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Master Projects

Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in a project within topological quantum matter, condensed matter quantum field theory, many-body dynamics, localization and thermalization, or any other topic of your own interest that I might also be interested in. One can for example find interesting topics by looking at recent posts in the condensed matter journal club. It is always useful to get in touch early as the available slots can fill quickly and for more ambitous projects it may be a good idea to start preparing well in advance, possibly by taking either of the project courses SI2800 or SI2801.

Current Master Students 

  • Felicia Hage --- Mixed state topological phases. Co-supervisors: Matthias Flor & Miguel Martinez
  • Max Matheussen --- Monitored interacting fermions: Main supervisor: Yunxiang Liao
  • Alma Partos --- Local magic (nonstabilizerness). Co-supervisors: Soumi Ghosh & Miguel Martinez

Completed Master Projects

  • Viktor Berger --- Ergodic Grains in Disordered Non-interacting Spin Chains. Co-supervisor: Claudia Artiaco
  • Yuliya Bilinskaya --- Thermalization in Open Quantum Wires via the Information Lattice. Co-supervisor: Claudia Artiaco
  • Natalia Ermakova --- Signatures of topological phases in an open Kitaev chain (DiVA). Co-supervisor: Loredana Vasiloiu
  • Erik Gåvermark --- Quantum many-body scars
  • Joel Hambraeus --- Quantum phases in random unitary circuits. 
  • Julia Hannukainen --- Domain wall motion in a Weyl semimetal. Co-supervisor: Yago Ferreiros
  • Mattias Jönsson --- Detecting the Many-Body Localization Transition with Machine Learning Techniques (DiVA)
  • Hannes Karlsson --- Local Integrals of Motion From Neural Networks. Co-supervisor: Christoph Fleckenstein
  • Daniel Niemi --- Quantum information flow in the Aubrey-Andrei model. Co-supervisor: Thomas Klein Kvorning
  • Sergi Pradas --- Quantum Transport in Topological Insulator Nanowires. Co-supervisor: Miguel Martínez
  • Maximilian Richter --- Solving the Disordered Heisenberg Model Using Artificial Neural Networks
  • Selim Scharmer --- Topological superconductivity in magnetic topological insulator/superconductor nanowires
  • Agnes Wattrang --- The effect of disorder on the axial anomaly in a lattice model in 1 + 1 dimensions. Co-supervisor: Julia Hannukainen


Profile picture of Jens Bardarson
