Jiajia Chen
About me
Dr. Jiajia Chen is working as Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. She is author/co-author of over 100 publications in international journals and conferences as well as 9 patent applications (Google citation report). Her main research interests are optical transport and interconnect technology supporting future broadband access, 5G and cloud environment. She has been involved in various European research projects like the European FP7 projects IP-OASE (Integrated Project-Optical Access Seamless Evolution) and IP-DISCUS (Integrated Project-the DIStributed Core for unlimited bandwidth supply for all Users and Services), and EIT-ICT projects (e.g., Mobile backhaul, EXAM: Energy-efficient Xhaul and M2M). Moreover, she is principal investigator/co-principal investigator of several national research projects funded by Swedish Foundation of Strategic Research (SSF) and Swedish Research Council (VR). Currently, she is heading a research group on data centre networks at Sino-Swedish Joint Research Centre of Photonics (JORCEP), which is the largest and most integrated academic collaboration between China and Sweden, founded in 2003.