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Publications (edited: 18.08.2021)

(60)      Schimpf U., Caldas-Silveira E., Katchan L., Vigier-Carriere C., Lantier, I., Nachmann G., Gidlöf S., Jonasson A. F., Björndahl L., Trombotto S., Druart X., Crouzier T. (2021): Topical reinforcement of the cervical mucus barrier to sperm. (submitted*corresponding

(59)     Schimpf U., Nachmann G., Trombotto S., Houska P., Yan H., Björndahl L., Crouzier T. (2019): Assessment of oligo chitosan biocompatibility towards human spermatozoa. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (50): 46572-46584, doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b17605 *corresponding

(58)     Schimpf U., Schrader A., Hübner A., Schulz R., Neubauer P. (2019): Utilisation of solid digestate from acidification reactors of continues two-stage anaerobic digestion processes in Lentinula edodes cultivation. Bioresource Technology Reports 8: 100322, doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2019.100322 *corresponding

(57)     Conrady M, Willenbücher K., Laut N., Karacorluoglu A., Schulz R., Klocke M., Schimpf U., Ramm P. (2019): Enzyme preparations in biogas production. FNR/KTBL Kongress „Biogas in der Landwirtschaft – Stand und Perspektiven“. Leipzig, Germany

(56)     Schimpf U., Jakobsson L., Nachmann G., Gidlöf S., Jonasson A. F., Björndahl L., Crouzier T. (2019): Biological barrier formation by engineering cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration. 3rd Protein Materials Conference. Stockholm, Sweden (invited)

(55)     Schimpf U., Schulz R. (2019): Industrial by-products from white-rot fungi production. Part II: Application in anaerobic digestion for enzymatic treatment of hay and straw. Process Biochemistry 76: 142-154, doi: 10.1016/j.procbio.2018.10.006 *corresponding

(54)     Schimpf U., Björndahl L., Crouzier T. (2018): Assessment of the cytotoxicity of chitosan via CASA. XIIIth International Symposium on Spermatology. Stockholm, Sweden. (invited)

(53)     Schimpf U., Schulz R. (2016): Industrial by-products from white-rot fungi production. Part I: Generation of enzyme preparations and chemical, protein biochemical and molecular biological characterization. Process Biochemistry 51 (12): 2034-2046, doi: 10.1016/j.procbio.2016.08.032 *corresponding

(52)     Niemeijer B., Grabowski M., Valbuena R., Paulke B.R., Weindl G., Neubauer P., Schimpf U. (2016): Anti-inflammatory effects of micronised collagen. Day of Biotechnology. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (invited)

(51)     Grabowski M., Niemeijer B., Staege S., Valbuena R., Schimpf U., Paulke B. R., Weindl G. (2016): Anti-inflammatory effects of micronised collagen in oral mucosal cells. Day of Pharmacy. Freie Universität Berlin (invited)

(50)  Just J., Niemeijer B., Neubauer P., Schimpf U. (2016): In vitro degradation of cross-linked collagen with bacterial collagenase. Day of Biotechnology. Technische Universität Berlin (invited)

(49)  Schrader A., Schulz R., Neubauer P., Schimpf U. (2016): Biogas digestate in cultivation of edible mushrooms. Day of Biotechnology. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (invited)

(48)  Köhler S., Bechstein F., Herfort S., Muskolus A., Nielsen K., Schimpf U., Valbuena R., von Ulardt I., Wilken V. (2016): El aprovechamiento de residuos organicos para una produccion mas sostenible de alimentos con diferentes tecnologias agrarias y horticolas. (The use of organic wastes for a more sustainable production of foods with different agricultural and horticultural technologies). VIIth International Conference of the European-Latin American Center for Logistics and Ecological Projects (CELALE) “Applied Logistics and Ecology in the Agro-Food Supply Chain”. Havanna, Cuba (invited)

(47)  Niemeijer B., Schimpf U., Valbuena R., Paulke B.R., Weindl G., Neubauer P. (2015): Micronisation of Collagen. Day of Biotechnology. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (invited)

(46)  Schrader A., Schimpf U., Schulz R., Neubauer P. (2015): Verwertungsstrategien für lignocellulosereiche Biogasgärreste. (Utilization strategies for lignocellulosic biogas digestates). Day of Biotechnology. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany (invited)

(45)  Schimpf U., Schrader A., Kappis C., Schulz R. (2015): Biorecycling: Digestate as Resource. 17th International Conference on Energy, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Management, ICEBWEM 2015. Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Chair of Session)

