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Publikationer av Patrik Hilber



S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, X. Weiss och P. Hilber, "Addressing data deficiencies in outage reports : A qualitative and machine learning approach," Electric power systems research, vol. 236, 2024.
W. Naim, P. Hilber och E. Shayesteh, "Impact of geomagnetic disturbances on power transformers: risk assessment of extreme events and data availability," Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, vol. 11, no. 1, s. 11-18, 2022.
A. Molina Gómez et al., "Optimal sizing of the wind farm and wind farm transformer using MILP and dynamic transformer rating," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 136, s. 107645-107645, 2022.
F. Bragone et al., "Physics-informed neural networks for modelling power transformer’s dynamic thermal behaviour," Electric power systems research, vol. 211, s. 108447-108447, 2022.
K. Morozovska et al., "Including Dynamic Line Rating Into the Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 12, no. 6, s. 5052-5059, 2021.
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Integrated reliability centered distribution system planning — Cable routing and switch placement," Energy Reports, vol. 7, s. 3099-3115, 2021.
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Onshore wind farm - Reliability centered cable routing," Electric power systems research, vol. 196, s. 107201, 2021.
K. Morozovska et al., "A framework for application of dynamic line rating to aluminum conductor steel reinforced cables based on mechanical strength and durability," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 116, 2020.
O. D. Ariza Rocha et al., "Dynamic rating assists cost-effective expansion of wind farms by utilizing the hidden capacity of transformers," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 123, 2020.
N. Viafora et al., "Day-ahead dispatch optimization with dynamic thermal rating of transformers and overhead lines," Electric power systems research, vol. 171, s. 194-208, 2019.
J. H. Jürgensen, L. Nordström och P. Hilber, "Estimation of Individual Failure Rates for Power System Components Based on Risk Functions," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 4, s. 1599-1607, 2019.
H. Mashad Nemati et al., "Reliability Evaluation of Power Cables Considering the Restoration Characteristic," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 105, s. 622-631, 2019.
T. Zarei et al., "Reliability considerations and economic benefits of dynamic transformer rating for wind energy integration," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 106, s. 598-606, 2019.
J. H. Jürgensen et al., "Impact Assessment of Remote Control and Preventive Maintenance on the Failure Rate of a Disconnector Population," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 33, no. 4, s. 1501-1509, 2018.
E. Shayesteh, J. Yu och P. Hilber, "Maintenance optimization of power systems with renewable energy sources integrated," Energy, vol. 149, s. 577-586, 2018.
P. Mazidi et al., "Impact of health indicators on maintenance management and operation of power systems," Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol. 231, no. 6, s. 716-731, 2017.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Condition monitoring of disconnectors in the electric power transmission grid with temperature sensors," International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, vol. 23, no. 1, s. 90-110, 2016.
S. Talpur et al., "Dynamic Line Rating for Wind Power," Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 8, 2016.
J. H. Jürgensen, L. Nordström och P. Hilber, "Individual failure rates for transformers within a population based on diagnostic measures," Electric power systems research, vol. 141, s. 354-362, 2016.
J. Colmenares et al., "Reliability Analysis of a High-Efficiency SiC Three-Phase Inverter," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 3, s. 996-1006, 2016.
S. Talpur et al., "Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating in a Sub-Transmission System for Wind Power Integration," Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, vol. 6, no. 8, s. 233-249, 2015.
C. J. Wallnerström, P. Hilber och S. Stenberg, "Asset management framework applied to power distribution for cost-effective resource allocation," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 24, no. 12, s. 1791-1804, 2014.
F. Edström et al., "Influence of Ambient Temperature on Transformer Overloading During Cold Load Pickup," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 28, no. 1, s. 153-161, 2013.
J. Setréus et al., "Component ranking in Great Britain transmission system based on either equipment failures or sabotage," Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol. 226, no. 1 (SI), s. 96-108, 2012.
J. Setréus et al., "Identifying Critical Components for Transmission System Reliability," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 4, s. 2106-2115, 2012.
F. Edström et al., "Modeling Impact of Cold Load Pickup on Transformer Aging Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 27, no. 2, s. 590-595, 2012.
C. J. Wallnerström och P. Hilber, "Vulnerability Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Cost-effective Resource Allocation," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, s. 224-232, 2012.
P. Hilber et al., "Multiobjective Optimization Applied to Maintenance Policy for Electrical Networks," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, s. 1675-1682, 2007.


