Alla Publikationer
Full Length Publications:
P. J. B. Koeck, R. R. Schröder, K. R. Leonard and M. Haider (1996): "Unconventional Immuno Double Labelling by Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy"; Ultramicroscopy 62, 65-78
P. J. B. Koeck and K. R. Leonard (1996): "Review: Improved Immuno Double Labelling for Cell and Structural Biology"; Micron 27, 157-165
M. J. Ellis, S. Knapp, P. J. B. Koeck, Z. Fakoor-Biniaz, R. Ladenstein and H. Hebert (1998): “Two-Dimensional Crystallization of the Chaperonin TF55 from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfactaricus”; Journal of Structural Biology 123, 30-36
P. J. B. Koeck, H. K. Kagawa, M. J. Ellis, H. Hebert and J. D. Trent (1998): “Two-Dimensional Crystals of Reconstituted b-Subunits of the Chaperonin TF55 from Sulfolobus shibatae”; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1429, 40-44
J. Hesse, H. Hebert and P.J.B. Koeck (2000): “Evaluation of Scanners and Comparison to CCD Cameras for High-Resolution TEM of Protein Crystals and Single Particles”; Microscopy Research and Technique 49, 3, 292-300
P. J. B. Koeck (2000): “Ins and Outs of Digital Electron Microscopy”; Microscopy Research and Technique 49, 3, 217-223
P. J. B. Koeck (2001): “Quantization Errors in Averaged Digitized Data”; Signal Processing 81, 345-356
P. J. B. Koeck (2004): “Missing Data in Image and Signal Processing: The case of binary objects”; Optik 115, 10, 459 - 472
K. Cheng, P. J. B. Koeck, H. Elmlund, K. Idakieva, K. Parvanova, H. Schwarz, T. Ternström and H. Hebert (2006): ” Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin (RtH): Comparison of the two isoforms, RtH1 and RtH2, at 19 Å and 16 Å resolution”; Micron 37, 6, 566-576
H. Elmlund, V. Baraznenok, M. Lindahl, C. O. Samuelsen, P. J. B. Koeck, S. Holmberg, H. Hebert and C. M. Gustafsson (2006): “The cyclin-dependent kinase 8 module sterically blocks Mediator interactions with RNA polymerase II”; Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 43, 15788-15793
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, R. Alvang, B. Grundberg and H. Hebert (2007): “Single Particle Refinement in Electron Crystallography, a Pilot Study”; JSB 160, 3, 344-352
S.-R. Wu, M. Sjöberg, M. Wallin, B. Lindqvist, H. Hebert, P.J.B. Koeck and H. Garoff (2008): ”Turning of the receptor-binding domains opens up the murine leukaemia virus Env for membrane fusion”; EMBO Journal 27, 20, 2799-2808
S.-R. Wu, R. Löving, B. Lindqvist, H. Hebert, P.J.B. Koeck, M. Sjöberg and H. Garoff (2010): ”Single particle cryo-electron microscopy analysis reveals the HIV-1 spike as a tripod structure”; PNAS 107, 44, 18844-18849
W. Lambert, P. J. B. Koeck, E. Ahrman, P. Purhonen, K. Cheng, D. Elmlund, H. Hebert and C. Emanuelsson (2011): “Subunit arrangement in the dodecameric chloroplast small heat shock protein Hsp21 “; Protein Science 20, 2, 291-301
D. Ambort , M. E. V. Johansson , J. K. Gustafsson , H. E. Nilsson , A. Ermund , B. R. Johansson , P. J. B. Koeck , H. Hebert , G. C. Hansson (2012): "Calcium and pH-dependent Packing and Release of the Gel-forming MUC2 Mucin"; PNAS 109, 15, 5645-50
H.E. Nilsson, D. Ambort, M. Bäckström, E. Thomsson, P.J.B. Koeck, G.C. Hansson, H. Hebert (2014): Intestinal MUC2 mucin supramolecular topology by packing and release resting on D3 domain assembly. J Mol Biol. 426 (14): 2567-79
Q. Kuang, P. Purhonen, C. Jegerschöld, P.J.B. Koeck, H. Hebert (2015): “Free RCK arrangement in Kch, a putative Escherichia coli potassium channel, as suggested by electron crystallography”; Structure 126, 1, 199-205
J. Härmark, M. Larsson, A. Razuvajev, P.J.B. Koeck, G. Paradossi, L.Å. Brodin, K. Caidahl, H. Hebert, A. Bjällmark (2015): “Investigation of the elimination process of a multimodal polymer-shelled contrast agent in rats using ultrasound and transmission electron microscopy”, Biomedical Spectroscopy & Imaging 4, 1, 81-93