(44)  Köhler S., Lindner J., Zielonka S., Lemmer A., Schneider J., Wittum G., Majewski M., Lichti F., Schrader A., Schimpf U., Schulz R. (2015): Entwicklung von Sensortechnik und Grundlagen einer flexiblen lastabhängigen Steuerung der Intermediatbildung in zweiphasigen Biogas-Prozessen unter Berücksichtigung einer vollständigen Substratausnutzung. (Development of sensor technology and basic fundamentals on the flexible load-dependent control of intermediate formation in two-phase biogas processes under consideration of complete substrate utilization). Statusseminar des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Garching, Germany. (invited)

(43)  Schimpf U. (2015): Enzymapplikationen: Stand und Perspektiven. (Enzyme applications: Status and prospects). Joule 1/2015, p. 59-62 (invited)

(42)  Merencio D. O., Reyes I. P., Schimpf U., Köhler S., da Silva A. J. (2015): Cellulase effect on anaerobic digestion of maize silage under discontinuous operation. Engenharia Agricola 35 (5): 951-958, doi: 10.1590/1809-4430-Eng.Agric.v35n5p951-958/2015

(41)  Schimpf U. (2015): Stand und Perspektiven. (Status quo and perspectives). Book chapter in: Ratgeber Biogas – Effiziente und sichere Betriebsführung (Guidebook Biogas – Efficient and secure operational management). Joule, Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, p. 36-39 (invited)

(40)  Schimpf U. (2014): Enzymatischer Abbau des Lignocellulosekomplexes in Energiepflanzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Silierung und der Biogasproduktion. (Enzymatic degradation of lignocellulose complexes in energy plants under consideration of ensiling and biogas production processes). Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, doi: 10.18452/16929, online.

(39)  Schimpf U., Schulz R., Glaubrecht K. (2014): Status quo: Biocatalysts for biogas processes. In: Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology. REGATEC 2014. Malmö, Sweden, p. 119-120, ISBN 978-91-981149-0-4

(38)  Schimpf U., Schulz R., Schrader A. (2014): Biocatalysts in biogas processes for higher resource and energy efficiency. 18th World Congress of CIGR, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering - Upgrading the Quality of our life. Beijing, China

(37)  Schimpf U., Hanreich A., Mähnert P., Unmack T., Junne S. and Lopez-Ulibarri R. (2013): Improving the Efficiency of Large-Scale Biogas Processes - Pectinolytic Enzymes Accelerate the Lignocellulose Degradation. Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment 4 (2): 53-60, online. *corresponding

(36)  Schimpf U., Sensel-Gunke K., Schulz R. (2013): By‑products as new enzyme additives for biogas processes. 21th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. Copenhagen, Denmark

(35)  Hanreich A., Schimpf U., Zakrzewski M., Schlüter A., Benndorf D., Heyer R., Rapp E., Pühler A., Reichl U., Klocke M. (2013): Metagenome and metaproteome analyses of microbial communities in mesophilic biogas-producing anaerobic batch fermentations indicate concerted plant carbohydrate degradation. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 36 (5): 330-338, doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2013.03.006

(34)  Schimpf U. (2013): Mehr Gas mit Pilzen. (More gas with fungi). Beilage in (supplement in): dlz agrarmagazin, Joule and Neue Landwirtschaft. Biogas spezial, p. 42-44, ISSN 1866‑4547 (invited)

(33)  González A., Pereda I., Schimpf U., Oliva D., Nielsen K., Gómez Y. (2013): Minerals as micronutrients in the anaerobic digestion of micro crystalline cellulose. 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Recovering (bio) Resources for the World. Santiago de Compostella, Spain

(32)  Getz J., Schimpf U., Sensel-Gunke K., Krocker M., Köhler S. (2013): Enzymhaltiger Kaninchenkot als Hilfsstoff zur Erhöhung der Biogasproduktion aus pflanzlicher Biomasse. (Enzyme-containing herbivore faeces as additive for improvement of biogas production from plant-based biomass). 18. Internationale Tagung über Haltung und Krankheiten der Kaninchen, Pelztiere und Heimtiere. Celle, Germany (invited)

(31)  Sensel-Gunke K., Schimpf U., Getz J., Krocker M. (2013): Enzyme-containing faeces of herbivores increases biogas yield of energy crops. Agricultural Engineering. 68 (2): 112-116, doi: 10.15150/lt.2013.214

(30)  Niemeijer B., Schimpf U., Tschuikowa S., Stiel A., Osthoff S. (2013): Sugar Bags II‑Molecules for Mycotoxin Capture. ISM‑MycoRed Int. Conf. Europe 2013 – Global Mycotoxin Reduction Strategies. Martina Franca, Italy

(29)  Schimpf U. (2013): Mehr Methan durch Pilze. (More methane by fungi). In: Proceedings of Biogas13 - Der österreichische Biogas-Fachkongress der ARGE Kompost & Biogas Österreich und klima:aktiv. WIFI St. Pölten, Austria, p. 27-37, YouTube. (in German) (invited)

