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Hans-Peter Nee

Profile picture of Hans-Peter Nee


About me

Hans-Peter Nee was born in May 1963 in Västerås, Sweden. He studied electrical engineering at KTH and received his Master's, Lic. Tech., and Doctor's degrees in 1987, 1992, and 1996 respectively. In 1999 he was awarded a chair in Power Electronics -"Systems and Semiconductor Components".

His interests are:

  • power electronic converters for FACTS, HVDC, windpower, variable-speed drives, and soft-switching converters for various applications
  • control of power electronic converters and systems
  • power semiconductor components, especially new components such as MOSFETs, JFETs, and BJTs in SiC, but also new designs of high-voltage IGBTs and diodes
  • gate- and base drives for emerging power semiconductor components
  • new valve concepts for high-voltage converters
  • reliability of SiC power devices and converters
  • high-temperature power electronics

He is an IEEE fellow a former chairman of the IEEE Sweden Section.


Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, Second Cycle (EA238X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, Second Cycle (EA250X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Electric Power Engineering, Second Cycle (EA270X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in Energy Innovation Second Cycle (EA280X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (EA258X), examiner | Course web

Design of Electrical Machines (EJ2222), teacher | Course web

Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy systems I (EN2911), examiner | Course web

Modulation of Power Electronic Converters (FEJ3311), examiner | Course web

Power Electronics (EJ2301), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web