P. Berg et al., "Towards a Model for Assessing the Effects of Social-Cyber-Physical Threats on the Future Power Grid - Review and Workshop Results," i 2024 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Energy Transformation, AIE 2024, 2024.
W. Naim, P. Hilber och E. Shayesteh, "Data Challenges in Asset Management of Power Distribution Systems : Review and Observations," i 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, PowerTech 2023, 2023.
Z. Li et al., "Maximizing Power Dispatch of Wind-Storage System with Dynamic Thermal Rating Considering Battery Degradation Costs," i Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, 2023.
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, P. Hilber och E. Shayesteh, "Outage Statistics and Trends in Sweden – What does data tell us?," i Energy Proceedings, 2023.
S. E. Koziel och P. Hilber, "Profitable sensor network design in the distribution grid," i 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, PowerTech 2023, 2023.
X. Weiss et al., "Weather Event Preparedness Modelling for Distribution Systems," i Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, 2023.
J. Cheng, N. Taylor och P. Hilber, "Impact of Advanced Bushing Diagnostic Techniques on Operation Reliability and Maintenance Strategy," i Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Applications, ICHVE 2022, 2022.
S. K. Nalini Ramakrishna et al., "Component ranking and importance indices in the distribution system," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021.
K. Morozovska, R. Karlsson och P. Hilber, "Dynamic rating of the wind farm transformer from the power system’s perspective," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021.
A. Karlsson et al., "STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING MONITORING AND REMOTE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN AN URBAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK," i CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, 2021, 2021, s. 1673-1677.
Z. Li et al., "Sizing Transformer Considering Transformer Thermal Limits and Wind Farm Wake Effect," i 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT Asia 2021, 2021.
N. Hou et al., "The Swedish Power System Resilience against Bad Weather Conditions," i International Conference on Applied Energy 2021, Bangkok, Thailand, November 29-December 2., 2021.
S. E. Koziel, P. Hilber och R. Ichise, "A review of data-driven and probabilistic algorithms for detection purposes in local power systems," i 2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2020, s. 1-6.
A. Molina Gomez et al., "Emergency power flow re-routing in a distribution system by using dynamic line rating," i 2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.
V. Chakrapani Manakari et al., "Minimization of Wind Power Curtailment using Dynamic Line Rating," i 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2020.
K. Qiu et al., "Reliability evaluation of power distribution grids considering the dynamic charging mode of electric buses," i 2020 The International Conference on Power Engineering (ICPE 2020), December 19–21, 2020, Guangzhou, China, 2020.
S. E. Koziel, P. Hilber och R. Ichise, "Application of big data analytics to support power networks and their transition towards smart grids," i Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019, 2019, s. 6104-6106.
W. Naim, K. Morozovska och P. Hilber, "Effects of Dynamic Line Rating on the Durability and Mechanical Strength of Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Conductors," i Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions, 2019, s. 3164-3169.
S. E. Koziel et al., "Forecasting cross-border power exchanges through an HVDC line using dynamic modelling," i Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2019, 2019, s. 4390-4394.
J. H. Jürgensen et al., "Assessment of Explanatory Variables on the Failure Rate of Circuit Breakers Using the Proportional Hazard Model," i 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 2018.
A. Estanqueiro et al., "DLR use for optimization of network design withvery large wind (and VRE) penetration," i 17th Wind Integration Workshop, 2018.
M. L. Fam et al., "Data learning and expert judgment in a bayesian belief network for offshore decommissioning risk assessment," i Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World : Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018, 2018, s. 397-406.
M. Song et al., "Impacts of flexible demand on the reliability of power systems," i 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), 2018.
J. H. Jürgensen et al., "Modelling of Recurrent Circuit Breaker Failures with Regression Models for Count Data," i 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2018.
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, P. Hilber och E. Shayesteh, "On the Security of Electricity Supply in Power Distribution Systems," i 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2018.
C.-T. Pham et al., "Reliability consideration in the energy storagesystem design process," i 2018 IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2018.
K. Morozovska och P. Hilber, "Risk analysis of wind farm connection to existing grids using dynamic line rating," i 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
