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Rasmus Brandt

Profile picture of Rasmus Brandt

About me

Rasmus Brandt received the Ph. D. and Tech. Lic. degrees in Electrical Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2016 and 2014, respectively. He received the M. Sc. degree in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 2010. As part of his M. Sc. program, he spent the academic year 2007/2008 at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and the summer of 2009 as an IAESTE Intern at CMC Microsystems, Kingston, Canada.

His research revolves around interference alignment and related techniques for improving the spectral efficiency of wireless networks through base station cooperation. In particular, he has been working on base station clustering, distributed channel state information acquisition, and weighted sum rate optimization for transceivers with hardware impairments.

Dr. Brandt received a Best Student Paper Award at the 2015 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. He was a Publicity Chair of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC'15).

He is currently a Senior Software Engineer with Google, working on improving video quality in the open source WebRTC platform for real-time communications.

Journal Papers


Conference Papers