(28)  Schimpf U., Schulz R., Pelenc V., Wolf M. (2012): Biokatalysatoren zum Aufschluss von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. (Biocatalysts for the disintegration of renewable resources). In: Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 79. BiogasPOTENZIALE - Erkennen, Erforschen, Erwirtschaften. 2. Öffentliches Symposium des Biogas Competence Networks (BCN) und 7. Fachtagung Biogas 2012 von ETI und LUGV. Potsdam, Germany, p. 76‑86, ISSN 0947-7314 (invited)

(27)  Schimpf U., Hanreich A., Mähnert P., Unmack T., Junne S. and Lopez-Ulibarri R. (2012): Improving the efficiency of large-scale biogas processes ‑ Pectinolytic enzymes for an accelerated lignocellulose degradation. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2011): A Paradigm Shift to Low Carbon Society. Bangkok, Thailand, p. 155‑162, ISBN: 978‑616‑202‑575‑4

(26)  Schimpf U., Nielsen K., Schulz R. (2012): Biorecycling zur Gewinnung von Biokatalysatoren für den Biogasprozess. (Biorecycling for the generation of biocatalysts for biogas processes). In: Tagungsband des 5. Biogas-Innovationskongresses 2012. Osnabrück, Germany, p. 81‑94, ISBN: 978‑3‑9813776‑2‑0

(25)  Schimpf U. (2012): Enzymes for the fiber degradation in food and energy plants. Seminar (1 h) for Bulgarian exchange students. IASP, Germany (invited)

(24)  Schimpf U. (2011): Enzymatische Aufbereitung von Biogassubstraten. (Enzymatic treatment of biogas substrates). Infotag Biogas, KFL Löwenberg, Germany (invited)

(23)  Schimpf U. (2011): Wir suchen kostengünstige und leistungsstarke Alternativen. (We are in search of cost-effective and high-performance alternatives). Interview. In: S. Kirsch, „Auf den Spuren der Elemente“, Joule 5, p. 35‑37, ISSN 1866‑2021 (invited)

(22)  Hanreich A., Schimpf U., Zakrzewski M., Schlüter A., Benndorf D., Klocke M. (2011): Monitoring of Changes within a Microbial, Biogas Producing community. In: Proceedings of the 1.st International Conference on Biogas Microbiology. Leipzig, Germany, p. 50

(21)  Dong X., Engel M., Lopez-Ulibarri R., Schimpf U., Unmack T., Schloter M. (2011): Effects of addition of hydrolytic enzymes and substrate variation on microbial community structures in industrial anaerobic digestion process for production of biogas. In: Proceedings of the 1.st Int. Conference on Biogas Microbiology. Leipzig, Germany, p. 43

(20)  Hanreich A., Schimpf U., Zakrzewsky M., Schlüter A., Klocke M. (2011): A metagenomic approach to assess time‑dependent changes within a mesophilic biogas producing community. 4th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS 2011. Geneva, Switzerland

(19)  Schimpf U., Nielsen K., Ho Thu P., Dominikovic I., Blachowski N., Slomski P., Schulz R. (2011): Residuals from edible mushroom production ‑ new enzyme sources for an enhanced biogas process efficiency. In: Proceedings of the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition ‑ From research to Industry and Markets. Berlin, Germany, p. 934‑943, ISBN 978‑88‑89407‑55‑7

(18)  Schimpf U., Hanreich A., Unmack T., Mähnert P., Junne S., Lopez-Ulibarri R. (2011): Enzymeinsatz zur Methanertragssteigerung: Untersuchungen aus Labor und Praxis. (Enzyme application for an increase in methane yield). In: VDI‑Berichte 2121, 6. Fachtagung „Biogas 2011 ‑ Energieträger der Zukunft“. Braunschweig, Germany, p. 255‑256, ISBN 978‑3‑18‑092121‑1

(17)  González A., Pereda I., Schimpf U., Oliva D., Nielsen K. (2011): Stimulation of the anaerobic process of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) using natural minerals as essential micronutrients source. Preliminary results. X Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion (DAAL). Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil

(16)  Junne S., Neubauer P., Lopez-Ulibarri R., Berger T. R. G., Schimpf U., Pelenc V., Mähnert P., Renpenning J. (2010): Determination of the rheologic behavior of fermentation broth in biogas plants. 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition. Rimini, Italy

(15)  Häbler J., Schimpf U., Tölle R. (2010): Effizienzsteigerung durch optimierte Silierung. (Efficiency enhancement by optimized ensiling). In: Tagungsband der 19. Jahrestagung Fach­verband Biogas e.V.: Biogas – die Energie künftiger Genera­tionen. Leipzig, Germany, p. 95‑102

