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Jingna Zeng

Profile picture of Jingna Zeng

About me

I defended my thesis on October 22nd, 2020. 

Ph.D. student in the school of EECS at KTH, Sweden. My research focus is now with concurrent programming model, transactional memory, and adaptive performance tuning.

Published Conference Articles

1.  Jingna Zeng, Shady Issa, S. Haridi , P. Romano, and L. Rodrigues

Investigating the Semantics of Futures in Transactional Memory Systems

26th ACMSIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP), to appear

2. Jingna Zeng, S. Haridi, Shady Issa, P. Romano, and L. Rodrigues
Giving Future(s) to Transactional Memory 
32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA),Online (originally in Philadelphia) July 14-16, 2020

3. Jingna Zeng, P. Romano, J. Barreto, L. Rodrigues and S. Haridi
Online Tuning of Parallelism Degree in Parallel Nesting Transactional Memory
32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2018

4. Jingna Zeng, J. Barreto, S. Haridi, L. Rodrigues and P. Romano
The Future(s) of Transactional Memory
45th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2016

5. Jingna Zeng, P. Romano, L. Rodrigues, S. Haridi, J. Barreto
In Search of Semantic Models for Reconciling Futures and Transactional Memory
7th Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory (WTTM), July 20, 2015

6. Manuel Bravo, Nuno Diegues, Jingna Zeng, Paolo Romano and Luís Rodrigues
On the use of Clocks to Enforce Consistency in the Cloud
Journal IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (DEB), 2015