Publications by Björn Laumert
Peer reviewed
T. Ruan et al., "A new optimal PV installation angle model in high-latitude cold regions based on historical weather big data," Applied Energy, vol. 359, 2024.
W. Wang et al., "Photothermal performance of three chromia-forming refractory alloys for high-temperature solar absorber applications," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 225, 2023.
T. Ruan et al., "Potential of grid-connected decentralized rooftop PV systems in Sweden," Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 6, 2023.
S. Trevisan, W. Wang and B. Laumert, "A high-temperature thermal stability and optical property study of inorganic coatings on ceramic particles for potential thermal energy storage applications," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 239, 2022.
T. Pan et al., "A novel gas turbine simulator for testing hybrid solar-Brayton energy systems," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 268, 2022.
S. Trevisan et al., "A study of metallic coatings on ceramic particles for thermal emissivity control and effective thermal conductivity enhancement in packed bed thermal energy storage," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 234, 2022.
S. Trevisan et al., "Experimental evaluation of a high-temperature radial-flow packed bed thermal energy storage under dynamic mass flow rate," Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 54, pp. 105236, 2022.
S. Trevisan et al., "Experimental evaluation of an innovative radial-flow high-temperature packed bed thermal energy storage," Applied Energy, vol. 311, 2022.
W. Wang et al., "A New High-Temperature Durable Absorber Material Solution through a Spinel-Type High Solar Absorptivity Coating on Ti2AlC MAX Phase Material," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 13, no. 37, pp. 45008-45017, 2021.
W. Wang et al., "A dual-flow choked nozzle based precise pressure controller for high-temperature gas systems," Measurement, vol. 184, 2021.
W. Wang, L. Fan and B. Laumert, "A theoretical heat transfer analysis of different indirectly-irradiated receiver designs for high-temperature concentrating solar power applications," Renewable energy, vol. 163, pp. 1983-1993, 2021.
S. Trevisan, W. Wang and B. Laumert, "Coatings utilization to modify the effective properties of high temperature packed bed thermal energy storage," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 185, 2021.
G. T. Ayele et al., "Electrified district heating networks : a thermo-economic optimisation based on exergy and energy analyses," International Journal of Exergy, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 100-131, 2021.
M. Arnaudo et al., "Heat recovery and power-to-heat in district heating networks – Atechno-economic and environmental scenario analysis," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 185, pp. 116388, 2021.
L. Martinez-Manuel et al., "Numerical analysis on the optical geometrical optimization for an axial type impinging solar receiver," Energy, vol. 216, 2021.
G. T. Ayele et al., "Optimal heat and electric power flows in the presence of intermittent renewable source, heat storage and variable grid electricity tariff," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 243, 2021.
S. Trevisan et al., "Packed bed thermal energy storage: A novel design methodology including quasi-dynamic boundary conditions and techno-economic optimization," Journal of Energy Storage, 2021.
T. Xu et al., "Performance evaluation of three latent heat storage designs for cogeneration applications," Solar Energy, vol. 225, pp. 444-462, 2021.
W. Wang et al., "Solar selective reflector materials: Another option for enhancing the efficiency of the high-temperature solar receivers/reactors," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 224, 2021.
M. Arnaudo et al., "Waste heat recovery in low temperature networks versus domesticheat pumps - A techno-economic and environmental analysis," Energy, vol. 219, 2021.
B. Mao, Y. Ban and B. Laumert, "Dynamic Online 3D Visualization Framework for Real-Time Energy Simulation Based on 3D Tiles," ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 9, no. 3, 2020.
M. Arnaudo, M. Topel and B. Laumert, "Techno-economic analysis of demand side flexibility to enable the integration of distributed heat pumps within a Swedish neighborhood," Energy, vol. 195, 2020.
S. Trevisan, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Thermo-economic optimization of an air driven supercritical CO2 Braytonpower cycle for concentrating solar power plant with packed bed thermalenergy storage," Solar Energy, pp. 1373-1391, 2020.
L. Aichmayer, J. Garrido and B. Laumert, "Thermo-mechanical solar receiver design and validation for a micro gas-turbine based solar dish system," Energy, vol. 196, 2020.
