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Barbara Nozière

Profile picture of Barbara Nozière





Researcher ID

About me

My research interests are the reactivity and properties of organic compounds (including short-lived radicals) in Earth's atmosphere and their impact on the composition and oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, air quality, and climate. My activities include laboratory studies  and atmospheric analyses, and often involve the development of new methods or techniques. I have directed over 30 research projects in my career, including an EU Excellence Chair (pilot program for ERC grants) and currently an ERC advanced project on organic radicals (project EPHEMERAL).

Link to the Noziere group website:

Link to the ERC-Adv project EPHEMERAL website:

News & publications

  • 16/09/24: Publication "H-shift and Cyclisation reactions in Unsaturated Alkylperoxy Radicals near Room Temperature: Propagating or Terminating Autoxidation ?", B. Noziere and L. Vereecken, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,

  • 23/08/24: Publication "Measuring the Surface Tension of Atmospheric Particles and Relevant Mixtures to Better Understand Key Atmospheric Processes", M. El Haber, V. Gerard, J. Kleiheins, C. ferronato, B. Noziere*,Chem. Rev.,

Chemical Revue paper 2024

  • 12/04/24: Publication "Strong uptake of gas-phase organic peroxy
    radical (ROO) by solid surfaces driven by redox reactions", O. Durif,* F. Piel, A. Wisthaler, and B. Noziere,*JACS Au, DOI:10.1021/jacsau.4c00060

  • 24/11/23: publication "Salting out, Non-Ideality and Synergism Enhance Surfactant Efficiency in Atmospheric Aerosols" by El Haber, Ferronato, Giroir-Fendler, Fine and Noziere, Scientific reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48040-5, 2023.

  • 23/03/23: publication "Surface tension models for binary aqueous solutions: A review and intercomparison", Kleinheins et al.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI: 10.1039/D3CP00322A, 2023.

  • 23/02/23: publication "The Reaction of Organic Peroxy Radicals with Unsaturated Compounds Controlled by a non-Epoxide Pathway under Atmospheric Conditions " by Noziere et al., inPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05166D, 2023

  • 17/02/23 publication "Influence of surface-active substances and substrates on wettability of individual aerosol particles during condensation by ESEM" by Chatre et al. inLangmuir, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c02700, 2023.

  • 01/01/23: Start of theResearch project from Swedish Research Council (VR, 2022-03945): "The impact of Lightning on Atmospheric Chemistry" in collaboration with Uppsala University

  • 01/04/21: start of the European Research Council(ERC) Advanced  project "EPHEMERAL" (ERC- Adv- 884532)

  • 01/01/21: start of French (ANR) - Swiss (FNS) project ORACLE on the role of organic compounds in the activation of aerosols into cloud droplets, in collaboration with ETH Zurich, LCE Marseille, and CNRS/Ircelyon, France.


1. ERC-Advanced Project EPHEMERAL

See also


Organic peroxyl radicals ("RO2", where R is organic) are essential intermediates for the composition and oxidative capacity of Earth's atmosphere. Today,  there are no technique to observe them individually, leading to many unknowns in the understanding of their atmospheric cycles. The project ERC Advanced EPHEMERAL focuses on developing chemical ionization (proton transfer) mass spectrometric techniques to observe and speciate these organic radicals in the atmosphere and in other complex mixtures.

  • "H-shift and Cyclization Reactions in Unsaturated Alkylperoxy Radicals near Room Temperature: propagating or terminating autoxidation ?", Noziere, Durif, Vereecken,in preparation, 2024.

  • "Strong uptake of gas-phase organic peroxy radical (ROO) by solid surfaces driven by redox reactions", O. Durif,* F. Piel, A. Wisthaler, and B. Noziere,*JACS Au., in press, 2024.

  • "The Reaction of Organic Peroxy Radicals with Unsaturated Compounds Controlled by a non-Epoxide Pathway under Atmospheric Conditions " Noziere et al.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05166D, 2023.

  • "Reactions of organic peroxy radicals, RO2, with substituted and biogenic alkenes at room temperature", Noziere and Fache, Chem. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/D1SC02263F, 2021.

2. Surfactants and cloud formation in Earth atmosphere
French (ANR)- Swiss (SNF) Project ORACLE

This project is investigating surfactants present in atmospheric aerosols and their impact on forming cloud droplets. We have developed a selective extraction technique that is allowing us to retrieve selectively these compounds from atmospheric aerosols and characterize them. We are also studying the properties of model surfactants in laboratory.

  • Salting out, non-ideality and synergism enhance surfactant efficiency in atmospheric aerosols, El Haber, Ferronato, Giroir-Fendler, Fine, Noziere,Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-48040-5, 2023.

  • Surface tension models for binary aqueous solutions:
    A review and intercomparison, Kleinheins et al.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI: 10.1039/D3CP00322A, 2023.

  • Influence of surface-active substances and substrates on wettability of individual aerosol particles during condensation by ESEM, Chatre et al., Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c02700, 2023.

3. The role of lightning in atmospheric chemistry

Swedish Research Council (VR) project 2022-03945

A new project (starting 01/01/23) funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) is investigating the chemical reactions resulting from lighting in the atmosphere.

4. Inorganic-organic reactions in atmospheric aerosols

This project is investigating the role of inorganic ions NH4+ on the reactivity of organic compounds in tropospheric aerosols.

  • Nozière, B., Fache, F., Maxut, A., Fenet, B., Baudouin, A., Fine, L., Ferronato, C., The hydrolysis of Epoxides Catalyzed by Inorganic Ammonium Salts in Water: Kinetic Evidence for Hydrogen Bond Catalysis,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, doi: 10.1039/c7cp06790a, 2017.


Profile picture of Barbara Nozière


Publication list