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Publications by Eva Hartell

Peer reviewed


Doyle, A., Seery, N., Gumaelius, L., Canty, D. & Hartell, E. (2023). Subject(s) matter : a grounded theory of technology teachers’ conceptions of the purpose of teaching technology. International journal of technology and design education.
Jönsson, A., Balan, A. & Hartell, E. (2021). Analytic or holistic? A study about how to increase the agreement in teachers’ grading. Assessment in education : Principles, Policy & Practice, 28(3), 212-227.
Isaksson Persson, H. & Hartell, E. (2021). Is it Possible to Reveal Tacit Knowledge with ACJ and RGT? : Unpacking Teachers’ Assessment Practices. Techne series : Research in sloyd education and crafts science. A, 28(2), 181-187.
Bartholomew, S., Yoshikawa Ruesch, E., Hartell, E. & Strimel, G. (2020). Identifying design values across countries through adaptive comparative judgment. International journal of technology and design education, 30(2), 321-347.
Gumaelius, L., Hartell, E., Svärdh, J., Skogh, I.-B. & Buckley, J. (2018). Outcome analyses of educational interventions: a case study of the Swedish “Boost of Technology” intervention. International journal of technology and design education, 29(4), 739-758.
Doyle, A., Seery, N., Gumaelius, L., Canty, D. & Hartell, E. (2018). Reconceptualising PCK research in D&T education:proposing a methodological framework to investigateenacted practice. International journal of technology and design education.
Hartell, E. & Strimel, G. (2018). What is it called and how does it work: examining content validity and item design of teacher-made tests. International journal of technology and design education, 1-22.
Hartell, E. (2016). STEM and assessment: A Swedish perspective. Education Technology Solutions, 72(jun/jul), 58-62.
Hartell, E. & Skogh, I.-B. (2015). Criteria for Success : A study of primary teachers' assessment of e-portfolios. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology.
Hartell, E., Gumaelius, L. & Svärdh, J. (2015). Investigating technology teachers’ self-efficacy on assessment. International journal of technology and design education, 25(3), 321-337.
Hartell, E. (2014). Exploring the (un-)usefulness of formative assessment documents in primary technology. International journal of technology and design education, 24(2), 141-161.

