentation of Jan Bieser.
Article (09/2018)

Für mehr Effizienz in Rechenzentren
Article in the magazine Aboutfleet on the conference "Mehr Effizienz in Rechenzentren und Serverräumen" in Bern including the presentation of Jan Bieser.
Article (09/2018)

La sécurité informatique, souci numéro un des entreprises face à la numérisation
Article in the magazine AGEFI on the conference "Mehr Effizienz in Rechenzentren und Serverräumen" in Bern including the presentation of Jan Bieser.
Article (09/2018)

Digitization provides opportunities for climate protection
Article in the Zurich Climate Magazine on the study "Opportunities and Risks of Digitalization for Climate Protection in Switzerland?".
Article EN (06/2018) (PDF, 1 MB)  DE (PDF, 1 MB) FR (PDF, 1 MB) IT (PDF, 1 MB) Study