M. Arnaudo, M. Topel and B. Laumert, "Vehicle-to-grid for peak shaving to unlock the integration of distributed heat pumps in a swedish neighborhood," Energies, vol. 13, no. 7, 2020.
J. Garrido et al., "Experimental and numerical performance analyses of Dish-Stirling cavity receivers : Radiative property study and design," Energy, vol. 169, pp. 478-488, 2019.
M. Arnaudo et al., "Heat demand peak shaving in urban integrated energy systems by demand side management - A techno-economic and environmental approach," Energy, vol. 186, 2019.
G. T. Ayele et al., "Optimal placement and sizing of heat pumps and heat only boilers in a coupled electricity and heating networks," Energy, vol. 182, pp. 122-134, 2019.
G. T. Ayele et al., "An extended energy hub approach for load flow analysis of highly coupled district energy networks: Illustration with electricity and heating," Applied Energy, vol. 212, pp. 850-867, 2018.
W. Wang, A. Malmquist and B. Laumert, "Comparison of potential control strategies for an impinging receiver based dish-Brayton system when the solar irradiation exceeds its design value," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 169, pp. 1-12, 2018.
J. Garrido et al., "Experimental and numerical performance analyses of a Dish-Stirling cavity receiver : Geometry and operating temperature studies," Solar Energy, vol. 170, pp. 913-923, 2018.
L. Aichmayer et al., "Experimental evaluation of a novel solar receiver for a micro gas-turbine based solar dish system in the KTH high-flux solar simulator," Energy, vol. 159, pp. 184-195, 2018.
D. Ferruzza et al., "Impact of steam generator start-up limitations on the performance of a parabolic trough solar power plant," Solar Energy, vol. 169, pp. 255-263, 2018.
M. Topel and B. Laumert, "Improving concentrating solar power plant performance by increasing steam turbine flexibility at start-up," Solar Energy, vol. 165, pp. 10-18, 2018.
D. Ferruzza et al., "Optimal start-up operating strategies for gas-boosted parabolic trough solar power plants," Solar Energy, vol. 176, pp. 589-603, 2018.
L. Aichmayer, J. Garrido and B. Laumert, "Scaling effects of a novel solar receiver for a micro gas-turbine based solar dish system," International Journal of Solar Energy, vol. 162, pp. 248-264, 2018.
W. Wang et al., "Transient performance of an impinging receiver : An indoor experimental study," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 158, pp. 193-200, 2018.
J. Garrido et al., "Characterization of the KTH high-flux solar simulator combining three measurement methods," Energy, vol. 141, pp. 2091-2099, 2017.
W. Wang et al., "Development of a Fresnel lens based high-flux solar simulator," Solar Energy, vol. 144, pp. 436-444, 2017.
W. Wang and B. Laumert, "Effect of cavity surface material on the concentrated solar flux distribution for an impinging receiver," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 161, pp. 177-182, 2017.
R. Christoph et al., "Identification of optimum molten salts for use as heat transfer fluids in parabolic trough CSP plants. A techno-economic comparative optimization," AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017.
R. Guedez et al., "A Methodology for Determining Optimum Solar Tower Plant Configurations and Operating Strategies to Maximize Profits Based on Hourly Electricity Market Prices and Tariffs," Journal of solar energy engineering, vol. 138, no. 2, 2016.
W. Wang et al., "The effect of the cooling nozzle arrangement to the thermal performance of a solar impinging receiver," Solar Energy, vol. 131, pp. 222-234, 2016.
J. Spelling, R. Guedez and B. Laumert, "A Thermo-Economic Study of Storage Integration in Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," Journal of solar energy engineering, vol. 137, no. 1, 2015.
W. Wang et al., "Conjugate heat transfer analysis of an impinging receiver design for a dish-Brayton system," Solar Energy, vol. 119, pp. 298-309, 2015.
M. Topel et al., "Differential Expansion Sensitivity Studies during Steam Turbine Startup," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 138, no. 6, 2015.
R. Guédez, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Enhancing the Economic Competitiveness of Concentrating Solar Power Plants Through an Innovative Integrated Solar-Combined Cycle With Thermal Energy Storage," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 137, no. 4, 2015.