Conference papers

Egelandsdal, K., Hartell, E., Færstad, J.-O. (2024). Exploring the Practicality of Adaptive Comparative Judgment as a Summative Assessment Method in Legal Education. In Advances in Educational Assessment Practices:: Considering the use of Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Process Data for Assessment in the 21st Century. Association for Educational Assessment– Europe.
Egelandsdal, K., Hartell, E. (2023). Comparative Judgment for Summative Assessment in Legal Education. In Assessment Reform Journeys. Intentsions, Enactment and Evaluation: Book of Abstracts. (p. 75). Malta.
Egelandsdal, K., Hartell, E. (2023). Comparative Judgment vs. Criteria-based Assessment in Legal Education. In Assessment Reform Journeys. Intentions, Enactment and Evaluation: Book of Abstracts. (p. 74). Malta: Association for Educational Assessment Europe.
Klapwijk, R., Stables, K., Blom, N., Canty, D., Dagan, O., Hartell, E., Khunyakari, R. (2022). A Story Unfolding - Productive Mistakes in Making Design Learning Visible in an International Context. In Designing a better world through technological literacy for all. : Proceedings for PATT39.. (pp. 256-265). St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada.: Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.
Costello, E., Brown, M., Butler, D., Girme, P., Kaya, S., Kirwan, C., McLoughlin, E., O'Leary, M., Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Jonsson, S., Persson, M., Fernández-de-la-Igle, C., Fernández-Morante, C., Cebreiro-López, B., Latorre-Ruiz, E., Viteli, J., Peltomaa, I.-M., Paterson, L. (2022). Assessment of Transversal Skills in STEM : From theory to practice in a large scale research project. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference,. (pp. 1026-1033). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA.
Bjursten, E.-L., Gumaelius, L., Hartell, E. (2022). Assessment practices in Computer Programming. Presented at 11th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 7-10 Dec.2022. In collaboration with the International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) – Asia Pacific, Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), International Technology Engineering Education Association (ITEEA).
Hartell, E., Egelandsdal, K. (2022). Comparative judgment as a formative assessment activity in legal education. In New visions for assessment in uncertain times. (pp. 14-14). Dublin, Ireland: AEA Europe.
Hartell, E., Costello, E., Girme, P., Lennholm, H., Kirwan, C. (2022). Embedding Digital Assessment in STEM Education Lessons Learned from a European Joint Venture Focusing on Sustainable Development. In Designing a better world through technological literacy for all. : Proceedings for PATT39. (pp. 508-514). St John's, Newfoundland & Labrador: Faculty of Education, Memorial University.
Hartell, E., Ampadu, E., Lennholm, H. (2022). Exploring Double-Directed Digital Peer-Assessment in Primary STEM Education Focusing Agenda 2030. In 11th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 7-10 Dec.2022. In collaboration with the International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) – Asia Pacific, Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), International Technology Engineering Education Association (ITEEA), and 2022 Venue Host, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Campus, QLD. Editors: Adj. Prof. Kurt Seemann and Prof. P John Williams. / [ed] Kurt Seeman, P John Williams, 2022..
Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Lindblom, A., Lundin, I., Björn, C. (2022). Feedback på mellanstadiet med digital komparativ bedömning. In Lärarnas forskningskonferens 2022.: Book of Abstracts. (pp. 111-112).
Persson, M., Lennholm, H., Hartell, E. (2022). Hur får vi ökat lärande och motivation i gymnasieskola och lärarutbildning genom samverkansinlärning?. In Lärarnas forskningskonferens 2022: LFK22 Book of Abstracts. (pp. 26-27).
Hartell, E., Kozma, C., Pears, A. (2022). K-ULF : an agile model for participatory practitioner-based research in STEM education. In 11th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 7-10 Dec.2022. In collaboration with the International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) – Asia Pacific, Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), International Technology Engineering Education Association (ITEEA), and 2022 Venue Host, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Campus, QLD. Editors: Adj. Prof. Kurt Seemann and Prof. P John Williams.. (pp. 1-3).
Hartell, E., Kozma, C., Pears, A. (2022). K-ULF A Collaborative, Practitioner Research Model between School and Academia : Lessons learned. In Designing a better world through technological literacy for all. : Proceedings for PATT39.. (pp. 122-133). St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada: Faculty of Education, Memorial University, Canada.
Klapwijk, R., Stables, K., Blom, N., Canty, D., Dagan, O., Hartell, E., Khunyakari, R. (2022). Making design learning visible in different national and curriculum contexts : An international exploratory collaborative project with teachers and researchers. In Ingår i: 11th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 7-10 Dec.2022. In collaboration with the International Conference on Technology Education (ICTE) – Asia Pacific, Technology Education New Zealand (TENZ), International Technology Engineering Education Association (ITEEA), and 2022 Venue Host, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Campus, QLD. Editors: Adj. Prof. Kurt Seemann and Prof. P John Williams. / [ed] Kurt Seeman, P John Williams, 2022,..
Hartell, E., Buckley, J. (2022). Unpacking decision making in comparative judgement : A stimulated thinkaloud methodology to gain insight into young peoples’ decision making. In New Visions for Assessment in Uncertain Times: Association for Educational Assessment Europe.. (pp. 111-111). Dublin, Ireland: AEA Europe.
Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Jonsson, S., Ferntoft, E., Persson, M., Björn, C., Lundin, I. (2021). Informerat samtycke i flerspråkig skolmiljö. In Lärarnas forskningskonferens 2021: Book of abstracts. (p. 45).
Costello, E., Aral, N., Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Kirwan, C., Girme, P., Brown, M. (2021). Is it in the bin? Seeking authentic assessment in STEM : ATSSTEM. In PATT38 Book of Abstracts. (pp. 31-31). Turku, Finland: PATT38 Organizing Committee, University of Turku, Finland.
