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Atomistic spin dynamics

Atomistic spin dynamics is a technique for numerical simulation of magnetization dynamics on atomic length scales. In the context of ab initio density functional theory, atomistic spin dynamics is used for materials specific modeling of a wide range of physical phenomena such as spin wave excitation spectra, ultrafast magnetization dynamics, and skyrmionics. A commonly used flavor of atomistic spin dynamics is multiscale modeling where magnetic moments and interactions are extracted from quantum mechanical calculations and mapped onto a spin Hamiltonian. The equations of motion for the spin Hamiltonian are non-linear and coupled, and have closed analytical solutions only for rare cases or when the equations are linearized to leading order. A recent extension of atomistic spin dynamics is spin-lattice dynamics which enables semiclassical simultaneous modeling of spin and lattice degrees of freedom.

Atomistic Spin Dynamics Foundations and Applications
Olle Eriksson, Anders Bergman, Lars Bergqvist, and Johan Hellsvik
(Oxford University Press, 2017)

The UppASD software:

Spin-lattice dynamics:
General method for atomistic spin-lattice dynamics with first-principles accuracy
Johan Hellsvik, Danny Thonig, Klas Modin, Diana Iuşan, Anders Bergman, Olle Eriksson, Lars Bergqvist, and Anna Delin
Phys. Rev. B 99, 104302 (2019)

Microscopic theory for coupled atomistic magnetization and lattice dynamics
J. Fransson, D. Thonig, P. F. Bessarab, S. Bhattacharjee, J. Hellsvik, and L. Nordström
Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 074404  (2017)

Profilbild av Johan Hellsvik