A. Vieira Turnell et al., "Risk and economic analysis of utilizing dynamic thermal rated transformer for wind farm connection," i 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
B. Fazlagic et al., "Development of the utilisation and smart grid incentive scheme within the Swedish revenue cap regulation," i CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2017, s. 2696-2699.
J. H. Jürgensen, A. Scheutz Godin och P. Hilber, "Health index as condition estimator for power system equipment : A critical discussion and case study," i CIRED - Congrès International des Réseaux Electriques de Distribution, 2017., 2017, s. 202-205.
S. Babu och P. Hilber, "Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Substation and Feeder DesignConsidering Correlated Failures," i 2017 CIGRÉ SC B3 (Substations) Colloquium, 2017, s. 1-9.
K. Morozovska och P. Hilber, "Study of the Monitoring Systems for Dynamic Line Rating," i 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2016; Beijing; China; 8 October 2016 through 11 October 2016, 2017, s. 2557-2562.
J. H. Jürgensen et al., "The Proportional Hazard Model and the Modelling of Recurrent Failure Data : Analysis of a Disconnector Population in Sweden," i 2017 Cigré SC B3 (Substations) Colloquium, 18 - 20 September 2017, Recife, Brazil, 2017, s. 1-8.
J. H. Jürgensen, L. Nordström och P. Hilber, "A Review and Discussion of Failure Rate Heterogeneity in Power System Reliability Assessment," i Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2016 International Conference on, Beijing, 2016, s. 1-8.
C. J. Wallnerström et al., "Framework for System Analyses of Smart Grid Solutions with Examples from the Gotland Case," i 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2016.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Prediction of current in a substation in order to schedule thermography," i 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBABILISTIC METHODS APPLIED TO POWER SYSTEMS (PMAPS), 2016.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Prediction of time for preventive maintenance," i The Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics, 2016.
J. Colmenares et al., "Reliability analysis of a high-efficiency SiC three-phase inverter for motor drive applications," i 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2016, s. 746-753.
O. Giesecke et al., "Reliability study of two offshore wind farm topologies : Radial and ring connection," i PROCEEDINGS 15th Wind Integration Workshop : International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 2016.
E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Reliability-Centered Asset Management Using Component Reliability Importance," i 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBABILISTIC METHODS APPLIED TO POWER SYSTEMS (PMAPS), 2016.
J. H. Jürgensen, L. Nordström och P. Hilber, "A Scorecard Approach to Track Reliability Performance of Distribution System Operators," i CIRED 2015 : 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2015.
S. Babu et al., "Analyses of Smart Grid Technologies and Solutions from a System Perspective," i Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015 IEEE Innovative, 2015, s. 1-5.
N. Ekstedt, S. Babu och P. Hilber, "Failure Rate Trends in an Aging Population - Monte Carlo Approach," i 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution - CIRED 2015, 2015.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Function test and condition test for disconnecting circuit breakers," i 2015 CIGRE SC A3 & B3 joint colloquium, 2015.
S. Bergerland, C. J. Wallnerström och P. Hilber, "Summary of the Swedish tariff regulation and impact of changes on investment strategies," i CIRED 2015,15-18 June 2015, Lyon, France, 2015.
P. Hilber, P. Westerlund och T. Lindquist, "The reliability chain," i 2015 CIGRE SC A3 & B3 joint colloquium, 2015.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "A review of methods for condition monitoring, surveys and statistical analyses of disconnectors and circuit breakers," i Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2014 International Conference on, 2014, s. 1-6.
N. Ekstedt och P. Hilber, "Categorization and Review of Failure Rate Factors Used in Power Systems," i 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings, 2014, 2014.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Grade levels for multiple-choice tests," i Nordstat 2014, Turku, Finland, 02-06 Jun 2014, 2014.
S. Talpur et al., "Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating technique in a 130 kV Regional Network," i Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), 2014 IEEE 17th International, 2014, s. 1-6.
S. Babu, P. Hilber och J. H. Jürgensen, "On the status of reliability studies involving primary and secondary equipment applied to power system," i 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings, 2014, s. 6960653.
C. J. Wallnerström et al., "Potential of dynamic rating in Sweden," i 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS); Durham, UK, 7-10 July 2014, 2014.