Hartell, E., Brugge, R., Boberg, A., Kozma, C., Pears, A. (2021). K-ULF : Creating Research Synergy in the Interface Between School and the Academy. In PATT38 Book of Abstracts.. (pp. 27-28). Turku, Finland: PATT Organizing Committee.
Hartell, E., Lennholm, H., Jonsson, S., Ampadu, E., Ferntoft, E., Persson, M., Björn, C., Lundin, I., Costello, E. (2021). Seeking informed consent in a multilingual school environment : ATSSTEM - project. In PATT38 Book of Abstracts. (pp. 29-30). Turku, Finland.
Hartell, E., Doyle, A., Gumaelius, L. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes towards teaching programming in Swedish Technology education. In Developing a knowledge economy trough technology and engineering education: PATT37, Msida, Malta. 3–6 June, 2019.. (pp. 195-202). Msida, Malta: University of Malta.
Hartell, E., Strimel, G., Bartholomew, S., Yoshikawa Ruesch, E. (2019). Unpacking teachers' assessment practices in STEM education across countries. In Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Mednarodni vidikivzgoje in izobraževanja: Zbornik povzetkov 4. znanstvene konference. (pp. 178-180). Ljubljana, Slovenien: Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana.
Hartell, E., Strimel, G., Bartholomew, S., Yoshikawa Ruesch, E. (2019). Unpacking teachers’ assessment practices in STEM education across countries. In Thinkings Tomorrow's Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future. 18th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction.: Symposium. Asessment and evaluation: Learning by making comparative judgements.. (p. 199). EARLI, RWTH Aachen University.
Hartell, E., Strimel, G., Bartholomew, S., Yoshikawa, E. (2018). Adaptive Comparative Judgement In Open-ended Design Scenarios. In The 44th International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) Annual Conference: Assessment & Big Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hartell, E. (2018). Assuring a future for design and technology by embedding classroom formative assessment : International keynote. In Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc): 5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.: Fostering applied design led innovation capabilities. (pp. 46-56). Melbourne: Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference jointly with Swinburne University of Technology.
Bartholomew, S., Yoshikawa, E., Hartell, E., Strimel, G. (2018). Design values, preferences, similarities and differences across three global regions. In 2018 PATT36 International Conference: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. (pp. 432-440). Athlone, Ireland: Technology Education Research Group. TERG.
Couturier, C., Geschwind, L., Hartell, E. (2018). Interdisciplinary teaching in Swedish primary schools : teachers’ perspectives of subject-matter integration in technology and history. In 2018 PATT36 International conferenceResearch and Practice in Technology Education:: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. (pp. 288-294).
Hartell, E., Isaksson Persson, H., Bartholomew, S., Strimel, G. (2018). Investigating the Potential for RGT and ACJ towards deeper insights of Teacher Assessment Practices. In 2018 PATT36 International Conference: Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development. (pp. 371-377). Athlone, Ireland: Technology Education Research Group.
Bartholomew, S., Hartell, E., Strimel, G. (2017). ACJ : A Tool for International Assessment Collaboration. In PATT34: Technology & Engineering Education – Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around The Globe Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology. Philadelphia, USA.
Buckley, J., Doyle, A., Hartell, E., Seery, N. (2017). Adaptive comparative judgement: A mechanism to enrich and enhance assessment practices to support teaching and learning. Presented at Lärarnas forskningskonferens 2017.
Hartell, E., Strimel, G., Bartholomew, S. (2017). Comparing teacher assessment practices of an engineering design challenge across countries. In Assessment cultures in a globalised world. Prague, Czech Republic: Association for Educational Assessment- Europe.
Canty, D., Seery, N., Hartell, E., Doyle, A. (2017). Integrating Peer Assessment in Technology Education through Adaptive Comparative Judgment. In PATT34: Technology & Engineering Education – Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around The Globe. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Hartell, E. (2016). Bridging teaching and learning in technology education. In Creating contexts for learning in technology education. (pp. 95-102). Adelaide, Australia.
Hartell, E., Norström, P. (2015). What is it called and how does it work? : Investigating classroom assessment through teachers' tests in elementrary technology education. In Assessment and Social Justice: The 16th Annual AEA- Europe Conference. (pp. 87-88). Glasgow.
Hartell, E., Skogh, I.-B. (2014). Criteria for Success Emphasized by Primary Technology Teachers. In Technology Education: Learning for life. Volume One. (pp. 113-122). Sydney Australia: Griffith University.
Gumaelius, L., Hartell, E., Svärdh, J. (2013). Teachers’ views regarding assessment in technology education. In Technology Education for the Future: A Play on Sustainability. (pp. 196-205). Waikato: University of Waikato.
Hartell, E. (2012). GPS-Performance in Technology Education Part II. In Explorations of best practice in Technology, Design & Engineering Education: Volume One. (pp. 141-148). Griffith Institute for Educational Research.
Hartell, E., Svärdh, J. (2012). Unboxing technology education part I – Starting point. In Conference proceedings - PATT 26 Conference - Linköping University. (pp. 211-222). Linköping University Electronic Press.
Hartell, E. (2010). GPS-Performance in Technology Education. In Knowledge in Technology Education: Volume One. (pp. 171-177). Griffith Institute for Educational Research 2012.
Ahlbom, H., Bjelksäter, Y., Hartell, E. (2009). Cooperative Methods for Investigating the Influence of Swedish Compulsory Technology Education. In Strengthening the Position of Technology Education in the Curriculum. Pupils Attitudes Towards Technology: Proceedings PATT-22 Conference. (pp. 6-13). Delft.

