Publications by Kjetil Falkenberg
Peer reviewed
Frid, E., Falkenberg, K., Agres, K. & Lucas, A. (2024). Editorial : New advances and novel applications of music technologies for health, well-being, and inclusion. Frontiers in Computer Science, 6.
Lindetorp, H., Svahn, M., Hölling, J., Falkenberg, K. & Frid, E. (2023). Collaborative music-making : special educational needs school assistants as facilitators in performances with accessible digital musical instruments. Frontiers in Computer Science, 5.
Spiro, N., Sanfilippo, K. R. M., McConnell, B. B., Pike-Rowney, G., Bonini Baraldi, F., Brabec, B. ... de Wit, K. (2023). Perspectives on Musical Care Throughout the Life Course: Introducing the Musical Care International Network. Music & Science, 6.
Lindetorp, H. & Falkenberg, K. (2022). Evaluating Web Audio for learning, accessibility and distribution. Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, 70(11), 962-978.
Falkenberg, K., Lindetorp, H., Latupeirissa, A. B. & Frid, E. (2020). Creating digital musical instruments with and for children: Including vocal sketching as a method for engaging in codesign. Human Technology, 16(3), 348-371.
Hansen, K. F. & Hiraga, R. (2017). The Effects of Musical Experience and Hearing Loss on Solving an Audio-Based Gaming Task. Applied Sciences, 7(12).
Hansen, K. F. (2013). Expressivity and musical shape in turntablism : Response to Greasley and Prior. Empirical Musicology Review, 8(1), 44-47.
Hansen, K. F., Dravins, C. & Bresin, R. (2012). Active Listening and Expressive Communication for Children with Hearing Loss Using Getatable Environments for Creativity. Journal of New Music Research, 41(4), 365-375.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F. & Unander-Scharin, C. (2012). Artistically directed prototyping in development and in practice. Journal of New Music Research, 41(4), 377-387.
Li, Z., Wang, H. & Hansen, K. F. (2012). Music Puzzle: An Application for Hearing Training on Android Smart Devices. TMH-QPSR special issue: Proceedings of SMC Sweden 2012 Sound and Music Computing, Understanding and Practicing in Sweden, 52(1), 44-45.
Hansen, K. F. & Bresin, R. (2012). Sonification of distance between stations in train journeys. TMH-QPSR special issue: Proceedings of SMC Sweden 2012 Sound and Music Computing, Understanding and Practicing in Sweden, 52(1), 13-14.
Hansen, K. F., Dubus, G. & Bresin, R. (2012). Using modern smartphones to create interactive listening experiences for hearing impaired. TMH-QPSR special issue: Proceedings of SMC Sweden 2012 Sound and Music Computing, Understanding and Practicing in Sweden, 52(1), 42.
Hansen, K. F., Fabiani, M. & Bresin, R. (2011). Analysis of the acoustics and playing strategies of turntable scratching. Acta Acoustica united with Acustica, 97(2), 303-314.
Hansen, K. F. & Bresin, R. (2010). The Skipproof virtual turntable for high-level control of scratching. Computer music journal, 34(2), 39-50.
Hansen, K. F. & Bresin, R. (2004). Analysis of a genuine scratch performance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2915, 477-478.
Hansen, K. F. (2001). Playing the turntable : An introduction to scratching. KTH Speech, Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 42, 69-79.
Conference papers
Svahn, M., Hölling, J., Lindetorp, H., Frid, E., Falkenberg, K. (2023). Collaborative music-making with Special Education Needs students and their assistants : A study on music playing among preverbal individuals with the Funki instruments. In NNDR 16th Research Conference Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR)..
Falkenberg, K., Oestreicher, L. (2023). Educating for inclusion : Teaching Design for all in the wild as a motivator. In Proceedings of the Nordic Network for Disability Research..
Atienza, R., Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg, K. (2023). Playing the design : Creating soundscapes through playful interaction. In SMC 2023 - Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023. (pp. 362-369). Sound and Music Computing Network.
McHugh, L., Wu, C. W., Xu, X., Falkenberg, K. (2023). Salient sights and sounds : comparing visual and auditory stimuli remembrance using audio set ontology and sonic mapping. In SMC 2023: Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2023. (pp. 426-432). Sound and Music Computing Network.
McHugh, L., Wu, C.-W., Xu, X., Falkenberg, K. (2023). Salient sights and sounds: Comparing visual and auditory stimuli remembrance using Audio Set and sonic mapping. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Confererence..
Snarberg, H., Pantigoso Velasquez, Ä., Falkenberg, K., Johansson, S. (2022). Preparing for the future for all : The state of accessibility education at technical universities. In EDULEARN22 Proceedings. (pp. 7799-7805). IATED.
Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Otterbring, T., Frid, E., Falkenberg, K. (2022). Sounds and Satisfaction: A Novel Conceptualization of the Soundscape in Sales and Service Settings. In Proceedings of the Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference..
Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg, K. (2021). Audio Parameter Mapping Made Explicit Using WebAudioXML. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference. Torino.
Falkenberg, K., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Frid, E., Otterbring, T., Daunfeldt, S.-O. (2021). Auditory notification of customer actions in a virtual retail environment: Sound design, awareness and attention. In Proceedings of International Conference on Auditory Displays ICAD 2021..
Anindita, P. P., Falkenberg, K. (2021). Design Approaches to Alert Sounds for Interactions in Shops. In Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference. Zenodo.
Arfvidsson, G. F., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Lidbo, H., Falkenberg, K. (2021). Design considerations for short alerts and notification sounds in a retail environment. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference..
Frid, E., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Otterbring, T., Falkenberg, K., Lidbo, H., Daunfeldt, S.-O. (2021). On Designing Sounds to Reduce Shoplifting in Retail Environments. Presented at Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference.
Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg, K. (2021). Putting Web Audio API to the test : Introducing WebAudioXML as a pedagogical platform. In Web Audio Conference 2021. Barcelona.
Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg, K. (2021). Sonification For Everyone Everywhere : Evaluating The WebAudioXML Sonification Toolkit For Browsers. Presented at The 26th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2021).
Hiraga, R., Falkenberg, K. (2020). Computer-based music training with hearing impairments : Lessons from an experiment. In Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference. (pp. 426-433). Torino: Zenodo.
Hansen, K. F., Latupeirissa, A. B., Frid, E., Lindetorp, H. (2020). Unproved methods from the frontier in the course curriculum : A bidirectional and mutually beneficial research challenge. In INTED2020 Proceedings. (pp. 7033-7038). IATED.
Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg, K. (2020). WebAudioXML : Proposing a new standard for structuring web audio. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences. (pp. 25-31). CERN.
Frid, E., Lindetorp, H., Hansen, K. F., Elblaus, L., Bresin, R. (2019). Sound Forest - Evaluation of an Accessible Multisensory Music Installation. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. 1-12). ACM.
Hansen, K. F., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Atienza, R. (2019). Sound design through large audience interaction. In 16th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC2019). (pp. 119-126). Malaga: Zenodo.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R., Holzapfel, A., Pauletto, S., Gulz, T., Lindetorp, H., Misgeld, O., Mattias, S. (2019). Student involvement in sound and music computing research : Current practices at KTH and KMH. In Combined proceedings of the Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference 2019 and the Interactive Sonification Workshop 2019. (pp. 36-42). Stockholm.
Ljungdahl Eriksson, M., Pareto, L., Atienza, R., Hansen, K. F. (2018). My Sound Space : An attentional shield for immersive redirection. In Audio Mostly 2018: Sound in Immersion and Emotion. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Herrera, M., Schierbeck, G., Hansen, K. F. (2017). Disadvantages of using non-linear video in shallow learning situations – a critical perspective on current trends. In KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. KTH ECE.
Hansen, K. F., Atienza, R., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M. (2017). Large-scale interaction with a sound installation as a design tool. In AM '17 Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences. ACM Press.
Mattei, P., Stolica, S., Hansen, K. F. (2017). SoundCubes : Providing new stimulating auditory training for people with hearing impairments. In Sound and Music Computing Conference Sweden..
Hiraga, R., Matsubara, M., Terasawa, H., Hansen, K. F. (2016). Promote active listening with music games. In Proceedings of the first international Music & CI Symposium..
Sonnenfeld, A., Hansen, K. F. (2016). S-notation : A complete musical notation system for scratching and sample music derived from "Theory of Motions". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation - TENOR2016. (pp. 50-57). Anglia Ruskin University.
Almqvist Gref, A., Elblaus, L., Falkenberg Hansen, K. (2016). Sonification as Catalyst in Training Manual Wheelchair Operation for Sports and Everyday Life. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2016. (pp. 9-14). Sound and Music Computing.
Hiraga, R., Hansen, K. F., Kano, N., Matsubara, M., Terasawa, H., Tabuchi, K. (2015). Music perception of hearing-impaired persons with focus on one test subject. In Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. IEEE.
Hansen, K. F., Normark, M. (2015). Tutored academic writing as motivation and a formative assessment for learning. In KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (p. 31). Stockholm.
Matsubara, M., Terasawa, H., Hansen, K. F., Hiraga, R. (2014). An Inquiry into Hearing-Impaired Student's Musical Activities : How Do They Listen to the Music?. Presented at ICMPC-ASCOM. Seoul.