(14)  Schimpf U. (2010): Lignocellulosic enzyme potential for a more effective methane production by the utilization of fiber rich substrates in the biogas process. Bilateral workshop UNISUL - HU/LGF/IASP: Analysis and evaluation of biomass potentials in urban and peri-urban regions for sustainable food and energy supply. Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL). Florianopolis, Brazil (invited)

(13)  Schimpf U. (2010): Mehr Gas mit Enzymen. (More gas with enzymes). Bauernzeitung, 24. Woche, 51. Jahrgang, p. 32‑33, ISSN 0941‑2247 (invited)

(12)  Schimpf U., Tschuikowa S., Ebner I., Stiel A. (2009): Sugar Bags – Molecules for Mycotoxin Capture. ISM Conference 2009 “Worldwide Mycotoxin Reduction in Food and Feed Chains”. Tulln, Austria

(11)  Schimpf U., Valbuena R. (2009): Effizienzsteigerung der Biomethanisierung durch Enzymzusätze. (Increase in efficiency of biomethanation by enzyme additives). In: Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 68. Wieviel Biogas steckt in Pflanzen? Abschluss‑Symposium des Biogas Crops Network (BCN). Potsdam, Germany, p. 44‑56, ISSN 0947‑7314 (invited)

(10)  Brulé M., Lemmer A., Oechsner H., Jungbluth T., Schimpf U. (2008): Effect of Adding Fibrolytic Enzymes on the Methane Yields of Rye Silage. Agricultural Engineering. 63 (3): 178‑179, doi: 10.15150/lt.2008.813

(9)  Schimpf U. (2008): Mehr Methan durch Enzyme. Steigerung der Methanausbeute durch den Abbau von Lignocellulose während der Rohstoffsilierung. (More methane with enzymes. Increase in methane yield by conversion of lignocellulose during raw material ensiling). η[energie] Energieeffizienz und kohlenstoffarme Energietechnik 4, p. 53‑55, ISSN 1866‑5284

(8)  Schimpf U. (2008): Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von technischen Enzympräparaten im Biogasprozess. (Investigations on the impact of technical enzyme preparations on biogas processes). KoNaRo‑Fachgespräch „Einsatz von Prozesshilfsstoffen zur Steigerung des Biogasertrages“. Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau in Sachsen-Anhalt. Germany (invited)

(7)  Schimpf U. (2006): Energetic utilization of by-products from food industry for the generation of biogas. Seminar (1 h) for Bulgarian exchange students. IASP, Germany (invited)

(6)  Schimpf U. (2007): Enzymatic degradation of lignocellulose during ensiling of rye and maize to increase the methane yield in biogas production processes. In: V Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación Energética, Programa Resúmenes. V International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER). Havanna, Cuba, p. 138-139, ISBN 978‑959‑282‑051‑7 (invited)

(5)  Schimpf U. (2007): Einsatz von Enzymen bei der Silierung ‑ Auswirkungen auf den Biogasertrag. (Enzyme application in ensiling – Impacts on the biogas yield). Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung "Biogas ‑ Schwerpunkt: Energiepflanzen". Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau in Sachsen-Anhalt. Germany (invited)

(4)  Schimpf U.; Valbuena R. (2007): Untersuchungen zum Einsatz hydrolytischer und oxidativer Enzyme in Roggen­silage zur Steigerung der Methanausbeute. (Investigation on applications of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in rye silage for an increase in methane yield). 4. VDI-Fachtagung "Biogas‑Energieträger der Zukunft". Berlin, Germany

(3)  Schimpf U.; Valbuena R. (2007): Enzymatic degradation of lignocellulose during ensiling of maize to increase the methane yield in biogas production processes. The 3rd Glycan Forum. Berlin, Germany

(2)  Schimpf U. (2006): Energetic utilization of by-products from food industry for the generation of biogas. Seminar (1 h) for Bulgarian exchange students. IASP, Germany (invited)

(1)  Fiedler T., Sakowska A., Schimpf U., Kroh L. W. (2005): 3-Deoxyhexosulose: The Key Compound of Colour Formation in Sucrose Solutions? Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag. Hamburg, Germany



2013 · biogas13 Kongress, St. Pölten, Austria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISqPg94k7L0 (in German)

2012 · Terra Poo: Gratis-WLAN für Hundekotentsorgung (Terra Poo: Free WLAN for disposal of dog faeces). pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH: https://www.pressetext.com/news/20120504003 (in German)

2010 · Hundekot beleuchtet einen Park (Dog faeces illuminates a park). pressetext Nachrichtenagentur GmbH: https://www.pressetext.com/news/20100913018 (in German)