Chapters in books

Hartell, E. (2025). Opportunities won : Unexpected encounters: Narratives from practitioner-based research. In John R. Dakers (Ed.), A Collection of Dreams about the Future of Technology Education.: A Festschrift in the Honour for Marc J. de Vries.. Brill Academic Publishers.
Hartell, E. (2023). Assessing : Getting feedback back on track in technology education. In Gill, D., Irving-Bell, D., McLain, M., Wooff, D. (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education ( (1 ed.) pp. 170-187). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Hartell, E. & Costello, E. (2023). Technology and Engineering Education Standards in an Innovative European Collaborative STEM Project : Lessons from Ireland and Sweden. In Scott R. Bartholomew, Marie Hoepfl, P. John Williams (Ed.), Standards-Based Technology and Engineering Education: 63rd Yearbook of the Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (pp. 235-252). Singapore: Springer.
Hartell, E. & Buckley, J. (2022). Status and Trends of STEM Education in Sweden. In Lee, Yi-Fang & Lee, Lung-Sheng (Ed.), Status and Trends of STEM Education in Highly Competitive Countries: Country Reports and International Comparisons ( (1 ed.) pp. 305-359). Taipei, Taiwan: Technological and Vocational Education Research Center (TVERC) National Taiwan and K–12 Education Administration (K12EA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
Hartell, E. & Buckley, J. (2021). Comparative Judgment : An overview. In Ann Marcus-Quinn & Tríona Hourigan (Ed.), Handbook for Online Larning Contexts: Digital, Mobile and Open: Policy and Practice ( (1 ed.) pp. 289-307). Springer International Publishing.
Hartell, E. (2019). Teachers' assessment practices. In P John Williams & David Barlex (Ed.), Explorations in Technology Education Research. Contemporary Issues in Technology Education ( (1 ed.) pp. 109-121). Singapore: Springer.
Hartell, E. (2017). Teachers’ self-efficacy in assessment in technology education. In Marc J de Vries (Ed.), Handbook of Technology Education ( (1 ed.) pp. 785-800). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Hartell, E. (2013). Looking for a glimpse in the eye : A descriptive study of teachers’ work with assessment in technology education. In Inga-Britt Skogh & Marc J De Vries (Ed.), Technology teachers as researchers:: Philosophical and Empirical Technology Education Studies in the Swedish TUFF Research School ( (1 ed.) pp. 255-283). Sense Publishers.

Non-peer reviewed


Hartell, E. (2019). Comparative judgment : How it can be used to enhance teachers' formative assessment skills and students' learning. Education Canada Magazine / EdCan Network, 59(1), 18-21.
Hartell, E. (2019). Safety in DTE and crafts education in Sweden. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 78(4), 12-15.
Hartell, E., Buckley, J., Gumaelius, L., Doyle, A. & Seery, N. (2018). Arbeta med komparativ bedömning. Skola och samhälle.
Hartell, E. (2018). Två förslag för att stimulera diskussioner och lärande i teknik. Tekniken i skolan, 24(2), 4-4.
Hartell, E. (2017). Vad använder egentligen ungarna telefonen till? Ringa?. Tekniken i skolan(3), 4-5.

