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Publications by Emrah Karakaya

Peer reviewed


E. Christley, E. Karakaya and F. Urban, "Analysing transitions in-the-making : A case study of aviation in Sweden," Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 50, pp. 100790-100790, 2024.
Y. Y. Lai et al., "Analysing the opportunities and challenges for mitigating the climate impact of aviation: A narrative review," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 156, pp. 111972-111972, 2022.
A. Öhman, E. Karakaya and F. Urban, "Enabling the transition to a fossil-free steel sector : The conditions for technology transfer for hydrogen-based steelmaking in Europe," Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 84, pp. 102384, 2022.
A. Chizarfard and E. Karakaya, "The Value Chain Dilemma of Navigating Sustainability Transitions : A Case Study of an Upstream Incumbent Company," Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 45, pp. 114-131, 2022.
E. Susur and E. Karakaya, "A reflexive perspective for sustainability assumptions in transition studies," Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 39, pp. 34-54, 2021.
T. Nevzorova and E. Karakaya, "Explaining the drivers of technological innovation systems : The case of biogas technologies in mature markets," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 259, no. 120819, 2020.
E. Karakaya, C. Nuur and L. Assbring, "Potential transitions in the iron and steel industry in Sweden: Towards a hydrogen-based future?," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 195, pp. 651-663, 2018.
E. Karakaya and C. Nuur, "Social sciences and the mining sector : some insights into recent research trends," Resources policy, vol. 58, no. October 2018, pp. 257-267, 2018.
E. Karakaya, C. Nuur and A. Hidalgo, "Business model challenge : Lessons from a local solar company," Renewable energy, vol. 85, pp. 1026-1035, 2016.
E. Karakaya and P. Sriwannawit, "Barriers to the adoption of photovoltaic systems : The state of the art," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 49, pp. 60-66, 2015.
E. Karakaya, A. Hidalgo and C. Nuur, "Motivators for adoption of photovoltaic systems at grid parity : A case study from Southern Germany," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 43, pp. 1090-1098, 2015.
E. Karakaya, A. Hidalgo and C. Nuur, "Diffusion of eco-innovations : A review," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 33, no. May, pp. 392-399, 2014.

Conference papers

E. Susur and E. Karakaya, "A critique on the 'sustainability' assumption of the sustainability transitions literature," in International Sustainability Transitions Conference (Canada),Sunday, June 23 to Wednesday, June 26, 2019 CARLETON UNIVERSITY, OTTAWA, CANADA, 2019.
M. Engwall et al., "Explorative project networks: Means for business model innovation?," in R&D Management Conference, 2018.
E. Karakaya, L. Assbring and C. Nuur, "Exploring sustainability transitions in the iron and steel industry : A case study from Sweden," in The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, 18 - 21 June, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017.
E. Karakaya, C. Nuur and A. Hidalgo, "Business Model Challenge : Learnings from a Local Solar Company in Germany," in Ist European Doctorate in Industrial Management conference, 2014, p. 23.
E. Karakaya et al., "Spatial Dimension of Lead Markets : Evidences from Diffusion of Photovoltaic Systems in Germany," in DRUID Society Conference 2014, CBS; Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-18, 2014, 2014.
E. Karakaya, A. Hidalgo and C. Nuur, "Diffusion of eco-innovations : Exploring the literature," in IAMOT2013 Proceedings, 2013.
E. Karakaya, C. Nuur and A. Hidalgo, "Modelling the Diffusion of Photovoltaic : Concepts and Applications," in IAMOT2013 Proceedings, 2013.

Chapters in books

E. Karakaya and P. Sriwannawit Lundberg, "Diffusion," in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Audrey Kobayashi Ed., 2nd ed. : Elsevier, 2020, pp. 311-315.
E. Karakaya and P. Sriwannawit Lundberg, "Diffusion of Innovations," in A Dynamic Mind : Perspectives on Industrial Dynamics in Honour of Staffan Laestadius, Pär Blomkvist; Petter Johansson Ed., Stockholm : Division of Sustainability and Industrial Dynamics, 2016, pp. 151-176.

Non-peer reviewed


E. Karakaya, "Diffusion of dynamic innovations : A case study of residential solar PV systems," Doctoral thesis Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-IEO, 2015:09, 2015.


E. Karakaya et al., "Lead markets at sub-national level," (Manuscript).
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