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Teaching Activities


Full Courses:

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2020 (7,5 ECTS).

 “Critical Geography and Cartography” (with Nina Wormbs), PhD reading course (third cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, summer 2019 (10 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2019 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2018 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2017 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2016 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2015 (7,5 ECTS).

“Gender and Technology” (with Hanna Vikström), undergraduate course (second cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2015 (7,5 ECTS).

“Perspectives on Science, Technology and Landscape in Time and Space”, Part 1 (course coordinator and teacher), PhD course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, fall 2014 (7,5 ECTS).

“Visualizing the World – Making Sense of Our Environments”, PhD Spring School in Science, Technology and Environmental Studies, Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden, May 6-11, 2014 (jointly organized with the Graduate School Topology of Technology at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany) (5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2014 (7,5 ECTS).

“Theory and Method in Historical Research, Part I”, PhD course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, fall 2013 (7,5 ECTS).

“Technik und Raumtheorien”, PhD course at TU Darmstadt, summer 2013, as part of the DFG-Graduate School Topologie der Technik.

“History of Science and Technology”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2013 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction. Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2013 (7,5 ECTS).

“History of Science and Technology”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2012 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2012 (7,5 ECTS).

“History of Science and Technology”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2012 (7,5 ECTS).

“Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective”, undergraduate course (first cycle) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2012 (7,5 ECTS).

“Theory and Method in Historical Research, Part I”, PhD course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, fall 2011 (7,5 ECTS).

“Ökonomie und Ökologie”, undergraduate seminar at ETH Zurich, Chair for Science Studies, spring 2011 (2 h/week).

“‘Raumschiff Erde’ – globales Bewusstsein vor der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte”, undergraduate seminar at ETH Zurich, Chair for Science Studies, fall 2010 (2 h/week).

“Infrastrukturgeschichte: Technik und Umwelt im Zeitalter der Systeme”, undergraduate seminar in history, TU Darmstadt, summer 2010 (2 h/week).

“Theorien der Topologie”, postgraduate seminar TU Darmstadt, Winter 2009/10 (2 h/week).

“Reine Lehre? Geschlechterregimes in Wissenschaft und Technik”, undergraduate seminar in history, TU Darmstadt, summer 2009 (2 h/week).

“‘Raumschiff Erde’ – globales Bewusstsein vor der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte”, undergraduate seminar in history, TU Darmstadt, summer 2007 (2 h/week).

“Around the World in Two Centuries: Science and Globalization since 1800”, 3rd-year undergraduate course in history of science, International University Bremen (IUB), fall 2006 (3 h/week).

“Globalisierung und Wissenschaft. Naturwissenschaftliche Versuche der Weltordnung seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert”, undergraduate seminar in history, TU Darmstadt, summer 2006 (2 h/week).

“Technology in Action: Following Technical Objects through Society”, 3rd-year undergraduate course in history of technology, International University Bremen (IUB), Spring Term 2006 (3 h/week).

“‘Population’: A Concept and its Consequences”, 3rd-year undergraduate course in history of science, International University Bremen (IUB), fall 2005 (3 h/week).

“‘A Century of Nature’: Science’s Stories and Nature’s Histories”, 3rd-year undergraduate course in history of science, International University Bremen (IUB), spring 2005 (3 h/week).

“Global Knowledge: Spatial Themes in the History of Modern Science”, 3rd-year undergraduate course in history of science, International University Bremen (IUB), spring 2004 (3 h/week).

“Fortpflanzung im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit” (with Bärbel Mauß), undergraduate seminar in cultural studies/gender studies, Humboldt-University Berlin, summer 2002 (2 h/week).

“Biomedizinische ‘Evidenzen’ des Körpers” (with Bärbel Mauß), undergraduate seminar, in cultural studies/gender studies, Humboldt-University Berlin, winter 2001 (2 h/week).

“Elektrodynamik”, women’s undergraduate physics course, Department of Physics, University of Karlsruhe, summer 1992 (2 h/week).

“Mechanik”, women’s undergraduate physics course, Department of Physics, University of Karlsruhe, winter 1991 (2 h/week).


Course Coordination:

“Perspectives on Science, Technology and Landscape in Time and Space”, Part 2 (course coordinator), PhD course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, spring 2015 (7,5 ECTS).

“Swedish Society, Culture and Industry in a Historical Perspective” (course coordinator and seminar leader), undergraduate course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, fall 2011 (7,5 ECTS).


Special / International Seminars:

“Gender in Academia”, invited lecture, Research Training Group KRITIS “Critical Infrastructures: Construction, Functional Crises and Protection in Cities”, Technical University of Darmstadt, November 15, 2019.

“Environing Technology”, 2-day seminar (co-organized and co-taught with Etienne Benson, Johan Gärdebo, Karena Kalmbach and Nina Wormbs), Anthropocene Campus Philadelphia, four-day Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Campus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 22-26, 2017.

“Valuing Nature Beyond the Vital Balance Sheet” (co-organized and co-taught with Ioan Negrutiu and Natalie Jeremijenko), 2-day seminar and public lecture at the Anthropocene Campus Berlin, HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, November 14-22, 2014.

“Tacit Knowledge and the Problem of Explication”, invited lecture and seminar at the CCES Winter School “Sustainability Science Meets Practice” (Competence Center Environment and Sustainability of the ETH Domain), Einsiedeln, Switzerland, January 11, 2011.

“A Model of Sustainability? Systems Integrity and Society in Biosphere 2”, ‘Continuous Education’ seminar for teachers: “Sustainability: The Future of Our Planet”, Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (HLZ), Staatliches Schulamt Darmstadt-Dieburg, Center for North American Studies (ZENAF) of the University of Frankfurt (Main), Weilburg, November 5-7, 2009.

“Wissenschaftliches Reisen zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft: Die Vermessung der Erde im 19. Jahrhundert”, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Fall School on the History of Physics, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, October 23-27, 2009.