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PhD students

Dr Boström is co-advisor for the following PhD student:

Ms Priyadarshini Thiyam (from September 2013 with Dr Boström as scientific tutor) at Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Insitute of Technology, in Stockholm (Sweden). Prof. Clas Persson is supervisor for Ms Thiyam. Ms Thiyam recently received an Erasmus Mundus India4EU fellowship (supported by the European Union). Ms Priyadarshini Thiyam participated in the summer School "Geometry and Topology of Liquid Crystals and Related Ordered Materials", held at the Niels Bohr Institute. University of Copenhagen, from August 19-23, 2013. From 1/9-2013 she works in our team aiming at extending the understanding of intermolecular forces in nanopores and nanoslits. An important long term ambition is to study catalytic effects on excited state molecules inside complex materials. In November 2013 she presented an informal seminar at KTH  about her work on Waals interactions. She presented a talk at our STINT funded workshop in January 2014 and gave an oral presentation at the "XVth International Conference on Surface Forces” in Russia. She also participated (with posters) at Casimir related workshop in France (Spring 2014) and in catalytic symposium in Oslo (June 2014). During spring 2015 Priyadarshini visited USA and Norway to work and continue strong collaborative efforts with international research teams. She will be visiting Prof. Stefan Buhmann in Freiburg beginning of 2016. Priyadarshini has been my and Prof. Clas Persson's student for two years. She has already been part in research and writing that resulted in 9 papers published in good journals or accepted for publication. Several of those as first author. About 5-6 more manusscripts are work in progress (one submitted). Priyadarshini informed me on the 9/7-2015 via email she was one of the winners of the "Best Student Paper Award" for the paper, "Effective Lennard-Jones parameters for CO2-CO2 dispersion interactions in water and near amorphous silica-water interfaces" at PIERS Conference in Prague... I am fortunate to work with really talented people!


Former student:

Former co-advisor for Dr Vivianne Deniz who received her PhD from the Australian National University during 2014


Former co-advisor for Dr. Maofeng Dou (co-advisor from December 2012 until 22 May 2015) at the Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Insitute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (Prof. Clas Persson was supervisor for Mr Maofeng Dou). Mr Maofeng Dou has exploited atomic scale density functional theory to understand the properties of for example doped oxide materials. He received a prestigious stipend from the European Science Foundation to visit Prof. Iver Brevik’s group at NTNU (Trondheim, Norway) where he learned how to use Lifshitz formalism to study quantum levitation and related effects. I would like to express my strongest possible support for him. It has been a privilege to work with Maofeng. He is a team player and has proved that he is an inspired researcher that can stand on his own. It is rare to find researchers that can combine theoretical material science and fundamental theoretical physics at the highest level. Maofeng is an outstanding researcher in both material science and theoretical physics. With the proper support I expect him to rise and become a world leader in his field. Congratulations to Maofeng for a succesful PhD defence, he was an excellent student and good friend!!! I hope we will have a long and fruitful collaboration in years to come!



Selected papers with my students:

 M1. Enlarged molecules from excited atoms in nanochannels, Mathias Boström,  Iver Brevik, Bo E. Sernelius, Maofeng Dou, Clas Persson, Barry W Ninham, Physical Review A 86, 014701 (2012). Number of citations:2

M2. “Casimir attractive–repulsive transition in MEMS”, Mathias Boström, S. Å. Ellingsen, Iver Brevik, Maofeng Dou, Clas Persson, and Bo E. Sernelius, European Physical Journal B 85, 377 (2012). Number of citations:1

M3. Casimir quantum levitation tuned by means of material properties and geometries, Maofeng Dou, Fei Lou, Mathias Boström, Iver Brevik, and Clas Persson, Phys. Rev. B 89, 201407(R) (2014).

M4. Increased porosity turns desorption to adsorption for gas bubbles near water-SiO2, M. Boström,  M. Dou,  P. Thiyam,  D. F. Parsons, O. I. Malyi, C. PerssonPHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 075403 (2015).

P1. Intermolecular Casimir-Polder Forces in Water and near Surfaces, Priyadarshini Thiyam, Clas Persson, Bo E. Sernelius, Drew F. Parsons, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, and Mathias Boström. Phys. Rev. E 90, 032122 (2014).

P2. Finite Size Dependent Dispersion Potentials Between Atoms and Ions Dissolved in Water, Europhysics Letters 106, 53002 (2014), Priyadarshini Thiyam, Mathias Boström, C. Persson, D. F. Parsons, Iver Brevik, and Bo E. Sernelius.

P3..  Nonperturbative theory for dispersion self-energy of atoms, Priyadarshini Thiyam, C. Persson, I. Brevik, Bo E. Sernelius, and Mathias Boström, Phys. Rev. A 90, 054502 (2014). 

P4.Trends of CO2 adsorption on cellulose due to van der Waals forces, Priyadarshini Thiyam, Clas Persson, Drew F. Parsons, D. Huang, S. Y. Buhmann, and Mathias Boström, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 470316-321 (2015).

P5. Increased porosity turns desorption to adsorption for gas bubbles near water-SiO2, M. Boström, M. Dou,  P. Thiyam,  D. F. Parsons, O. I. Malyi, C. Persson, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 91, 075403 (2015).

P6. Non-perturbative theory of dispersion interactions, Mathias Boström, P. Thiyam, C. Persson, D. F. Parsons, S. Buhmann, I. Brevik, Bo E. Sernelius, Physica Scripta 035405, 90 (2015).

P7. P. Thiyam, O. I. Malyi, C. Persson, S. Y. Buhmann, D. F. Parsons, M. Boström, Effective Lennard-Jones parameters for CO2-ˆ’CO2 dispersion interactions in water and near amorphous silica-water interfaces, in: PIERS Proceedings, 2015, pp. 1289€-1296.

P8.A first principles study of CO2 adsorption on α-SiO2(001) Surface, Oleksandr I. Malyi, Priyadarshini Thiyam, Mathias Boström, and Clas Persson, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17, 20125 (2015).

P9. Anisotropic contribution to the van der Waals and the Casimir-Polder energies for CO2 and CH4 molecules near surfaces and thin films, Priyadarshini Thiyam,  Prachi Parashar, K. V. Shajesh, Clas Persson, Martin Schaden, Iver Brevik,,Drew F. Parsons, Kimball A. Milton, Oleksandr I. Malyi,  and Mathias Boström, Phys. Rev. A (accepted for publication).