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Energy Harvesting for Idustrial Smart Metal Cutting Tools

A energy harvester was developed for Smart Metal Cutting Tools. It has the capability to harvest energy from the CNC. The harvested energy is used to power wireless sensors on the cutting tool. A system level modelling was done on Simulink and parameters were derived for optimal performance. A working prototype will be built on the system level model developed previously. The project is being funded by Sandvik Coromant and designed according to their industrial requirements.

Sigma Delta ADC Design

The project involves complete design of a Continous Time Sigma Delta ADC. A system level design was done on MATLAB/Simulink for acquiring system parameters The parameters are further used for circuit level modelling using Cadence Virtuoso. The system verification is done using Virtuoso and MATLAB was used for the characterization.

Object Tracker and Follower

An object tracker and follower was developed using a turtlebot and ARDrone. The turtlebot had the capacity to navigate unknown territory and scan for a moving target turtlebot. The object detection was done by the ARDrone and was forwarded to the turtlebot. The bot then followed the mobile target while the ARDrone kept track of the follower bot and sent the navigation data to a user terminal. The complete setup was devloped using OpenCV, for image processing, and python, for the software part. The code was deployed using Git and could be modified on the fly, causing a negligible reset delay. 

Hardware Design Using Eagle CAD

A complete hardware design was done for a sensor interface circuit using TI MSP 430. A PCB was designed using Eagle CAD. A EMC/EMI analysis was done and corresponding modifications were made to the PCB. An industrially printed PCB was obtained and the circuit was completed. Software Infrastructure for the system was developed on TI Composer Studio using C++. The completed system was tested for a thermal sensor and subsequently characterised.

EMG Based E- Gym Trainer 

The project was undertaken at KTH, Kista. An EMG acquisition and processing system was devleloped. The characterization of this sensor was done through rigorous experiments we devised ourselves. The results of these experiments were then analysed using MATLAB. The sensor proved to be precise, accurate, low power and most importantly low cost!
The main intent of developing this sensor was to build a device that can act as an E- Gym Trainer and tell the user whether or not the exercise is being performed in the correct posture. During our experiments we proved that the sensor was capable of this function as changes in the EMG signal could be seen with varying weights and muscle movement. The sensor has been developed on a PCB and an expeimental proof of concept was thus established.

Hardware Design Using ASICs

Technology Independent Logic synthesis was done for a FIR filter using the Synopsys Design Compiler. The independent netist was optimized and later mapped on to a target technology. Power estimation was carried for the system and a physical desin was done using Cadence Virtuoso. Later, a high level synthesis was done using G.A.U.T , a tool developed by Universite de Bretagne Sud.

Digital Design on ALTERA Cyclone IV FPGA

An ALU using sequential and combinational logics was developed in VHDL. Resolution functions were usd to define a datapth and finally a FSM was used for microcontroller design. The complete system was deployed on an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA and tested for various inputs. 

Artistic Robotics 

The project involved the development of virtual instruments for an opera performance group. The work was mainly centric around a music control using bend sensors. The first stable prototype of the project was presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Kista Mentorspace. It can be seen here. The prototype was further developed to minimize noise and crossfading. The final deliverable was a working prototye delivered to the group for product development.

Cruise Control 

A basic cruise control system was developed on a MicroC/OS II RTOS environment. A NIOS II processor was implemented on an ALTERA NIOS II FPGA for the deployement of code. The cruise control had the ability to maintain constant velocity and acceleration conditions. Safety features such as high speed disable, high gear disable and emergency braking were incorporated. 

Gesture Control Armband 

The objective of this project was to implement such a device which helps people in different spheres of day to day life; a device which has varied applications. The integration of electronic technology and equipment is the key to bringing changes in cost-effectiveness, user-friendly usability and bringing the size of the resulting equipment to a very small scale. In the integration of medical and electronics the next big thing is the wearable industry, making people’s life easier as well as bringing relief to physically disabled people. 

The basic intent of this project was targeting physically disabled people who unfortunately have lost their hands/wrists but have forearms intact; an armband can be connected to a bionic hand and can be controlled by the muscular signals generated in the muscles of the forearm with the help of gestures.
Many people using bionic arms stop using them because of the heavy weight it brings along with it.So here we can divide the weight by taking the entire control circuitry from the bionic arm and putting it in our armband.
The entire project is developed using op-amps and the only external part required is the user replaceable EMG electrode which costs around 20 INR (~0.3 USD) for a pair of two.

Profilbild av Abu Darda