M. Topel et al., "Operational Improvements for Startup Time Reduction in Solar Steam Turbines," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 137, no. 4, 2015.
L. Aichmayer, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Preliminary design and analysis of a novel solar receiver for a micro gas-turbine based solar dish system," Solar Energy, vol. 114, no. 4, pp. 378-396, 2015.
R. Guedez, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Reducing the Number of Turbine Starts in Concentrating Solar Power Plants through the Integration of Thermal Energy Storage," Journal of solar energy engineering, vol. 137, no. 2, 2015.
J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Thermo-economic evaluation of solar thermal and photovoltaic hybridization options for combined-cycle power plants," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 137, no. 3, pp. 031801, 2015.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "A Comparative Thermoeconomic Study of Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 136, no. 1, pp. 011801, 2014.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Advanced Hybrid Solar Tower Combined-Cycle Power Plants," Energy Procedia, vol. 49, pp. 1207-1217, 2014.
W. Wang et al., "An inverse design method for a cavity receiver used in solar dish Brayton system," Solar Energy, vol. 110, pp. 745-755, 2014.
R. Saha et al., "Influence of Prehistory and Leading Edge Contouring on Aero Performance of a Three-Dimensional Nozzle Guide Vane," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 136, no. 7, pp. 071014-1-071014-10, 2014.
R. Sandoz et al., "Air-Based Bottoming-Cycles for Water-Free Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 135, no. 10, pp. 101701, 2013.
J. Fridh, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Forced Response in Axial Turbines Under the Influence of Partial Admission," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 135, no. 4, pp. 041014, 2013.
L. Aichmayer et al., "Micro Gas-Turbine Design for Small-Scale Hybrid Solar Power Plants," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 135, no. 11, pp. 113001, 2013.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "A Thermoeconomic Study of Low-Temperature Intercooled-Recuperated Cycles for Pure-Solar Gas-Turbine Applications," Journal of solar energy engineering, vol. 134, no. 4, pp. 041015, 2012.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Optimal Gas-Turbine Design for Hybrid Solar Power Plant Operation," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 134, no. 9, 2012.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. H. Fransson, "Investigation of unsteady aerodynamic blade excitation mechanisms in a transonic turbine stage - Part I : Phenomenological identification and classification," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 410-418, 2002.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. H. Fransson, "Investigation of unsteady aerodynamic blade excitation mechanisms in a transonic turbine stage - Part II : Analytical description and quantification," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 419-428, 2002.
Conference papers
F. Padovani, M. Topel and B. Laumert, "Case Study of Shared Solar Applications in a Swedish Energy Community," in Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, 2023.
S. Guccione et al., "Thermodynamic Analysis of a Hybrid PV-Particle Based sCO2 Concentrating Solar Power Plant," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023.
S. Trevisan et al., "Laboratory prototype of an innovative radial flow packed bed thermal energy storage," in SOLARPACES 2020 : 26th International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2022.
S. Guccione et al., "Techno-Economic Optimization of a Hybrid PV-CSP Plant With Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage and Supercritical CO2 Brayton Power Cycle," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2022.
S. Trevisan, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Techno-economic analysis of hybrid supercritical CO2based molten salt tower CSP-PV," in SOLARPACES 2020 : 26th International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2022.
S. Trevisan et al., "Techno-economic analysis of a solar hybrid combined cycle power plant integrated with a packed bed storage at gas turbine exhaust," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020.
S. Trevisan et al., "Techno-economic analysis of an innovative purely solar-driven combined cycle system based on packed bed TES technology," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020.
S. Trevisan, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Thermodynamic Analysis of an Indirect Supercritical CO2 –Air Driven Concentrated Solar Power Plant with a Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage," in AIP Conference Proceedings : SOLARPACES 2019: International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2020.
Y. Benmakhlouf et al., "A methodology to assess the market potential and identify most promising business cases for small scale CSP plants with thermal energy storage," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019.
T. Xu et al., "Design Aspects of a Latent Heat Storage Unit for Heat Production Shifting at a Cogeneration Plant," in SWC2019 Proceedings, 2019.