Bresin, R., Elblaus, L., Falkenberg Hansen, K., Månsson, L., Tardat, B. (2014). Musikcyklarna/Music bikes : An installation for enabling children to investigate the relationship between expressive music performance and body motion. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Sweden Conference 2014. (pp. 1-2). KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2014). NIME Design and Contemporary Music Practice : Benefits and Challenges. Presented at Workshop on Practice-Based Research in New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2014.
Hansen, K. F., Hiraga, R., Li, Z., Wang, H. (2013). Music Puzzle : An audio-based computer game that inspires to train listening abilities. In Advances in Computer Entertainment: 10th International Conference, ACE 2013, Boekelo, The Netherlands, November 12-15, 2013. Proceedings. (pp. 540-543). Springer.
Hiraga, R., Hansen, K. F. (2013). Sound Preferences of Persons with Hearing Loss Playing an Audio-Based Computer Game. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international workshop on Interactive multimedia on mobile & portable devices. (pp. 25-30). New York: ACM Digital Library.
Hansen, K. F., Li, Z., Wang, H. (2012). A music puzzle game application for engaging in active listening. In Proceedings of 97th Information Science and Music (SIGMUS) Research Conference. Tokyo: Information Processing Society of Japan.
Dubus, G., Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2012). An overview of sound and music applications for Android available on the market. In Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2012. (pp. 541-546). Sound and music Computing network.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2012). Use of soundscapes for providing information about distance left in train journeys. In Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2012. (pp. 79-84). Sound and music Computing network.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., Unander-Scharin, C. (2011). Exploring the design space : Prototyping "The Throat V3"for the elephant man opera. In Proceedings of the 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2011. (pp. 141-147). Padova, Italy: Padova University Press.
Hansen, K. F., Dravins, C., Bresin, R. (2011). Ljudskrapan/The Soundscraper : Sound exploration for children with complex needs, accommodating hearing aids and cochlear implants. In Proceedings of the 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2011. (pp. 70-76). Sound and Music Computing Network.
Dravins, C., van Besouw, R., Hansen, K. F., Kuske, S. (2010). Exploring and enjoying non-speech sounds through a cochlear implant: the therapy of music. In 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Technologies. (p. 356). Karolinska University Hospital.
Friberg, A., Bresin, R., Hansen, K. F., Fabiani, M. (2009). Enabling emotional expression and interaction with new expressive interfaces. In Front. Hum. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Tuning the Brain for Music..
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R., Friberg, A. (2008). Describing the emotional content of hip-hop DJ recordings. In The Neurosciences and Music III. (p. 565). Montreal: New York Academy of Sciences.
Hansen, K. F., Alonso, M. (2008). More DJ techniques on the reactable. In Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME08), Genova, Italy. (pp. 207-210). Genova, Italy: Infomus, Casa Paganini.
Askenfelt, A., Hansen, K. F., Granqvist, S., Hellmer, K., Orlarey, Y., Fober, D., Perifanos, K., Tambouratzis, G., Makropoulo, E., Chryssafidou, E., Arnaikos, L., Rattasepp, K., Dima, G. (2008). VEMUS, Virtual European Music School or A young person's interactive guide to making music. In Proceedings of the 28th ISME World Conference. (p. 218).
Tambouratzis, G., Perifanos, K., Voulgari, I., Askenfelt, A., Granqvist, S., Hansen, K. F., Orlarey, Y., Fober, D., Letz, S. (2008). VEMUS: An integrated platform to support music tuition tasks. In 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS. (pp. 972-976). IEEE Computer Society.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2008). Verbal Description of DJ Recordings. In Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. (p. 20). Sapporo.
Hansen, K. F., Alonso, M., Dimitrov, S. (2007). Combining DJ Scratching, Tangible Interfaces And A Physics-Based Model of Friction Sounds. In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference. (pp. 45-48). San Francisco: International Computer Music Association.
Hansen, K. F., Thordarson, H., Karlsson, H. (2006). How interactive are interactive installations? : How musical are musical interfaces? Testing interactivity and playability in students' projects. In Proceedings of NoMute. (pp. 23-27). Trondheim, Norway.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2006). Mapping strategies in DJ scratching. In Proc. of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (pp. 188-191). IRCAM.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R., Friberg, A. (2006). Principles for expressing emotional content in turntable scratching. In Proc. 9th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition. (pp. 532-533). Bologna: Bonomia University Press.
Schoonderwaldt, E., Askenfelt, A., Hansen, K. F. (2005). Design and implementation of automatic evaluation of recorder performance in IMUTUS. In Proc. of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2005). (pp. 431-434). International Computer Music Association.
