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Fredrik Olsson

Profilbild av Fredrik Olsson

Om mig

Fredrik is a postdoctoral researcher at the KTH MoveAbility Lab, which is part of KTH Engineering Mechanics, since January 2021.

He received his MSc in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University in 2014 and his PhD in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Automatic Control from Uppsala University in 2020. The title of his PhD thesis is "Inertial motion capture for ambulatory analysis of human balance and movement".

Research Interests

Fredrik's research interests lie in the use of inertial sensors, and other motion capture technologies, for analysis of human movement. The primary goal with his research is to develop methods that provide assistance to people with movement disorders. From his background in systems and control, he also has general research interests in machine learning, sensor fusion and system identification.


Please see his Google Scholar profile.

Profilbild av Fredrik Olsson