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Publications by Mia Hesselgren

Peer reviewed


X. Zhao et al., "Key barriers in MaaS development and implementation : Lessons learned from testing Corporate MaaS (CMaaS)," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 8, 2020.
L. Sopjani et al., "Shared mobility services versus private car : Implications of changes in everyday life," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 259, 2020.
I. Fazey, M. Hesselgren and H. R. Young, "Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth : Visions of future systems and how to get there," Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 70, 2020.
M. Hesselgren, M. Sjöman and A. Pernestål, "Understanding user practices in mobility service systems : Results from studying large scale corporate MaaS in practice," Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 21, pp. 318-327, 2020.
L. Sopjani et al., "Involving users and user roles in the transition to sustainable mobility systems : The case of light electric vehicle sharing in Sweden," Transportation Research Part F : Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol. 71, pp. 207-221, 2019.
J. Wangel et al., "Vitiden : Transforming a policy-orienting scenario to a practice-oriented energy fiction," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 112, 2019.

Conference papers

M. Sjöman and M. Hesselgren, "Designerly Living Labs: Early-stage exploration of future sustainable concepts," in Synergy - DRS International Conference 2020, 2020, pp. 787-802.
A. Pernestål Brenden and M. Hesselgren, "Possibilities and barriers in ride-sharing in work commuting – a case study in Sweden," in Transport Research Arena, TRA2018, Vienna , Austria, April 16 -19, 2018, 2018.
L. Sopjani et al., "Co-creation with diverse actors for sustainability innovation," in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17), Vol. 8: Human Behaviour in Design, Vancouver, Canada, 21.-25.08.2017, 2017.
M. Hesselgren, H. Hasselqvist and L. Sopjani, "Design strategies for exploring and bridging : Intersections of everyday life and decisionmaking for sustainability," in Conference proceedings of the Design Management Academy : Research perspectives on creative intersections, 2017, pp. 189-205.
S. Ilstedt, M. Hesselgren and E. Eriksson, "Sustainable lifestyles : How values affect sustainable practises," in Design + Power, 2017, pp. 1-7.
L. Sopjani et al., "Aligning private and public domains for sustainable disruptive innovation," in Proceedings og 17th International CINet Conference, 2016.
H. Hasselqvist, M. Hesselgren and C. Bogdan, "Challenging the Car Norm : Opportunitites for ICT to Support Sustainable Transportation Practices," in CHI '16 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016, pp. 1300-1311.
M. Hesselgren and H. Hasselqvist, "Giving car-free life a try : Designing seeds for changed practices," in Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016., 2016.
M. Hesselgren, H. Hasselqvist and E. Eriksson, "A Car-free Year : Providing vehicles for change," in Design Ecologies : Challenging anthropocentrism in the design of sustainable futures, 2015.

Non-peer reviewed


M. Hesselgren, "Humble design for sustainable mobility: Re-learning what designing means," Interactions, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 94-96, 2021.


J. Wangel et al., Vitiden : en energifiktion. Published by authors, 2017.

Chapters in books

M. Sjöman and M. Hesselgren, "Designerly Living Labs : Design-driven experimentation," in Experimentation for sustainable transport : Risks, strengths, and governance implications, Oldsbury Kelsey, Isaksson Karolina, Marsden Greg Ed., 1st ed. Boxholm : Linnefors förlag, 2022, pp. 139-154.


M. Hesselgren, "Designing for sustainability practices : RE-DO Design Doings, Strategies and Postures," Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2019:26, 2019.


B. Vaddadi, M. Hesselgren and A. Kramers, "Living Lab #2 Work near, Travel Smarter : Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on work & travel life," Stockholm, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2213, 2022.
B. Vaddadi, M. Hesselgren and A. Kramers, "Living Lab #2  Work near, Travel Smarter," Stockholm, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2214, 2022.
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