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Md Hasibul Islam

Profilbild av Md Hasibul Islam

Om mig

At present, I am working as a PhD student in the department of Sustainable Production Development within the school of Industrial Engineering & Management. I am doing research within the aim of creating future Lean and Green factory design, and currently, i am focusing on the initial development phase of the prodcution system, such as ensuring acquisition of production equipment that could support company´s Lean and Green mission, better collaboration and management to reduce rampup time of production. 


  1. BSc in Industrial & Production Engineering, from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh. (2008-2013)
  2. MSc in Production Engineering, from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2015-2017)

Career Summary:

  1. Production Engineer, Sinobangla Industries Limited-Bangladesh (2013-2015)
  2. Lecturer, Department of Operations & Supply Chain Management, American International University-Bangladesh (2018)

Research Interest: Lean manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Production Planning, Industrialization, Industry 4.0, Production Management


CDIO-kurs i Hållbar produktionsutveckling (ML2308), lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Md Hasibul Islam