P.J.B. Koeck (2015): “Improved Hilbert Phase Contrast for Transmission Electron Microscopy”; Ultramicroscopy 154, 37-41
P.J.B. Koeck, A. Karshikoff (2015): ”Limitations of the Linear and Projection Approximations in Transmission Electron Microscopy of Fully Hydrated Proteins”; Journal of Microscopy 259, 3, 197–209
P.J.B. Koeck (2015): “Improved Zernike-type Phase Contrast for Transmission Electron Microscopy ”; Journal of Microscopy 259, 1, 74–78
Q. Kuang, P. Purhonen, T. Pattipaka, Y. Ayele, H. Hebert, P.J.B. Koeck (2015): “A Refined Single Particle Reconstruction Procedure to Process Two-Dimensional Crystal Images from Transmission Electron Microscopy”; Microscopy and Microanalysis 21, 4, 876-885
P.J.B. Koeck (2016): “Annular Dark Field Transmission Electron Microscopy for Protein Structure Determination”, Ultramicroscopy 161, 98–104
J. Härmark, H. Hebert, P.J.B. Koeck (2016): “Shell thickness determination of polymer-shelled microbubbles using transmission electron microscopy”, Micron 80, 39-43
G. Rutsdottir, J. Härmark, Y. Weide, H. Hebert, M. Ib Rasmussen, S. Wernersson, M. Respondek, M. Akke, P. Højrup, P.J.B. Koeck, C.A.G. Söderberg, C. Emanuelsson (2017): “Structural Model of Dodecameric Heat-shock Protein Hsp21 - Flexible N-terminal Arms Interact with Client Proteins while C-terminal Tails Maintain the Dodecamer and Chaperone Activity”, JBC 292(19), 8103ff
P.J.B. Koeck (2017): “An aperture design for single side band imaging in the transmission electron microscope”, Ultramicroscopy 182, 81-84
G. Chen, A. Abelein, H. E. Nilsson, A. Leppert, Y. Andrade-Talavera, S. Tambaro, L. Hemmingsson, F. Roshan, M. Landreh, H. Biverstål, P. J. B. Koeck, J. Presto, H. Hebert, A. Fisahn, J. Johansson (2017): “Bri2 BRICHOS client specificity and chaperone activity are governed by assembly state”, Nature Communications 8(1), 2081-2081
P.J.B. Koeck (2018): “Design of an Electrostatic Phase Shifting Device for Biological Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Ultramicroscopy 187, 107-112
Sergio Trillo-Muyo, Harriet Nilsson, Christian Recktenwald, Anna Ermund, Caroline Ridley, Lauren Meiss, Andrea Bahr, Nikolai Klymiuk, Jeffrey Wine, Philip J. B. Koeck, David Thornton, Hans Hebert, and Gunnar Hansson (2018): “Granule-stored MUC5B mucins are packed by the non-covalent formation of N-terminal head-to-head tetramers", Journal of Biological Chemistry 293, 5746-5754
P.J.B. Koeck (2019): “Design of a Charged Particle Beam Phase Plate for Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Ultramicroscopy 205, 62-69
Margit Kaldmäe, Thibault Vosselman, Xueying Zhong, Dilraj Lama, Gefei Chen, Mihkel Saluri, Nina Kronqvist, Jia Wei Siau, Aik Seng Ng, Farid J. Ghadessy, Pierre Sabatier, Borivoj Vojtesek, Médoune Sarr, Cagla Sahin, Nicklas Österlund, Leopold L. Ilag, Venla A. Väänänen, Saikiran Sedimbi, Roman A. Zubarev, Lennart Nilsson, Philip J.B. Koeck, Anna Rising, Nicolas Fritz, Jan Johansson, David P. Lane, Michael Landreh (2021), A “spindle and thread”-mechanism unblocks translation of N-terminally disordered proteins. bioRxiv, doi:
P.J.B. Koeck and L.T. Barrett (2021): “Particle Dynamics Simulations of a Proposed Charged Particle Beam Phase Plate for Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Ultramicroscopy 222, 113192
Gefei Chen, Yuniesky Andrade-Talavera, Xueying Zhong, Sameer Hassan, Henrik Biverstal, Helen Poska, Axel Abelein, Axel Leppert, Nina Kronqvist, Anna Rising, Hans Hebert, Philip JB Koeck, André Fisahn, Jan Johansson (2021), Molecular chaperone ability to inhibit amyloid-derived neurotoxicity, but not 2 amorphous protein aggregation, depends on a conserved pH-sensitive Asp residue, bioRxiv, doi:
Margit Kaldmäe, Thibault Vosselman, Xueying Zhong, Dilraj Lama, Gefei Chen, Mihkel Saluri, Nina Kronqvist, Jia Wei Siau, Aik Seng Ng, Farid J. Ghadessy, Pierre Sabatier, Borivoj Vojtesek, Médoune Sarr, Cagla Sahin, Nicklas Österlund, Leopold L. Ilag, Venla A. Väänänen, Saikiran Sedimbi, Roman A. Zubarev, Lennart Nilsson, Philip J.B. Koeck, Anna Rising, Nicolas Fritz, Jan Johansson, David P. Lane, Michael Landreh (2022), A “spindle and thread”-mechanism unblocks translation of N-terminally disordered proteins. Structure, 30, 5, 733-742. e7,
Gefei Chen, Yuniesky Andrade-Talavera, Xueying Zhong, Sameer Hassan, Henrik Biverstål, Helen Poska, Axel Abelein, Axel Leppert, Nina Kronqvist, Anna Rising, Hans Hebert, Philip JB Koeck, André Fisahn, Jan Johansson (2022), Abilities of the BRICHOS domain to prevent neurotoxicity and fibril formation dependent on a highly conserved Asp residue. RSC Chemical Biology 3, 11, 1342-1358
P.J.B. Koeck (2022): “Imaging thick phase objects with and without defocus gradient”, "minor revisions accepted" by Microscopy and Microanalysis
Conference Abstracts and Invited Talks:
P. J. B. Koeck and M. Haider (1994): "Distinction of Gold and Silver Labels from the Plasmon Loss Peak of the Electron Energy Loss Spectrum for Immuno Double Labelling"; Abstracts of the 'Dreiländertagung Elektronenmikroskopie 1993'; Optik 94, supplement 5 and European Journal of Cell Biology 61, supplement 39; p. 107
P. J. B. Koeck, R. R. Schröder, K. R. Leonard and M. Haider (1995): "Unconventional Immuno Double Labelling by Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy"; Fifth European Workshop on Electron Spectroscopic Imaging, Diffraction and Analysis Techniques, Freiburg, June 8-9, 1995
P. J. B. Koeck, R. R. Schröder, K. R. Leonard and M. Haider (1996): "Unconventional Immuno Double Labelling by Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy"; Proc. of the 48th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, Aarhus, Denmark, June 2-5, 1996
P. J. B. Koeck (1997): “Quantization Errors in Averaged Digitized Data”; Proc. of the 49th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, Göteborg, Sweden, June 10-13, 1997
P. J. B. Koeck, S. Knapp, S. Fakoor-Biniaz, M. J. Ellis, R. Ladenstein and H. Hebert (1997): “Cryo electron microscopy of TF-55 single particles”; Structural Biology Network, First Annual Conference, Tällberg, June 6-9, 1997
P. J. B. Koeck, J. Hesse and H. Hebert (1998): “Scanners for High Resolution TEM”; invited talk, Proc. of the 50th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, June 7-10, 1998
P. J. B. Koeck, H. K. Kagawa, H. Hebert, M. J. Ellis and J. D. Trent (1998): “Two-Dimensional Crystals of Reconstituted b-Subunits of the Chaperonin TF55 from Sulfolobus shibatae”; Proc. of the 50th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, June 7-10, 1998
P. J. B. Koeck (1998): “Superresolution by Aliasing Correction of Undersampled Crystal Images”; Proc. of the 50th Annual Meeting of The Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, June 7-10, 1998
P. J. B. Koeck (2000): “Aliasing Correction of Undersampled Crystal Images”; Proc. of the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic, July 9-14, 2000
J. Sliauzyte, P. J.B. Koeck, G. Tibbelin, R. Ladenstein and H. Hebert (2000): “Structural Characterisation of Reconstituted TF55-a Oligomers”; Structural Biology Network, Forth Annual Conference, Tällberg, June 9-12, 2000
P. J.B. Koeck, J. Sliauzyte, G. Tibbelin, H. Hebert and R. Ladenstein (2000): “Structural Characterisation of Reconstituted TF55-a Oligomers”; Proc. of the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic, July 9-14, 2000
P.J.B. Koeck, W. Meining, M. Fischer, R. Ladenstein, A. Bacher and H. Hebert (2000): “Cryo Electron Microscopic Reconstruction of Icosahedral Capsids of the Lumazine Synthase - Dihydrofolate Reductase Fusion Protein”; Structural Biology Network, Forth Annual Conference, Tällberg, June 9-12, 2000