G. T. Ayele et al., "Exergy analysis and thermo-economic optimization of a district heating network with solar-photovoltaic and heat pumps," in ECOS 2019 - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2019, pp. 1947-1959.
S. Trevisan et al., "Initial design of a radial-flow high temperature thermal energy storage concept for air-driven CSP systems," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019.
J. Garrido, R. Sjöqvist and B. Laumert, "Mechanical coupling behavior of a dish-Stirling receiver : Influence on the absorber tube stresses," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019.
P. G. Gan et al., "Modeling, simulation and economic analysis of CSP-driven solar fuel plant for diesel and gasoline production," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019.
S. Trevisan, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Preliminary assessment of integration of a packed bed thermal energy storage in a Stirling - CSP system," in SolarPACES 2018 : International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2019.
S. Trevisan, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Supercritical CO2 Brayton Power Cycle for CSP With Packed Bed TES Integration and Cost Benchmark Evaluation," in Proceedings ASME 2019 Power Conference, 2019.
R. Guedez et al., "Techno-economic comparative analysis of innovative combined cycle power plant layouts integrated with heat pumps and thermal energy storage," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2019, Vol 3, 2019.
M. Topel et al., "Analysis of plant performance with improved turbine flexibility : Test case on a parabolic trough configuration," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018.
J. Garrido, A. Abou-Taouk and B. Laumert, "Characterization of a Stirling cavity receiver performance in the KTH high-flux solar simulator and comparison with real Dish-Stirling data," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018.
A. Payaro et al., "Identification of Required Cost Reductions for CSP to Retain Its Competitive Advantage as Most Economically Viable Solar-Dispatchable Technology," in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017), 2018.
R. Guédez et al., "Integrated Solar Combined Cycles vs Combined Gas Turbine to Bottoming Molten Salt Tower Plants - A Techno-economic Analysis," in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017), 2018.
G. T. Ayele et al., "Pseudo-dynamic simulation on a district energy system made of coupling technologies," in Proceedings of ECOS 2018 - the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems June 17-22, 2018, Guimarães, PORTUGAL, 2018.
M. Arnaudo et al., "Techno-economic Analysis of Integrated Energy Systems at Urban District Level - A Swedish Case Study," in Energy Procedia, 2018, pp. 286-296.
M. Topel, A. Vitrano and B. Laumert, "Utilization of a thermo-mechanical model coupled with multi-objective optimization to enhance the start-up process of solar steam turbines," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2018.
L. Hansson et al., "Development and implementation of a dynamic TES dispatch control component in a PV-CSP techno-economic performance modelling tool," in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017.
K. Larchet et al., "Enhancing economic competiveness of dish Stirling technology through production volume and localization : Case study for Morocco," in SOLARPACES 2016 : International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2017.
M. Topel et al., "Investigation into the thermal limitations of steam turbines during start-up operation," in Proceedings of the asme turbo expo : Turbine technical conference and exposition, 2017, vol 8, 2017.
S. Gupta, R. Guédez and B. Laumert, "Market potential of solar thermal enhanced oil recovery-a techno-economic model for Issaran oil field in Egypt," in SOLARPACES 2016 : International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2017.
L. Aichmayer, J. Garrido and B. Laumert, "Performance Improvements of the KTH High-Flux Solar Simulator," in AIP Conference Proceedings 1850, 2017.
D. Ferruzza et al., "Start-up performance of parabolic trough concentrating solar power plants," in SOLARPACES 2016 : International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2017.
M. Topel et al., "Towards prioritizing flexibility in the design and construction of concentrating solar power plants," in SOLARPACES 2016 : International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, 2017.
L. Aichmayer et al., "Experimental Flux Measurement of a High-Flux Solar Simulator using a Lambertian Target and a Thermopile Flux Sensor," in AIP Conference Proceedings 1734, 2016.
R. Guedez et al., "Techno-economic Performance Evaluation of Direct Steam Generation Solar Tower Plants with Thermal Energy Storage Systems Based on High-temperature Concrete and Encapsulated Phase Change Materials," in SOLARPACES 2015 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2016.
