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Publikationer av Eva Blomberg



Chang, T., Leygraf, C., Herting, G., Fan, Y., Babu, P., Malkoch, M. ... Odnevall, I. (2024). Effect of blue light illumination on atmospheric corrosion and bacterial adhesion on copper. Corrosion Science, 230.
Chang, T., Khort, A., Saeed, A., Blomberg, E., Nielsen, M. B., Hansen, S. F. & Odnevall, I. (2023). Effects of interactions between natural organic matter and aquatic organism degradation products on the transformation and dissolution of cobalt and nickel-based nanoparticles in synthetic freshwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 445, 130586-130586.
Kessler, A., Huang, P., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall, I. (2023). Unravelling the Mechanistic Understanding of Metal Nanoparticle-Induced Reactive Oxygen Species Formation : Insights from a Cu Nanoparticle Study. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 36(12), 1891-1900.
Khort, A., Brookman-Amissah, M., Hedberg, J., Chang, T., Mei, N., Lundberg, A. ... Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2022). Influence of natural organic matter on the transformation of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles and their ecotoxic potency in vitro. NANOIMPACT, 25.
Blomberg, E., Herting, G., Kuttuva Rajarao, G., Mehtiö, T., Uusinoka, M., Ahonen, M. ... Odnevall, I. (2022). Weathering and Antimicrobial Properties of Laminate and Powder Coatings Containing Silver Phosphate Glass Used as High-Touch Surfaces. Sustainability, 14(12), 7102.
Chang, T., Sepati, M., Herting, G., Leygraf, C., Rajarao, G. K., Butina, K. ... Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2021). A novel methodology to study antimicrobial properties of high-touch surfaces used for indoor hygiene applications-A study on Cu metal. PLOS ONE, 16(2).
Kessler, A., Hedberg, J., McCarrick, S., Karlsson, H. L., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2021). Adsorption of Horseradish Peroxidase on Metallic Nanoparticles : Effects on Reactive Oxygen Species Detection Using 2′,7′-Dichlorofluorescin Diacetate. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 34(6), 1481-1495.
Khort, A., Hedberg, J., Mei, N., Romanovski, V., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2021). Corrosion and transformation of solution combustion synthesized Co, Ni and CoNi nanoparticles in synthetic freshwater with and without natural organic matter. Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Chang, T., Butina, K., Herting, G., Rajarao, G. K., Richter-Dahlfors, A., Blomberg, E. ... Leygraf, C. (2021). The interplay between atmospheric corrosion and antimicrobial efficiency of Cu and Cu5Zn5Al1Sn during simulated high-touch conditions. Corrosion Science, 185.
Mei, N., Hedberg, J., Ekvall, M. T., Kelpsiene, E., Hansson, L.-A., Cedervall, T. ... Odnevall, I. (2021). Transfer of Cobalt Nanoparticles in a Simplified Food Web : From Algae to Zooplankton to Fish. Applied Nano, 2(3), 184-205.
Miras, J., Liu, C., Blomberg, E., Thormann, E., Vilchez, S. & Esquena, J. (2021). pH-responsive chitosan nanofilms crosslinked with genipin. Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 616.
McCarrick, S., Cappellini, F., Kessler, A., Moelijker, N., Derr, R., Hedberg, J. ... Karlsson, H. L. (2020). Toxtracker reporter cell lines as a tool for mechanism-based (Geno)toxicity screening of nanoparticles—metals, oxides and quantum dots. Nanomaterials, 10(1).
Hedberg, J., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2019). In the Search for Nanospecific Effects of Dissolution of Metallic Nanoparticles at Freshwater-Like Conditions : A Critical Review. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(8), 4030-4044.
Mei, N., Hedberg, J., Odnevall Wallinder, I. & Blomberg, E. (2019). Influence of Biocorona Formation on the Transformation and Dissolution of Cobalt Nanoparticles under Physiological Conditions. ACS Omega, 4(26), 21778-21791.
Skoglund, S., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I., Grillo, I., Pedersen, J. S. & Bergström, M. L. (2017). A novel explanation for the enhanced colloidal stability of silver nanoparticles in the presence of an oppositely charged surfactant. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP, 19(41), 28037-28043.
Ferraris, M., Perero, S., Ferraris, S., Miola, M., Verne, E., Skoglund, S. ... Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2017). Antibacterial silver nanocluster/silica composite coatings on stainless steel. Applied Surface Science, 396, 1546-1555.
Skoglund, S., Hedberg, J., Yunda, E., Godymchuk, A., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2017). Difficulties and flaws in performing accurate determinations of zeta potentials of metal nanoparticles in complex solutions-Four case studies. PLOS ONE, 12(7).
Hedberg, Y., Hedberg, J., Isaksson, S., Mei, N., Blomberg, E., Wold, S. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2017). Nanoparticles of WC-Co, WC, Co and Cu of relevance for traffic wear particles – Particle stability and reactivity in synthetic surface water and influence of humic matter. Environmental Pollution, 224, 275-288.
Pradhan, S., Hedberg, J., Blomberg, E., Wold, S. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2016). Effect of sonication on particle dispersion, administered dose and metal release of non-functionalized, non-inert metal nanoparticles. Journal of nanoparticle research, 18(9).
Hedberg, Y. S., Pradhan, S., Cappellini, F., Karlsson, M.-E., Blomberg, E., Karlsson, H. L. ... Hedberg, J. F. (2016). Electrochemical surface oxide characteristics of metal nanoparticles (Mn, Cu and Al) and the relation to toxicity. Electrochimica Acta, 212, 360-371.
Hedberg, J., Karlsson, H. L., Hedberg, Y., Blomberg, E. & Wallinder, I. O. (2016). The importance of extracellular speciation and corrosion of copper nanoparticles on lung cell membrane integrity. Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 141, 291-300.
Wang, X., Herting, G., Odnevall Wallinder, I. & Blomberg, E. (2015). Adsorption of bovine serum albumin on silver surfaces enhances the release of silver at pH neutral conditions. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP, 17(28), 18524-34.
Wang, X., Herting, G., Odnevall Wallinder, I. & Blomberg, E. (2014). Adsorption of Lysozyme on Silver and Its Influence on Silver Release. Langmuir, 30(46), 13877-13889.
Ferraris, S., Perero, S., Miola, M., Vernè, E., Rosiello, A., Ferrazzo, V. ... Ferraris, M. (2014). Chemical, mechanical and antibacterial properties of silver nanocluster/silica composite coated textiles for safety systems and aerospace applications. Applied Surface Science, 317, 131-139.
