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Publikationer av Jennifer Mack



S. Brolund de Carvalho et al., "‘You can simply say no’ : Narrating the effects and affects of Danish and Swedish housing in crisis," Radical Housing Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, s. 201-219, 2024.
J. Mack, "Modernism in the present tense : “Dangerous” Scandinavian suburbs and their hereafters," Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space, vol. 41, no. 4, s. 656-682, 2023.
J. Mack, "An awkward technocracy : Mosques, churches, and urban planners in neoliberal Sweden," American Ethnologist, vol. 46, no. 1, s. 89-104, 2019.
J. Mack, "Renovation year zero : Swedish Welfare Landscapes of Anxiety, 1975 to the Present," Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, vol. 76, s. 63-79, 2019.
J. Mack, "Form follows faith : Swedish architects, expertise and new religious spaces in the Stockholm suburbs," International Journal of Islamic Architecture, vol. 4, no. 2, s. 401-416, 2015.
J. Mack, "Urban Design from Below : Immigration and the Spatial Practice of Urbanism," Public culture, vol. 26, no. 1, s. 153-185, 2014.
J. Mack, "Inhabiting the Imaginary : "Factory Women" at Home on Batam Island, Indonesia," Singapore journal of tropical geography, vol. 25, no. 2, s. 156-179, 2004.


H. S. Kajita et al., "Between Technologies of Power and Notions of Solidarity : A Response to the Danish “Ghetto Plan” and Swedish “Utsatta Områden”," i Spaces of Welfare Conference, 6-7 May 2021, Royal Danish Academy, Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen, 2021.
J. Mack, "Children of the New World : Migration, Welfare, and Design in Sweden, 1970 to 1995," i Society of Architectural Historians Conference, 2021.
H. S. Kajita och J. Mack, "Hertopia : Women’s Swedish Welfare Landscapes of the 1960s and 1970s," i European Architectural History Network, 2021.
J. Mack, "Ikea Islam : The Swedish Cosmos of Mosque Design from 1970 to the Present," i European Association for Urban History, 2018.
J. Mack, "Impossible Nostalgia : Growing Up in the ‘Concrete Suburbs’ of Sweden," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2018.
J. Mack, "Religious Austerity : The Lutheran Limits on Mosque Architecture in Sweden," i European Architectural History Network Conference, 2018.
J. Mack, "Heavenly Bureaucracy : Minority Religious Spaces and Urban Planners in Neoliberal Sweden," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2017.
J. Mack, "Ritual Infrastructure and the Performance of Syriac Propriety in Södertälje," i Swedish Anthropological Association Conference, 2017.
J. Mack, "Eat, Pray, Shop! : Architects, Mosques, and the New Center," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2014.
J. Mack, "From the Million Program to the Mall : "Consumerism" in the Swedish Town Center, 1968-1984," i European Architectural History Network Conference, 2014.
J. Mack, "Minaret Diplomacy : Urban Planners, Faith Spaces, and the Politics of Urban Design in Sweden," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2013.
J. Mack, "From Cellar to Megamosque : The Right to Build, Transparency, and New Sacred Spaces," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2012.
J. Mack, "Dreaming in Syriac : The Transformation of Swedish Local Planning in ‘Hollywood," i Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference, 2011.
J. Mack, "Safety in Numbers : Architecture and the Remaking of the "Swedish Standard"," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2011.
J. Mack, "Greetings from "Hollywood"! : Building Syriac Homes, Rebuilding Swedish Local Planning," i American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 2010.
J. Mack, "Making "Mesopotälje"," i Swedish Anthropological Association Conference, 2010.
J. Mack, "Remodeling the "People’s Home" : Citizenship in the Centrum," i Urban History Association Conference, 2010.
J. Mack, "New Swedes in the New Town," i Society for American City and Regional Planning History Conference, 2009.
J. Mack, "Generatively Generic : Internet Cafés in Berlin and Barcelona," i European Association for Urban History Conference, 2008.