N. Ekstedt et al., "Reliability Data : A Review of Importance, Use, and Availability," i NORDAC 2014 (Eleventh Nordic Conference on Electricity Distribution System Management and Development, Stockholm, 8 - 9 September 2014), 2014.
C. J. Wallnerström, P. Westerlund och P. Hilber, "Using power system temperature sensors for moreuses than originally intended : Exemplified by investigating dynamic rating possibilities," i NORDAC 2014 (Eleventh Nordic Conference on Electricity Distribution System Management and Development, Stockholm, 8 - 9 September 2014), 2014.
P. Hilber et al., "Benefits of Reliability Centred Asset Management," i 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), 2013, s. 0668.
P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Condition monitoring of the disconnectors in the electric power transmission grid with temperature sensors," i Conference proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management, 2013.
C. J. Wallnerström, P. Hilber och J. Gadea Travi, "Implementation and evaluation of commonly used risk analysis methods applied to a regional power distribution system," i CIRED : 10-13 June 2013, Stockholm, 2013, s. 0808.
J. Rosenlind et al., "Modeling Impact of Cold Load Pickup on Transformer Aging Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process," i 2013 IEEE Power And Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013.
C. J. Wallnerström och P. Hilber, "Vulnerability Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Cost-effective Resource Allocation," i 2013 IEEE Power And Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013.
C. J. Wallnerström, P. Hilber och S. Stenberg, "A Pre-Study Towards Investigating the Art of Choosing Right Level of Input Data," i PMAPS 2012,10 - 14th, June, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
C. J. Wallnerström, S. Stenberg och P. Hilber, "Fault Management at a Distribution System Operator," i PMAPS 2012, The 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, June, 2012,Istanbul, 2012.
I. Arifianto et al., "Investigation of transformer top-oil temperature considering external factors," i Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), 2012 International Conference on, 2012, s. 198-201.
J. Rosenlind och P. Hilber, "On Improvements of Power Transformer ConditionMonitoring by Considering Thermal Models," i Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Sysmens, 2012.
F. Josue et al., "Transformer hot-spot temperature estimation for short-time dynamic loading," i Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, CMD 2012, 2012, s. 217-220.
P. Grahn et al., "A method for evaluating the impact of electric vehicle charging on transformer hotspot temperature," i 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2011.
H. Rinnemo et al., "An example of investment planning of power distribution using quantitative reliability and cost analyses," i 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2011, s. 1-4.
C. J. Wallnerström et al., "The potential of Using EQUIVALENT COMPARISON STANDARDS to judge EFFECTIBLE COSTS in Electrical Distribution tariff regulation," i CIRED2011, Frankfurt 6-9 June 2011, Paper 0646, 2011, s. 1-4.
C. J. Wallnerström et al., "Model of Capacity Demand under uncertain Weather," i Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2010, s. 314-318.
J. Rosenlind och P. Hilber, "Prerequisites for Transformer Lifetime ModelingTowards a Better Understanding," i 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2010, 2010, s. 460-463.
J. Setreus et al., "RACalc : a Power Distribution Reliability Tool," i 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) : Date:14-17 June 2010, 2010, s. 154-159.
P. Hilber et al., "Risk analysis for power systems : overview and potential benefits," i CIRED Workshop 2010, 2010.
P. Hilber och L. Bertling, "Multiobjective Maintenance Policy for a Distribution System an Application Study," i 10th International Conference On Probabilistic Methods Applied To Power Systems, 2008, s. 229-234.
P. Hilber och L. Bertling, "Component Reliability Importance Indices for Electrical Networks," i 2007 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS IPEC, VOLS 1-3, 2007, s. 257-263.
P. Hilber, L. Bertling och B. Hällgren, "Effects of Correlation between Failures and Power Consumption on Customer Interruption Cost," i 2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Vols 1 and 2 : 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems. KTH, Stockholm, SWEDEN. JUN 11-15, 2006, 2006, s. 1120-1123.
P. Hilber och L. Bertling, "A Method for Extracting Reliability Importance Indices from Reliability Simulations of Electrical Networks," i 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2005, 2005.
P. Hilber, B. Hällgren och L. Bertling, "Optimizing the replacement of overhead lines in rural distribution systems with respect to reliability and customer value," i Eighteenth International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2005, 2005, s. 127-131.
P. Hilber och L. Bertling, "Monetary Importance of Component Reliability in Electrical Networks for Maintenance Optimization," i 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems : Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA, SEP 12-16, 2004, 2004, s. 150-155.

