Satya Seeram
Doctoral student
About me
Siva Satya Sri Ganesh Seeram received his B.Tech. degree in Electrical and Communications engineering (ECE) from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, India, in 2021, and his Masters degree in Communication systems from KTH Royal Institute of Technolgy, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2022. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with the Communication Systems Department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. His research focuses on the application of wireless communications to non-terrestrial networks to achieve ubiquitous coverage.
Degree Project in Computer Engineering, First Cycle (II142X), assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology, First Cycle (IA150X), assistant | Course web
Signal Processing (II1303), teacher | Course web
Stochastic Simulation (II2206), teacher | Course web
Wireless Networks (IK2510), teacher | Course web