Kristina Bergman
Om mig
I am working as a PhD student within the Swedish Blue Food Center for Future Seafood. My focus is identifying sustainable seafood options and developing current methods to assess food sustainability to include more aspects of sustainability. I am particularly interested in better including marine biodiversity aspects in Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of seafood. I also have experience from work in both research projects and with contract work in the field of sustainable production and consumption of seafood. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a central method in my work to investigate how environmental impacts can be reduced most effectively.
My research areas:
Seafood's role in sustainable and healthy diets
Sustainability evaluation using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Measuring marine biodiversity effects on product level
Bergman, K., Woodhouse, A., Langeland, M., Vidakovic, A., Alriksson, B., & Hornborg, S. (2024). Environmental and biodiversity performance of a novel single cell protein for rainbow trout feed. Science of the Total Environment, 907.
Li, J., Bergman, K., Thomas, J.-B. E., Gao, Y., & Gröndahl, F. (2023). Life Cycle Assessment of a large commercial kelp farm in Shandong, China. Science of The Total Environment, 903, 166861.
Nilsson, A. E.,Bergman, K., Gomez Barrio, L. P., Cabral, E. M., & Tiwari, B. K. (2022). Life cycle assessment of a seaweed-based biorefinery concept for production of food, materials, and energy.Algal Research,65.
Gephart, J. A., G Henriksson, P. J., R Parker, R. W., Shepon, A., Gorospe, K. D., Bergman, K., Eshel, G., Golden, C. D., Halpern, B. S., Hornborg, S., Jonell, M., Metian, M., Mifflin, K., Newton, R., Tyedmers, P., Zhang, W., Ziegler, F., & Troell, M. (2021). Environmental performance of blue foods.360 | Nature |,597.
Hornborg, S., Bergman, K., & Ziegler, F. (2021). Svensk konsumtion av sjömat. RISE Rapport 2021 : 83
Bergman, K., Henriksson, P. J. G., Hornborg, S., Troell, M., Borthwick, L., Jonell, M., Philis, G., & Ziegler, F. (2020). Recirculating Aquaculture Is Possible without Major Energy Tradeoff: Life Cycle Assessment of Warmwater Fish Farming in Sweden.Environmental Science and Technology,54(24), 16062–16070.
Bergman, K., & Ziegler, F. (2019). Environmental impacts of alternative antifouling methods and use patterns of leisure boat owners.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,24(4), 725–734.
Hallström, E.,Bergman, K., Mifflin, K., Parker, R., Tyedmers, P., Troell, M., & Ziegler, F. (2019). Combined climate and nutritional performance of seafoods.Journal of Cleaner Production,230, 402–411.
Hornborg, S., Hallström, E., Ziegler, F., Bergman, K., Troell, M., Jonell, M., Rönnbäck, P., & Henriksson, P. (2019).Frisk med fisk utan risk? Betydelsen av svensk konsumtion av sjömat för hälsa och miljö. RISE report 2019:38