Kapitel i böcker

P. Hilber, "Cable Segment Replacement Optimization," i Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Smart Power Systems, Rajesh Karki, Roy Billinton, Ajit Kumar Verma red., 1. uppl. New Delhi Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London : Springer London, 2014, s. 195-202.

Icke refereegranskade


S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, X. Weiss och P. Hilber, "Addressing Data Deficiencies in Outage Reports : A Qualitative and Machine Learning Approach," i 2024 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Paris, France, 2024.
H. Vincenti, S. E. Koziel och P. Hilber, "Profitability of Condition Monitoring in the Electric Distribution Grid," i IET Conference Proceedings, 2023, s. 362-366.
S. Babu, E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Analysing Correlated Events in Power System Using Fault Statistics," i Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2016 International Conference on, 2016.


C. J. Wallnerström och P. Hilber, Reliability Analysis and Asset Management Applied to Power Distribution. 1. uppl. Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.


P. Hilber, "Maintenance optimization for power distribution systems," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH, Trita-EE, 2008:012, 2008.
P. Hilber, "Component reliability importance indices for maintenance optimization of electrical networks," Licentiatavhandling Stockholm : KTH, Trita-ETS, 2005:09, 2005.


C. J. Wallnerström et al., "Analys av smartaelnätsteknologier inom kategorin elnätslösningar," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE, 2014:036, 2014.
P. Hilber et al., "Potentiell användning av standardkostnader i regleringen av elnätsföretagens löpande påverkbara kostnader," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-EE, 2010.
L. Bertling et al., "RADPOW development and documentation," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2007:047, 2008.


P. Westerlund, P. Hilber och T. Lindquist, "Combining risk and uncertainty in technical systems," (Manuskript).
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, P. Hilber och E. Shayesteh, "Defining Power System Health : Framework and Process towards a System Health Index," (Manuskript).
J. Rosenlind et al., "On optimal transformer capacity rating," (Manuskript).
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Onshore Wind Farm - Reliability Centered Cable Routing," (Manuskript).
S. Duvnjak Zarkovic, E. Shayesteh och P. Hilber, "Reliability Centered Distribution System Planning - Cable Routing and Switch Placement," (Manuskript).
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