Raptis, S., Askenfelt, A., Fober, D., Chalamandaris, A., Schoonderwaldt, E., Letz, S., Baxevanis, A., Hansen, K. F., Orlarey, Y. (2005). IMUTUS – An effective practicing environment for music tuition. In Proc. of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2005). (pp. 383-386). International Computer Music Association.
Hansen, K. F., Bresin, R. (2003). DJ scratching performance techniques : Analysis and synthesis. In Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference. (pp. 693-696).
Bresin, R., Hansen, K. F., Dahl, S. (2003). The Radio Baton as configurable musical instrument and controller. In Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference. (pp. 689-691).
Chapters in books
Frid, E. & Falkenberg, K. (2021). Designing and reporting research on sound design and music for health : Methods and frameworks for impact. In Michael Filimowicz (Ed.), Doing Research in Sound Design (pp. 125-150). Focal Press.
Falkenberg, K., Bresin, R., Holzapfel, A. & Pauletto, S. (2021). Musikkommunikation och ljudinteraktion. In Pernilla Falkenberg Josefsson, Mikael Wiberg (Ed.), Introduktion till medieteknik (pp. 155-166). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Hansen, K. F. (2015). The turntable : The instrument of hip-hop. In Williams, Justin A. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hip-Hop (pp. 42-55). Cambridge University Press.
Bresin, R., Hansen, K. F., Karjalainen, M., Mäki-Patola, T., Kanerva, A., Huovilainen, A. ... Rocchesso, D. (2008). Controlling sound production. In Polotti, Pietro; Rocchesso, Davide (Ed.), Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound: A state of the art in Sound and Music Computing (pp. 447-486). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
Falkenberg Hansen, K. & Bresin, R. (2003). Complex Gestural Audio Control: The Case of Scratching. In Rocchesso, D., & Fontana, F. (Ed.), The Sounding Object (pp. 221-269). Mondo Estremo.
Hansen, K. F. & Bresin, R. (2003). Complex gestural audio control : The case of scratching. In Rocchesso, Davide; Fontana, Federico (Ed.), The Sounding Object (pp. 221-269). Mondo Estremo.
Bresin, R., Falkenberg Hansen, K., Dahl, S., Rath, M., Marshall, M. & Moynihan, B. (2003). Devices for manipulation and control of sounding objects: The Vodhran and the Invisiball. In Rocchesso, D., & Fontana, F. (Ed.), The Sounding Object (pp. 271-295). Mondo Estremo.
Non-peer reviewed
Bresin, R., Askenfelt, A., Friberg, A., Hansen, K. & Ternström, S. (2012). Sound and Music Computing at KTH. Trita-TMH, 52(1), 33-35.
Hansen, K. F. (2006). Musical structure: A translation of István Ipolyi: Innføring i Musikkspråkets Opprinnelse og Struktur (1952). TMH-QPSR, 48(1), 35-43.
Conference papers
Holmqvist, S., Falkenberg, K., Otterbring, T., Ljungdahl Eriksson, M. (2021). Evaluating pleasure, arousal and customer satisfaction from sound notifications. Presented at Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference.
Bresin, R., Falkenberg, K., Holzapfel, A., Pauletto, S. (2021). KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Group. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conferences 2021. (pp. xxv-xxvi). Sound and Music Computing Network.
Schoonderwaldt, E., Hansen, K. F., Askenfelt, A. (2004). IMUTUS : an interactive system for learning to play a musical instrument. In Proc. of International Conference of Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL), September 29 - October 1, 2004, Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach, Austria. Kassel University Press GmbH.
Fober, D., Letz, S., Orlarey, Y., Askenfelt, A., Hansen, K. F., Schoonderwaldt, E. (2004). IMUTUS : an interactive music tuition system. In Proc. of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 04), October 20-22, 2004, IRCAM, Paris, France. (pp. 97-103).
Chapters in books
Hansen, K. F. (2015). DJs and turntablism. In Williams, Justin A. (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hip-hop (pp. 42-55). Cambridge University Press.
Hansen, K. F. (2002). Music Besides Grooves. In Depraetere, Frie; Willemsen, Paul (Ed.), Pitch - Mutating Turntables: Argos Festival Catalogue 2002 (pp. 136-146). Argos Editions.
Hansen, K. F. (2000). Turntable Music. In Jonsson, Leif; Oversand, Kjell; Breivik, Magnar (Ed.), Musikklidenskapelig Årbok 2000 (pp. 145-160). Department of Music, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Falkenberg Hansen, K. (2010). The acoustics and performance of DJ scratching, Analysis and modelling (Doctoral thesis , KTH, Stockholm, Trita-CSC-A 2010:01). Retrieved from
Matsubara, M., Hansen, K. F., Terasawa, Y. & Hiraga, R. (2014). 聴覚障害学生を対象とした聴能向上のための音楽トレーニングプロジェクト利用. .
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