Publications by Fabian Levihn
Peer reviewed
O. Stenström et al., "A robust investment decision to deploy bioenergy carbon capture and storage : exploring the case of Stockholm Exergi," Frontiers in Energy Research, vol. 11, 2024.
Q. Hamp and F. Levihn, "Model predictive control for dynamic indoor conditioning in practice," Energy and Buildings, vol. 277, 2022.
K. Gustafsson et al., "BECCS with combined heat and power : Assessing the energy penalty," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 108, 2021.
T. Hammar and F. Levihn, "Time -dependent climate impact of biomass use in a fourth generation district heating system, including BECCS," Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 138, 2020.
O. Pasichnyi et al., "Data-driven strategic planning of building energy retrofitting : The case of Stockholm," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 233, pp. 546-560, 2019.
O. Pasichnyi et al., "Energy performance certificates — New opportunities for data-enabled urban energy policy instruments?," Energy Policy, pp. 486-499, 2019.
F. Levihn et al., "Introducing BECCS through HPC to the research agenda : The case of combined heat and power in Stockholm," Energy Reports, vol. 5, pp. 1381-1389, 2019.
F. Levihn, "CHP and heat pumps to balance renewable power production : Lessons from the district heating network in Stockholm," Energy, vol. 137, pp. 670-678, 2017.
I. Dimoulkas, M. Amelin and F. Levihn, "District heating system operation in power systems with high share of wind power," Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 850-862, 2017.
F. Levihn and C. Nuur, "Co-benefits of primary energy conservation, reduced emissions and costs through biomass and waste incineration chp in district heating," International Journal of Energy Production and Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 87-98, 2016.
F. Levihn, "On the problem of optimizing through least cost per unit, when costs are negative : Implications for cost curves and the definition of economic efficiency," Energy, vol. 114, pp. 1155-1163, 2016.
U. Levihn and F. Levihn, "The Transition from Product to Solution Selling : The Role and Organization of Employees Engaged in Current Business," Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 207-219, 2016.
H. Shahrokni, F. Levihn and N. Brandt, "Big meter data analysis of the energy efficiency potential in Stockholm's building stock," Energy and Buildings, vol. 78, pp. 153-164, 2014.
F. Levihn and C. Nuur, "Biomass and waste incineration CHP: co-benefits of primary energy savings, reduced emissions and costs," Wit Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, vol. 190, pp. 127-138, 2014.
F. Levihn, "CO2 emissions accounting : Whether, how, and when different allocation methods should be used," Energy, vol. 68, pp. 811-818, 2014.
F. Levihn, C. Nuur and S. Laestadius, "Marginal abatement cost curves and abatement strategies : Taking option interdependency and investments unrelated to climate change into account," Energy, vol. 76, pp. 336-344, 2014.
F. Levihn, C. Nuur and H. Blomgren, "Corporate response to climate change mitigation : What can we learn from annual reports of European industries?," International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 77-86, 2011.
Conference papers
S. Hollmen, F. Levihn and G. Martinsson, "When markets don't deliver : bilateral hedging by means of PPAs in managing intertemporal price risks in power generation investments," in International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, 2022.
C. Linderholm et al., "1st International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights," in GHGT 2018 - 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 2018.
F. Levihn, "Market reaction to economic climate change policy : The merit order effect and the limits of marginal abatement cost curves," in Energy Systems Conference, 24-25 June 2014, London, 2014.
F. Levihn, C. Nuur and S. Laestadius, "Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) : The need for an evolutionary approach," in IAMOT2013 Proceedings, 2013.
F. Levihn, S. Tongur and H. Blomgren, "A New wave for Diesel," in Technology and the Global Challenges : Security, Energy Water and the Environment, 2011.
F. Levihn and H. Blomgren, "Strategy matters, does the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme?," in IAMOT 2011, 2011.
H. Blomgren et al., "The Strategic Agenda of Corporate Europe - Sustainability or Not?," in The Sustainable Global Marketplace : Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, FL USA May 24-27, 2011, 2011, pp. 307-309.
H. Blomgren et al., "Who is lagging behind in climate change - Europe versus US? : Exploring 2400 CEO letters 2000 – 2009," in European Academy of Management, EURAM, Tallin, Estonia, 2011.
H. Blomgren et al., "Corporate strategic adaptability to climate change : An explorative study on 1000 European Annual CEO letters 2000 - 2008," in ”Back to the future”, European Academy of Management, EURAM 10th Annual Conference, Rome, 2010.
Non-peer reviewed
K. Koponen et al., "Responsible carbon dioxide removals and the EU's 2040 climate target," Environmental Research Letters, vol. 19, no. 9, 2024.
Chapters in books
F. Levihn, "Carbon dioxide removal and bioenergy carbon capture and storage," in Handbook on Climate Change and Technology, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp. 116-133.
F. Levihn, "Investments, system dynamics, energy management and policy : a solution to the metric problem of bottom-up supply curves," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-IEO, 2015:03, 2015.
F. Levihn, "Net or gross negative emissions, importance for negative emissions accounting," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-RP, 2023:7, 2023.
H. Blomgren et al., "Europe versus Asia/China versus USA : The corporate interest in climate change issuesCovering the period 2000 - 2009," , TRITA-IEO, 2010:05, 2010.
H. Blomgren, P. Jonsson and F. Levihn, "The corporate interest in climate change issues : Analysing 1000 annual reports in European public listed companies covering the period 2000 - 2008," , TRITA-IEO, 2009:9, 2009.
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