R. Guedez et al., "Techno-economic Performance Evaluation of Solar Tower Plants with Integrated Multi-layered PCM Thermocline Thermal Energy Storage - A Comparative Study to Conventional Two-tank Storage Systems," in SOLARPACES 2015 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2016.
M. Topel et al., "Thermo-Economic Study on the Implementation of Steam Turbine Concepts for Flexible Operation on a Direct Steam Generation Solar Tower Power Plant," in SOLARPACES 2015 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2016.
J. Garrido Galvez et al., "A Detailed Radiation Heat Transfer Study of a Dish-Stirling Receiver : the Impact of Cavity Wall Radiation Properties and Cavity Shapes," in SOLARPACES 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, 2015.
R. Guédez et al., "A methodology for determining optimum solar tower plant configurations and operating strategies to maximize profits based on hourly electricity market prices and tariffs," in ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 Power Conference, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum, 2015.
M. Topel et al., "Differential expansion sensitivity studies during steam turbine start-up," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2015.
R. E. Guedez et al., "Enhancing the profitability of solar tower power plants through thermoeconomic analysis based on multi-objective optimization," in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, SOLARPACES 2014, 2015, pp. 1277-1286.
L. Aichmayer, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Thermoeconomic Analysis of a Solar Dish Micro Gas-Turbine Combined-Cycle Power Plant," in Energy Procedia 69, 2015, pp. 1089-1099.
J. Spelling, L. Aichmayer and B. Laumert, "Thermoeconomic Evaluation of a Novel Utility-Scale Hybrid Solar Dish Micro Gas-Turbine Power Plant," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015. Montreal, Canada. June 15-19, 2015.
R. Guedez, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Enhancing the Economic Competitiveness of Concentrating Solar Power Plants through an Innovative Integrated Solar Combined-Cycle with Thermal Energy Storage," in Proceedings of the ASME TurboExpo 2014, 2014.
M. Topel et al., "Geometric Modularity in the Thermal Modeling of Solar Steam Turbines," in Proceedings of the SolarPACES 2013 International Conference, 2014, pp. 1737-1746.
M. Topel, R. Guedez and B. Laumert, "Impact of Increasing Steam Turbine Flexibility on the Annual Performance of a Direct Steam Generation Tower Power Plant," in Energi Procedia, 2014, pp. 1171-1180.
W. Wang et al., "Integrated Design of a Hybrid Gas Turbine-Receiver Unit for a Solar Dish System," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2014. Beijing, China. September 16-19, 2014, 2014.
M. Topel et al., "Operational Improvements for Start-up Time Reduction in solar Steam Turbines," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME TURBO EXPO : Paper No. GT2014-27065 Volume05C, 2014.
R. Guedez et al., "Optimization of Thermal Energy Storage Integration Strategies for Peak Power Production by Concentrating Solar Power Plants," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOLARPACES 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2014, pp. 1642-1651.
L. Aichmayer, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Small Scale Hybrid Solar Power Plants for Polygeneration in Rural Areas," in Energy Procedia 57, 2014, pp. 1536-1545.
G. Ragnolo et al., "Technoeconomic Design of a Micro Gas-Turbine for a Solar Dish System," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2014. Beijing, China. September 16-19, 2014.
J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Thermoeconomic evaluation of solar thermal and photovoltaic hybridization options for combined-cycle power plants," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2014.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "A Comparative Thermoeconomic Study of Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2013.
R. Sandoz et al., "Air-Based Bottoming-Cycles for Water-Free Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," in Proceedings of the ASME TurboExpo 2013, 2013.
W. Wang et al., "Design and Validation of a Low-cost High-flux Solar Simulator using Fresnel Lens Concentrators," in Proceedings of the SolarPACES 2013 International Conference, 2013, pp. 2221-2230.
R. Saha et al., "Influence of pre-history and leading edge contouring on aero-performance of a 3D nozzle guide vane," in Proceedings of the ASME Gas Turbine India Conference -2013- ; presented at ASME 2013 Gas Turbine India Conference, December 5-6, 2013, Bangalore, India, 2013.
