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Publikationer av Luigia Brandimarte



A. Risling, S. Lindersson och L. Brandimarte, "A comparison of global flood models using Sentinel-1 and a change detection approach," Natural Hazards, 2024.
E. Knapik, L. Brandimarte och M. Usher, "Maintenance in sustainable stormwater management : issues, barriers and challenges," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, s. 1-27, 2024.
L. Brandimarte, A. Funk och B. Richter, "Mixing fluid mechanics with circus: how the performing arts can enhance learning in an undergraduate engineering course," European Journal of Engineering Education, s. 1-22, 2024.
M. Mazzoleni och L. Brandimarte, "Modelling flood awareness in floodplain dynamics," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 68, no. 4, s. 604-613, 2023.
S. Lindersson et al., "The wider the gap between rich and poor the higher the flood mortality," Nature Sustainability, vol. 6, no. 8, s. 995-1005, 2023.
F. Akhter, M. Mazzoleni och L. Brandimarte, "Analysis of 220 Years of Floodplain Population Dynamics in the US at Different Spatial Scales," Water, vol. 13, no. 2, 2021.
S. Lindersson et al., "Global riverine flood risk - how do hydrogeomorphic floodplain maps compare to flood hazard maps?," Natural hazards and earth system sciences, vol. 21, no. 10, s. 2921-2948, 2021.
T. Michaelis, L. Brandimarte och M. Mazzoleni, "Capturing flood-risk dynamics with a coupled agent-based and hydraulic modelling framework," Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2020.
M. Mazzoleni, L. Brandimarte och A. Amaranto, "Evaluating precipitation datasets for large-scale distributed hydrological modelling," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 578, 2019.
M. R. Ferdous et al., "The Costs of Living with Floods in the Jamuna Floodplain in Bangladesh," Water, vol. 11, no. 6, 2019.
M. R. Ferdous et al., "The levee effect along the Jamuna River in Bangladesh," Water international, 2019.
K. Okoli et al., "Model averaging versus model selection : estimating design floods with uncertain river flow data," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 63, no. 13-14, s. 1913-1926, 2018.
M. R. Ferdous et al., "Socio-hydrological spaces in the Jamuna River floodplain in Bangladesh," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 22, no. 10, s. 5159-5173, 2018.
M. Mazzoleni et al., "Effects of levee cover strength on flood mapping in the case of levee breach due to overtopping," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 62, no. 6, s. 892-910, 2017.
L. Brandimarte, "The seventh facet of uncertainty: wrong assumptions, unknowns and surprises in the dynamics of human–water systems," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 61, no. 9, s. 1748-1758, 2016.
L. Brandimarte, I. Popescu och N. K. Neamah, "Analysis of fresh-saline water interface at the Shatt Al-Arab estuary," International Journal of River Basin Management, vol. 13, no. 1, s. 17-25, 2015.
G. Di Baldassarre et al., "Debates - Perspectives on socio-hydrology : Capturing feedbacks between physical and social processes," Water resources research, vol. 51, no. 6, s. 4770-4781, 2015.
M. Mazzoleni et al., "Innovative probabilistic methodology for evaluating the reliability of discrete levee reaches owing to piping," Journal of hydrologic engineering, vol. 20, no. 5, 2015.
L. Popescu, L. Brandimarte och M. Peviani, "Effects of climate change over energy production in La Plata Basin," International Journal of River Basin Management, vol. 12, no. 4, s. 319-327, 2014.
F. M. Hailemariam, L. Brandimarte och F. Dottori, "Investigating the influence of minor hydraulic structures on modeling flood events in lowland areas," Hydrological Processes, vol. 28, no. 4, s. 1742-1755, 2014.
D. G. Palomino Cuya et al., "A GIS-based assessment of maximum potential hydropower production in La Plata basin under global changes," Renewable energy, vol. 50, s. 103-114, 2013.
S. S. Abawallo, L. Brandimarte och M. Maglionico, "Analysis of the performance response of offline detention basins to inlet structure design," Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 62, no. 4, s. 449-457, 2013.
G. Di Baldassarre et al., "Towards understanding the dynamic behaviour of floodplains as human-water systems," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 17, no. 8, s. 3235-3244, 2013.
L. Brandimarte och M. K. Woldeyes, "Uncertainty in the estimation of backwater effects at bridge crossings," Hydrological Processes, vol. 27, no. 9, s. 1292-1300, 2013.
I. Popescu et al., "Assessing residual hydropower potential of the la Plata Basin accounting for future user demands," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 16, no. 8, s. 2813-2823, 2012.
L. Brandimarte, P. Paron och G. Di Baldassarre, "Bridge pier scour : A review of processes, measurements and estimates," Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, s. 975-989, 2012.
L. Brandimarte och G. Di Baldassarre, "Uncertainty in design flood profiles derived by hydraulic modelling," Hydrology Research, vol. 43, no. 6, s. 753-761, 2012.
L. Brandimarte et al., "Relation Between the North-Atlantic Oscillation and Hydroclimatic Conditions in Mediterranean Areas," Water resources management, vol. 25, no. 5, s. 1269-1279, 2011.
G. Di Baldassarre et al., "Timely Low Resolution SAR Imagery To Support Floodplain Modelling : A Case Study Review," Surveys in geophysics, vol. 32, no. 3, s. 255-269, 2011.
G. Di Baldassarre et al., "Flood fatalities in Africa : From diagnosis to mitigation," Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 37, no. 22, 2010.
L. Brandimarte et al., "Isla Hispaniola : A trans-boundary flood risk mitigation plan," Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. 34, no. 4-5, s. 209-218, 2009.
J. -. Briaud et al., "Probability of scour depth exceedance owing to hydrologic uncertainty," Georisk, vol. 1, no. 2, s. 77-88, 2007.
L. Brandimarte, P. D'Odorico och A. Montanari, "A probabilistic approach to the analysis of contraction scour," Journal of Hydraulic Research, vol. 44, no. 5, s. 654-662, 2006.
L. Brandimarte et al., "Stochastic flow analysis for predicting river scour of cohesive soils," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 132, no. 5, s. 493-500, 2006.
A. Castellarin et al., "Regional flow-duration curves : Reliability for ungauged basins," Advances in Water Resources, vol. 27, no. 10, s. 953-965, 2004.


G. Di Baldassarre et al., "The interplay between human population dynamics and flooding in Bangladesh : A spatial analysis," i IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports, 2014, s. 188-191.
S. Gandolfi et al., "Rio soliette (Haiti) : An international initiative for flood-hazard assessment and mitigation," i International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 2013, s. 159-165.
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