Conference papers

Hartell, E., Lennholm, H. (2021). Bedömningsmetoder inom STEM. In VA-dagen 2021: Vetenskapligt kapital. Virtuell utställning..
Hartell, E., Canty, D., Seery, N., Doyle, A., Buckley, J. (2017). Bedömningsexempel och sambedömning med hög reliabilitet (Worked Examples and Collaborative Assessment with High Reliability). Presented at Skolforum 2017.
Hartell, E., Holmberg, S., Åkesson, J. (2015). Att leda ledare framåt och inte till leda. Presented at Att leda för BFL; forskning och praktik möter varandra,27 oktober,2015.
Hartell, E., Ahlkvist, J. (2014). En kortfattad beskrivning om hur en skola i Haninge kommun har arbetat med att implementera formativ bedömning hållbart i verksamheten. Presented at Bedömning för lärande, BFL, för praktik och forskning,27 oktober 2014, Stockholm. (pp. 1-3).

Chapters in books

Hartell, E. (2023). Assessing: How to Get Feedback Back on Track in Technology Education. In The Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education (pp. 170-187). Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Hartell, E. (2022). Comparative judgement. In Tom Sherrington & Oliver Caviglioli (Ed.), Teaching Walktrus 3: Five-step guides to instructional coaching ( (1 ed.) pp. 78-79). Woodbridge, UK: John Catt Education Limited.
Hartell, E. (2019). Dual coding in STEM subjects. In Oliver Caviglioli (Ed.), Dual coding with teachers (pp. 184-185). Woodbridge, UK: John Catt Educational Limited.
Hartell, E. (2019). Förord till den andra svenska upplagan av Att följa lärande. Formativ bedömning i praktiken. In Dylan Wiliam (Ed.), Att följa lärande: Formativ bedömning ( (2:1) pp. 13-15). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Doyle, A., Hartell, E. & Björk, H. (2019). Programmering i mellanstadiets teknikämne. In Helena Björk, Andrew Doyle, Eva Hartell, Riikka Hohti, Mathias Mose Olesen, Kathrin Otrell-Cass, Bjarne Paulsen, Olli Rekonen & Katariina Stenberg. (Ed.), Beyond technology: Barns röst och digitala skolverkligheter (pp. 14-17). Ålborg, Danmark: Aalborg University.
Björk, H. & Hartell, E. (2019). Smart med telefonen på museibesök. In Helena Björk, Andrew Doyle, Eva Hartell, Riikka Hohti, Mattias Mose Olesen, Kathrin Otrell- Cass, Bjarne Paulsen, Olli Rekonen & Katarina Stenberg (Ed.), Beyond technology: Barnens röst och digitala skolverkligheter ( (1 ed.) pp. 6-9). Ålborg: Aalborg University.
Hartell, E. (2017). Ändra utbildningen medan den pågår. In Jelmer Evers, René Kneyber, Per Kornhall (Ed.), Flip the system: Förändra skolan från grunden ( (1 ed.) pp. 195-203). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Hartell, E. (2015). Changing education in action in Sweden : The cared-for teacher. In Flip the System: Changing Education from the Ground Up (pp. 241-246). Taylor & Francis.
Hartell, E. (2015). The cared for teacher. In Jelmer Evers & René Kneyber (Ed.), Flip the system: Changing education from the ground up ( (1 ed.) pp. 241-246). London New York: Routledge.
Hartell, E. (2011). Hur sätter man betyg i teknik?. In Hansson, Nordlander, Skogh (Ed.), Teknikutbildning för framtiden: perspektiv på teknikundervisning i grundskola och gymnasium ( (1 ed.) pp. 75-87). Stockholm: Liber.


Hartell, E. (2015). Assidere Necesse Est : Necessities and complexities regarding teachers’ assessment practices in technology education (Doctoral thesis , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, TRITA-ECE 2015:2). Retrieved from
Hartell, E. (2012). The Inefficient Loneliness : A Descriptive Study about the Complexity of Assessment for Learning in Primary Technology Education (Licentiate thesis , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Trita-ECE 2012:01 2012:1). Retrieved from


Hartell, E., Hjelm, S., Kornhall, P. (Eds.). (2018). Nyckeltexter i utbildningsvetenskap : Skolforskares originaltexter i översättning. Stockholm: Natur och kultur.


Hartell, E. (2015). Tankar kring begreppet bedömning. Stockholm: Utbildningsradion. UR Samtiden.
Doyle, A., Seery, N., Gumaelius, L., Canty, D., Hartell, E. (). Subject(s) matter : A grounded theory of technology teachers’ conceptions of the purpose of teaching technology. (Manuscript).
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