L. Aichmayer et al., "Micro Gas-Turbine Design for Small-Scale Hybrid Solar Power Plants," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013. San Antonio, USA. June 3-7, 2013.
R. Guédez et al., "Reducing the Number of Turbine Starts in Concentrating Solar Power Plants through the Integration of Thermal Energy Storage," in Proceedings of the ASME TurboExpo 2013, 2013.
R. Guédez, J. Spelling and B. Laumert, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of Solar Thermal Power Plants with Storage in High-Penetration Renewable Electricity Markets," in Energy Procedia, 2013.
L. Aichmayer et al., "Design and Analysis of a Solar Receiver for Micro Gas Turbine based Solar Dish Systems," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2012. Marrakesh, Morocco. September 11-14, 2012, 2012.
J. Fridh, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Forced Response in axial turbines under the influence of partial admission," in ASME Turbo Expo 2012 - Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Copenhagen, June 11-15, 2012 : Volume 7, Issue PARTS A AND B, 2012, 2012, pp. 1419-1429.
J. Spelling, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Optimal Gas-Turbine Design For Hybrid Solar Power Plant Operation," in Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Vol 6, 2012, pp. 249-259.
J. Spelling, R. Guedez and B. Laumert, "The Value of Storage in Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2012, Marrakesh, 2012.
J. Spelling et al., "A Thermoeconomic Study of Hybrid Solar Gas-Turbine Power Plants," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2011, Granada, 2011.
J. Spelling et al., "A Thermoeconomic Study of Low-Temperature Intercooled-Recuperated Cycles for Pure-Solar Gas-Turbine Applications," in Proceedings of the International SolarPACES Conference 2011, Granada, 2011.
T. Strand et al., "On the Significance of Concentrated Solar Power R&D in Sweden," in Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, 2011.
S. Trollheden et al., "Turbine Technologies for Future Cryogenic ELV Engines," in AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006, 2006, pp. 6157-6167.
L. Winterfeldt et al., "Redesign of the Vulcain 2 Nozzle Extension," in 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2005.
S. Brodin et al., "Vinci Engine Development Testing, a Summary of Turbine Testing Results," in 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, 2005.
H. Mårtensson, B. Laumert and T. Fransson, "Aeromechanical Aspects on Unsteady Flow in Turbines," in AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, 2003.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. Fransson, "Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamic Blade Excitation Mechanism in Transonic Turbine Stages," in ASME paper GT-2002-30450, 2002.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. Fransson, "Simulation of Rotor/Stator Interaction with a 4D Finite Volume Method," in ASME paper GT-2002-30601, 2002.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. H. Fransson, "Investigation of the Flowfield in the Transonic VKI Brite EURAM Turbine Stage with 3D Steady and Unsteadu N-S Computations," in ASME TURBO EXPO LAND SEA & AIR 2000, Munich, Germany, 2000, 2000.
Non-peer reviewed
M. Arnaudo et al., "Corrigendum to ‘waste heat recovery in low temperature networksversus domestic heat pumps - A techno-economic and environmentalanalysis’ Energy 219 (2021) 119675," Energy, vol. 221, 2021.
Conference papers
B. Laumert, A. Pettersson and R. Östensen, "The Vinci and TPX Turbine Demonstrator Programs : Latest Advances for the Next Generation European Launcher Engines," in 5th International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference, 2nd International Symposium on Propulsion for Space Transportation 2008. Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 5-8 May 2008, 2008.
B. Laumert, H. Mårtensson and T. Fransson, "Aeroelasticity in Turbomachines," in First International Conference on Military Technology, 2003.
W. Wang and B. Laumert, "Simulate a ‘Sun’ for Solar Research : A Literature Review of Solar Simulator Technology," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
B. Laumert, "Numerical Methods for the Computation of Rotor/Stator Interaction," , KTH/HPT, 02/22, 2002.
S. Trevisan et al., "Experimental Evaluation of a High-Temperature Radial-Flow Packed Bed Thermal Energy Storage under Dynamic Boundary Conditions," (Manuscript).
W. Wang et al., "The effect of nozzle arrangement to the thermal performance of impinging receiver," (Manuscript).
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