P.J.B. Koeck, W. Meining, M. Fischer, R. Ladenstein, A. Bacher and H. Hebert (2001): “Cryo Electron Microscopic Reconstruction of Icosahedral Capsids of the Lumazine Synthase - Dihydrofolate Reductase Fusion Protein”; Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, 52nd Annual Conference, Stockholm, June 12-15, 2001
K. Cheng, M. Karlström, J. Sliauzyte, H. Hebert, R. Ladenstein and P.J.B. Koeck (2003): ”Structural Studies of an Archaeal Chaperonin by Electron Microscopy”; Structural Biology Network, Seventh Annual Conference, Tällberg, 2003
K. Cheng, P.J.B. Koeck, K. Idakieva, T. Ternström, K. Parvanova and H. Hebert (2004): ”Stainless Models of Rapana Thomasiana Hemocyanin”; Proc. of the 13th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27, 2004
P. Purhonen, B. Grundberg, R. Alvang, P.J.B. Koeck, K. Thomsen, H. Hebert and A.B. Maunsbach (2004): “Renal Na,K-ATPase Structure from Cryo-Electron Microscopy with 2-D Crystals Showing Structural Variability”; Proc. of the 13th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Antwerp, Belgium, August 22-27, 2004
K. Cheng, P. J. B. Koeck, H. Elmlund, K. Idakieva, K. Parvanova, H. Schwarz, T. Ternström and H. Hebert (2006): ”Comparison of the two Rapana thomasiana Hemocyanin isoforms: RtH1 and RtH2”; 16. International Microscopy Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 3.–8.9.2006
R. Alvang, B. Grundberg, H. Hebert and P. J. B. Koeck (2006): ”Applications of Multivariate Methods in Electron Crystallography”, Network of Excellence-3DEM 2nd Annual Meeting, Klosters, Switzerland, 11.-14.1.2006
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, B. Grundberg and H. Hebert (2007): “Single-particle refinement of NaK-ATPase from images of two-dimensional crystals”, Network of Excellence-3DEM 3rd Annual Meeting, Palma Mallorca, Spain, 23.-25.1.2007
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, R. Alvang and H. Hebert (2007): “Single-particle refinement of Melibiose Permease from images of two-dimensional crystals”, Network of Excellence-3DEM 3rd Annual Meeting, Palma Mallorca, Spain, 23.-25.1.2007
R. Alvang and P. J. B. Koeck (2007): ”Beyond Unbending – Crystal Variation as an Opportunity”, Network of Excellence-3DEM 3rd Annual Meeting, Palma Mallorca, Spain, 23.-25.1.2007
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, R. Alvang, B. Grundberg and H. Hebert (2007): “Single-particle refinement in electron crystallography of membrane-proteins”, Scandem 2007, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Espoo, Finland, 18. – 20.6.2007
P. Purhonen, K. Thomsen, P. J. B. Koeck, A. B. Maunsbach and H. Hebert (2007): “Three-dimensional structure of renal Na,K-ATPase as determined by cryo-electron microscopy”, Scandem 2007, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Espoo, Finland, 18. – 20.6.2007
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, R. Alvang, B. Grundberg and H. Hebert (2008): “3D-correlation averaging of melibiose permease crystals”, Network of Excellence-3DEM 4th Annual Meeting, Marbach, Germany, 28.-30.1.2008
P. J. B. Koeck, P. Purhonen, R. Alvang, B. Grundberg and H. Hebert (2008): “3D-correlation-averaging for membrane-protein-crystals”, EMC 2008, 14th European Microscopy Congress, Aachen, Germany, 1. – 5.9.2008
Nilsson HE, Ambort D, Koeck PJ, Hansson GC, Hebert H (2011): “Molecular structure, packing and release of MUC2 with relevance to Cystic Fibrosis” invited talk at the Academic Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
H.E. Nilsson, D. Ambort, P.J.B. Koeck, J.K. Gustafsson, G.C. Hansson, H. Hebert (2012): “ Molecular structure, packing and release of MUC2 with relevance to Cystic Fibrosis”, EMC 2012, 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, England 2012
