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Serguei Smirnov

Profile picture of Serguei Smirnov

About me

Serguei was a researcher at the division of Micro and Nanosystems.
His research is focused on reconfigurable nanomaterials for Terahertz applications.

Short CV

Serguei Smirnov was born in Russia in 1992. He received his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium. During the Master's programme, Serguei completed his thesis entitled "Engineered Si-based substrate for RF applications". He has a background in nanotechnology, MEMS & NEMS design and fabrication, and electronic circuits and systems.

Serguei's interest in microsystems and high-frequency applications led him to join the RF/Microwave/THz MEMS group of Prof. Joachim Oberhammer at the department of Micro and Nanosystems in 2017, where he was a PhD student within the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network CELTA. In 2021, Serguei completed his PhD thesis, entitled Tunable Nanomaterials and their Applications for Terahertz Devices: Carbon Nanotubes and Silver Nanowires.

Keywords: CNT, SWCNT, AgNW, millimeter waves, THz, RF, micromachining, microsystems, antennas, dielectric rod waveguides, DRW, phase shifters, beamforming, beam steering