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Serena Falocco

Profilbild av Serena Falocco

Om mig

I am a post doc researcher at the KTH. My main research interests are focussed on Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), from the low luminosity AGN at low redshift to the brightest ones at high redshift.

I have started my research with the study of luminous AGN during the PhD at the IFCA (Spain). I have studied the X-ray spectra averaged over large AGN samples based on the deepest observations of XMM-Newton and Chandra. I found relativistic signatures due to the strong gravitational field of the Super Massive Black Holes.
During my first post doc at the University Federico II (Italy) I have focussed on the variability of bright AGN. I have selected AGN with their variability using wide field VST observations. Additionally, I also studied the X-ray variability of bright AGN in the deep XMM-Newton CDFS observations finding that significant fluctuations in flux are ubiquitous in AGN.
During my current post-doctoral position at the KTH I study low luminosity AGN. So far I focussed on NGC6217, finding a likely jet emitted from its nucleus. NGC6217 is a very interesting source because it is one of the most nearby spiral galaxies for which the jet candidate can be studied in detail.
During my current post-doc position I have supervised a MsC thesis and two BsC theses.

Profilbild av Serena Falocco