H.E. Nilsson, D. Ambort, P.J.B. Koeck, J.K. Gustafsson, G.C. Hansson, H. Hebert (2012): “Molecular structure, packing and release of MUC2 with relevance to Cystic Fibrosis” 16th annual conference of the Swedish Structural Biology Nework, SBnet, Tällberg, Sweden, 2012
Nilsson HE, Ambort D, Bäckström M, Thomsson E, Koeck PJ, Johansson MEV, Hansson GC, Hebert H (2013): “Highly organized supramolecular topology of intestinal MUC2 mucin during packing and release as revealed by structural characterization of its N-terminal D3 domain using electron microscopy” 12th International Workshop on Carcinoma-associated Mucins, Cambridge, England, 2013
Ambort D, Nilsson HE, Thomsson E, Koeck PJ, Hebert H, Bäckström M, Hansson GC (2013): “The third von Willebrand factor D domain (D3) of intestinal MUC2 mucin forms disulfide bonded trimers and non-covalent hexamers, as revealed by electron microscopy-based structural determination of the domain produced in CHO Lec3.2.8.1 cells” 17th annual conference of the Swedish Structural Biology Nework, SBnet, Tällberg, Sweden, 2013
H. E. Nilsson, D. Ambort, P.J.B. Koeck, G.C. Hansson, H. Hebert (2013): “Assembly of MUC2 N-terminal with Relevance for Mucus Formation” Scandem 2013, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10. – 14.6.2013
J. Härmark, P.J.B. Koeck, H. Hebert (2013): “Structural Characterization of Multifunctional Microbubbles by TEM” Scandem 2013, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10. – 14.6.2013
P.J.B. Koeck, V. P. Dandey, H. Rullgard, A. Karshikoff (2013): ”Thickness Limits for the Linear and Projection Approximations in Transmission Electron Microscopy of Fully Hydrated Proteins” Scandem 2013, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10. – 14.6.2013
Theses and Lecture Notes
P. J. B. Koeck (1991): “Solvent and Deuteration Effects on the Primary Photoprocesses in Dihydrobiliverdin”, masters thesis at the ‘Karl-Franzens-Universität’ Graz, Austria
P. J. B. Koeck (1995): “Unconventional Immuno Double Labelling by Electron Spectroscopic Imaging and Multivariate Statistical Analysis”, Doctoral Thesis at the ‘Karl-Franzens-Universität’ Graz, Austria
P. J. B. Koeck (1998): “Transmission Electron Microscopy”, lecture notes in ‘Structural Biochemistry and Biophysics’ by K. D. Berndt, M. Flocco Henningson, H. Hebert, P. J. B. Koeck, L. Nilsson; Karolinska Institutet
P.J.B. Koeck (1999): “Image Formation in the Electron Microscope”, lecture notes, Karolinska Institutet
P. J. B. Koeck (2005): “A General Description of Monoprotic Weak Acid-Base Equilibrium”, lecture notes, Södertörns Högskola and Karolinska Institutet
P. J. B. Koeck (2007): “Introduction to Biophysical Transmission Electron Microscopy”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska Institutet
P. J. B. Koeck (2010): “Mathematical Methods for Three-Dimensional Imaging”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska Institutet
P.J.B. Koeck (2013): “TEM-Image Formation in the Weak Amplitude and Phase Object Approximation”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology
P.J.B. Koeck (2018): “The Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions: Probability distributions for distinguishable atoms and molecules in an ideal gas”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology
P.J.B. Koeck (2018): “The Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions: Probability distributions for distinguishable and indistinguishable atoms and molecules in an ideal gas”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology
P.J.B. Koeck (2018): “An introduction the statistical physics of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles in an ideal gas”, lecture notes, Royal Institute of Technology