Hedberg, Y., Karlsson, M.-E., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I. & Hedberg, J. (2014). Correlation between surface physicochemical properties and the release of iron from stainless steel AISI 304 in biological media. Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 122, 216-222.
Skoglund, S., Lowe, T. A., Hedberg, J., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I., Wold, S. & Lundin, M. (2013). Effect of Laundry Surfactants on Surface Charge and Colloidal Stability of Silver Nanoparticles. Langmuir, 29(28), 8882-8891.
Partanen, R., Forssell, P., Mackie, A. & Blomberg, E. (2013). Interfacial cross-linking of beta-casein changes the structure of the adsorbed layer. Food Hydrocolloids, 32(2), 271-277.
Hedberg, Y., Wang, X., Hedberg, J., Lundin, M., Blomberg, E. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2013). Surface-protein interactions on different stainless steel grades : effects of protein adsorption, surface changes and metal release. Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine, 24(4), 1015-1033.
Lundin, M., Hedberg, Y., Jiang, T., Herting, G., Wang, X., Thormann, E. ... Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2012). Adsorption and protein-induced metal release from chromium metal and stainless steel. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 366(1), 155-164.
Hedberg, Y., Lundin, M., Jacksén, J., Emmer, Å., Blomberg, E. & Wallinder, I. O. (2012). Chromium-protein complexation studies by adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry and MALDI-TOF-MS. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 42(5), 349-358.
Hedberg, Y., Killian, M. S., Blomberg, E., Virtanen, S., Schmuki, P. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2012). Interaction of bovine serum albumin and lysozyme with stainless steel studied by time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Langmuir, 28(47), 16306-16317.
Hedberg, J., Lundin, M., Lowe, T., Blomberg, E., Wold, S. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2012). Interactions between surfactants and silver nanoparticles of varying charge. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 369(1), 193-201.
Feldötö, Z., Lundin, M., Braesch-Andersen, S. & Blomberg, E. (2011). Adsorption of IgG on/in a PAH/PSS Multilayer Film : Layer Structure and Cell Response. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 354(1), 31-37.
Lundin, M., Solaqa, F., Thormann, E., Macakova, L. & Blomberg, E. (2011). Layer-by-layer assemblies of chitosan and heparin: effect of solution ionic strength and pH. Langmuir, 27(12), 7537-7548.
Lundin, M., Elofsson, U., Blomberg, E. & Rutland, M. (2010). Adsorption of lysozyme, beta-casein and their layer-by-layer formation on hydrophilic surfaces : Effect of ionic strength. Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 77(1), 1-11.
Feldötö, Z., Varga, I. & Blomberg, E. (2010). Influence of Salt and Rinsing Protocol on the Structure of PAH/PSS Polyelectrolyte Multilayers. Langmuir, 26(22), 17048-17057.
Lundin, M., Blomberg, E. & Tilton, R. D. (2010). Polymer Dynamics in Layer-by-Layer Assemblies of Chitosan and Heparin. Langmuir, 26(5), 3242-3251.
Lundin, M., Sandberg, T., Caldwell, K. D. & Blomberg, E. (2009). Comparison of the Adsorption Kinetics and Surface Arrangement of "As Received" and Purified Bovine Submaxillary Gland Mucin(BSM) on Hydrophilic Surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 336, 30-39.
Adhikari, A., Claesson, P. M., Pani, J., Leygraf, C., Deidinaitei, A. & Blomberg, E. (2008). Electrochemical behavior and anticorrosion properties of modified polyaniline dispersed in polyvinylacetate coating on carbon steel. Electrochimica Acta, 53(12), 4239-4247.
Blomberg, E., Verrall, R. & Claesson, P. M. (2008). Interactions between adsorbed layers of cationic gemini surfactants. Langmuir, 24(4), 1133-1140.
Macakova, L., Nordstierna, L., Karlsson, G., Blomberg, E. & Furo, I. (2007). Lack of association between a cationic protein and a cationic fluorosurfactant. Langmuir, 23(2), 771-775.
Kaufman, E. D., Belyea, J., Johnson, M. C., Nicholson, Z. M., Ricks, J. L., Shah, P. K. ... Franzen, S. (2007). Probing Protein Adsorption onto Mercaptoundecanoic Acid Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles and Surfaces by Quartz Crystal Microbalance and ζ-Potential Measurements. Langmuir, 23(11), 6053-6062.
Macakova, L., Blomberg, E. & Claesson, P. M. (2007). The effect of adsorbed layer surface roughness on the QCM-D response : focus on trapped water. Langmuir, 23(24), 12436-12444.
Blomberg, E., Claesson, P. M., Konradsson, P. & Liedberg, B. (2006). Globotriose- and oligo(ethylene glycol)-terminated self-assembled monolayers : Surface forces, wetting, and surfactant adsorption. Langmuir, 22(24), 10038-10046.
Östmark, E., Macakova, L., Auletta, T., Malkoch, M., Malmström, E. & Blomberg, E. (2005). Dendritic Structures Based on Bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic Acid as Platforms for Surface Reactions. Langmuir, 21(10), 4512-4519.
Claesson, P. M., Poptoshev, E., Blomberg, E. & Dedinaite, A. (2005). Polyelectrolyte-mediated surface interactions. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 114, 173-187.
Blomberg, E., Kumpulainen, A., David, C. & Amiel, C. (2004). Polymer bilayer formation due to specific interactions between beta-cyclodextrin and adamantane : A surface force study. Langmuir, 20(24), 10449-10454.
Neimert-Andersson, K., Blomberg, E. & Somfai, P. (2004). Stereoselective Synthesis of Polyhydroxyl Surfactants. Stereochemical Influence on Langmuir Monolayers. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 69(11), 3746-3752.
Blomberg, E., Poptoshev, E., Claesson, P. M. & Caruso, F. (2004). Surface interactions during polyelectrolyte multilayer buildup. 1. Interactions and layer structure in dilute electrolyte solutions. Langmuir, 20(13), 5432-5438.
Ekholm, P., Blomberg, E., Claesson, P. M., Auflem, I. H., Sjöblom, J. & Kornfeldt, A. (2002). A quartz crystal microbalance study of the adsorption of asphaltenes and resins onto a hydrophilic surface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 247(2), 342-350.
Rojas, O. J., Macakova, L., Blomberg, E., Emmer, Å. & Claesson, P. M. (2002). Fluorosurfactant self-assembly at solid/liquid interfaces. Langmuir, 18(21), 8085-8095.
Le Berre, F., Malmsten, M. & Blomberg, E. (2001). Interfacial properties of a model polyampholyte studied by surface force measurements, ESCA, and ellipsometry. Langmuir, 17(3), 699-704.
Bergström, L. & Blomberg, E. (2000). Probing polymeric stabilization in nonaqueous media by direct measurements. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, 83(1), 217-219.

