Publications by Charlotta Linse
Peer reviewed
Conference papers
C. Linse and J. Lilliesköld, "A space for action : Ambiguity as abasis for creativity and innovation," in 30th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italy, June 7-9, 2023, 2023.
C. Linse and J. Lilliesköld, "The agile organization : a good or bad dream?," in 30th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italy, June 7-9, 2023, 2023.
C. Linse, "Managing wicked design commissions," in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design : Design for Harmonies, 2013.
C. Linse, "Striking a Balance : Freedom, autonomy & constraints in development work," in Proceedings of the 20th International Product Development Management Conference : Re-enchanting technology, 2013.
C. Linse, A. Jerbrant and M. Engwall, "Creativity on demand," in NordDesign 2012 - Proceedings of the 9th NordDesign Conference, 2012.
C. Linse and A. Jerbrant, "Understanding the myths about creativity : Internal work & external image," in 19th International Product Development Management Conference : Transformative research in product and service innovation, 2012.
C. Linse and A. Jerbrant, "Knowledge Management through a Collaborative Web-tool," in IAMOT 2011 - International Association for Management of Technology : Technology and the Global Challanges: Security, Energy, Water, and the Environment, 2011.
Non-peer reviewed
Conference papers
C. Linse and J. Lilliesköld, "Agile Transformation to an Agile Organization : A new form of organizing R&D," in R&D Management 2024 : Transforming Industries through Technology, 2024.
C. Linse and J. Lilliesköld, "The Interpretative Dance : Negotiating ambiguity in design and new product development work," in Proceedings IPDMC2024 : Leveraging a plurality of perspectives for impactful innovation, 2024.
C. Linse and A. Hallin, "Standardization and Innovation : The Janus-face of Service Innovation," in NFF 2011 - Nordic Academy of Management : A practice about practice, 2011.
Chapters in books
M. Engwall and C. Linse, "Kreativ på beställning : att styra designkonsulters skapandeprocesser," in Kreativt kapital : Om ledning och organisation i kulturella och kreativa näringar, Emma Stenström & Lars Strannegård Ed., Stockholm : 8tto, 2013.
C. Linse, "Ambiguity at the heart of design work : Sensing and negotiating ambiguity in knowledge-creation work," Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-IEO, 2017:08, 2017.
C. Linse, "Att medarbeta kring innovationer : Medarbetarens roll i innovationsprocessen," Stockholm : Indek, KTH, Trita-IEO, 2011:07, 2011.
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