Kapitel i böcker

J. Mack, ""Not Just Barberry" : A Political Ecology of the Swedish ‘Concrete Suburbs,’ 1960-1981," i Landscapes of Housing : Design and Planning in the History of Environmental Thinking, Jeanne Haffner red., New York : Routledge, 2022, s. 125-145.
H. S. Kajita et al., "Between Technologies of Power and Notions of Solidarity : A Response to the Danish Ghetto Plan and Swedish Vulnerable Areas Documents," i Architectures of Dismantling and Restructuring : Spaces of Danish Welfare 1970-Present, Kirsten Marie Raahauge, Deane Simpson, Martin Søberg, Katrin Lotz red., Zürich, Switzerland : Lars Müller Publishers, 2022, s. 148-159.
J. Mack, "Green Affect : A "Landscape Music of the Artefacts" in the Swedish Million Programme," i Architectural Affects after Deleuze and Guattari, Marko Jobst and Hélène Frichot red., London : Routledge, 2021, s. 81-97.
J. Mack, "A "Border Concept" : Scandinavian Public Space in the 21st Century," i Architecture of Coexistence : Building Pluralism, Azra Akšamija red., Berlin : Architangle, 2020, s. 172-183.
J. Mack, "Breaking the Rules, Making the Ruler : Syriac Single-Family Homes and the Limits of Welfare State Planning," i Life Among Urban Planners : Practice, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City, Jennifer Mack and Michael Herzfeld red., Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020, s. 137-159.
J. Mack, "Eat, Pray, Shop! : The Mosque as the Centre of the Town," i Re-Centring the City : Global Urban Mutations and Post-Socialist Modernity, Jonathan Bach and Michal Murawski red., London : UCL Press, 2020, s. 149-166.
J. Mack, "Introduction : Living Life among Planners," i Life Among Urban Planners : Practice, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City, Jennifer Mack and Michael Herzfeld red., Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020, s. 1-15.
J. Mack, "Form Follows Faith : Swedish Architects, Expertise, and New Religious Spaces in the Stockholm Suburbs," i Expertise and Architecture in the Modern Islamic World : A Critical Anthology, Peter Christensen red., Bristol : Intellect Ltd., 2018, s. 271-286.
J. Mack, "Hello, Consumer! : Skärholmen Centre from the Million Program to the Mall," i Shopping Towns Europe : Commercial Collectivity and the Architecture of the Shopping Centre, 1945-1975, Janina Gosseye and Tom Avermaete red., London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, s. 122-137.
J. Mack och J. S. Parscher, "The right to the garden : Allotments and the politics of urban green space in Sweden," i Green Landscapes in the European City, 1750-2010, Peter Clark, Marjaana Niemi, and Catharina Nolin red., London : Routledge, 2016, s. 87-104.
J. Mack, I. Blind och M. Dahlberg, "Böneutrop och det offentliga svenska rummet," i Mångfaldens dilemman : boendesegregation och områdespolitik, Roger Andersson, Bo Bengtsson, and Gunnar Myrberg red., Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2015, s. 135-158.
J. Mack, "New Swedes in the new town," i Use Matters : An Alternative History of Architecture, London : Routledge, 2013, s. 121-137.

Icke refereegranskade


J. Mack, "Det nya periferin," Arkitektur, s. 62-67, 2018.
J. Mack, "Formen följer tron," Arkitektur, s. 42-45, 2016.
J. Mack, O. Broms Wessel och T. Anstey, "Att bygga om Sverige," Arkitektur : byggnad, interiör, plan, landskap, s. 82-87, 2015.
J. Mack, "Be-longing," Thresholds, vol. 20, s. 5, 2000.


M. Fanni, J. Mack och M. Schalk, "“You Can Simply Say No” : Narrating the effects and affects of Danish and Swedish housing in crisis," i SANT 2023 Conference: Annual Conference – Swedish Anthropological Association in collaboration with the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm, April 27-29, 2023.
J. Mack, "Twins in the Funhouse Mirror : Owners, Renters, and Suspicion in Two Stockholm Suburbs, 1970s to the Present," i Exploring Urban Ownership: Practices, Places, and Citizenships in a Global Perspective, 2021.
J. Mack, "The Right to the Garden : New and Old Allotments," i Architecture in Effect Symposium on Material Conditions, 2015.
J. Mack, "Urban Design from Below," i “Sweden is Becoming” Conference, KKH Royal Institute of Art and ArkDes, 2015.
J. Mack, "Big Faith : Planning Immigrant Spaces in Sweden," i Architecture in Effect Symposium, 2013.
J. Mack, "Visible Cities, Invisible Citizens : Immigration and the Practice of Public Space," i Emergent Cities Symposium, Uppsala University, 2012.
J. Mack, "Making "Mesopotälje" : Syriac Orthodox Christians in a Swedish Town," i Diaspora Cities: Urban Mobility and Dwelling Symposium, University of London, 2009.


S. Brolund de Carvalho et al., Solidarity Report : Two Witness Seminars on Danish and Swedish Welfare Housing in Crisis. 1. uppl. Stockholm : Aktion Arkiv, 2024.

Kapitel i böcker

J. Mack, "A Swedish Concrete Paradise : Flying People Meet Flying Panels," i Flying Panels, Pedro Ignacio Alonso and Hugo Palmarola red., Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2019, s. 78-90.
J. Mack, "An Incomplete Guide to Stockholm Architecture," i Rethinking the Social in Architecture : Making Effects, Sten Gromark, Jennifer Mack, and Roemer van Toorn red., Barcelona : ACTAR, 2019, s. 248-255.
J. Mack, S. Gromark och R. van Toorn, "Rethinking the Social in Architecture," i Rethinking the Social in Architecture : Making Effects, Sten Gromark, Jennifer Mack, and Roemer van Toorn red., Barcelona : ACTAR, 2019, s. 18-35.
J. Mack, "Working the Field : Ethnographic Methods in the Built Environment," i After Effects : Theories and Methodologies in Architecture, Hélène Frichot and Gunnar Sandin with Bettina Schwalm red., Barcelona : ACTAR, 2019, s. 346-359.
J. Mack, "Det nya förortscentrum : Äta, be, handla," i Utvandrat och invandrat : Stockholms stadsmiljö i ett internationellt perspektiv, Stockholm : Historiska Media, 2016, s. 174-187.
J. Mack, "Love in the Time of Pinball : The Swedish Ungdomsgård in the Mid-20th Century," i Walls that Teach : On the Architecture of Youth Centres, Susanne Pietsch and Andreas Mueller red., Delft : Jap Sam Books, 2015, s. 75-84.


J. Mack, "Ice Skating and Island Hopping : Refugees, Integration, and Access in a Segregated City," Cambridge, MA, USA : MIT Center for International Studies, Andrew Mellon Foundation Rosemary Rogers Working Paper Series, 2003.

Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

"Life Among Urban Planners : Practices, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City," Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, City in the Twenty-First Century, 2020.
"Life Among Urban Planners : Practice, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City," Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, City in the Twenty-First Century, 2020.
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