Kapitel i böcker

Blomberg, E. & Lundin, M. (2011). Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Biomacromolecules. I P. Somasundaran (Red.), Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, SecondEdition ( (1 uppl.) s. 1-14). London: Taylor & Francis.

Icke refereegranskade


Kessler, A., Hedberg, J., Blomberg, E., McCarrick, S., Karlsson, H. L. & Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2021). Adsorption of horseradish peroxidase on metallic nanoparticles - effects on reactive oxygen species detection using 2 '-7 ' dichlorofluorescin diacetate. Toxicology Letters, 350, S215-S216.

Kapitel i böcker

Claesson, P., Poptochev, E. & Blomberg, E. (2004). Surface Forces and Emulsion Stability. I Sjöblom, J., Friberg, S. and Larsson, K. (Red.), Food Emulsions ( (4 uppl.) s. 257-297). New York: Marcel Dekker.


Skoglund, S., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I., Grillo, I., Skov Pedersen, J., Bergström, M. (). A novel explanation for the enhanced colloidal stability of silver nanoparticles in the presence of an oppositely charged surfactant. (Manuskript).
Mei, N., Hedberg, J., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I. (). Food web transfer of cobalt nanoparticles in algae, zooplankton, and fish. (Manuskript).
Neimert-Andersson, K., Blomberg, E., Vollhardt, D., Somfai, P. (). Influence of Surfactant Stereochemistry on Intermolecular Forces in Langmuir Monolayers. (Manuskript).
Kessler, A., Sommer, P., Blomberg, E., Odnevall, I. (). Interaction between cobalt nanoparticles and the lung surfactant DPPC in aqueous solution. (Manuskript).
Skoglund, S., Hedberg, J., Yunda, E., Yu Godymchuk, A., Blomberg, E., Odnevall Wallinder, I. (). Suggestions for improvements of measuring, interpreting and presenting zeta potential data on systems of relevance to nanotoxicology. (Manuskript).
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