Publications by Stefan Grönkvist
Peer reviewed
A. Olsson, A. Lefvert and S. Grönkvist, "An alternative pathway to negative emissions - revitalising the wood-based panel production in Sweden," Environmental Development, vol. 50, 2024.
A. Olsson, M. Fridahl and S. Grönkvist, "Expectations on biochar as a climate solution in Sweden: Carbon dioxide removal with environmental co-benefits," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition, vol. 5, 2024.
K. Marnate and S. Grönkvist, "Looking beyond compressed hydrogen storage for Sweden: Opportunities and barriers for chemical hydrides," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 77, pp. 677-694, 2024.
A. Lefvert and S. Grönkvist, "Lost in the scenarios of negative emissions : The role of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)," Energy Policy, vol. 184, 2024.
A. Lefvert and S. Grönkvist, "Smarter ways to capture carbon dioxide-exploring alternatives for small to medium-scale carbon capture in Kraft pulp mills," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 127, 2023.
J. Andersson and S. Grönkvist, "Improving the economics of fossil-free steelmaking via co-production of methanol," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 350, pp. 131469, 2022.
A. Lefvert et al., "What are the potential paths for carbon capture and storage in Sweden? : A multi-level assessment of historical and current developments," Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 87, 2022.
J. Andersson and S. Grönkvist, "A comparison of two hydrogen storages in a fossil-free direct reduced iron process," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 46, no. 56, pp. 28657-28674, 2021.
K. Gustafsson et al., "BECCS with combined heat and power : Assessing the energy penalty," International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, vol. 108, 2021.
R. Bellamy et al., "Incentivising bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) responsibly : Comparing stakeholder policy preferences in the United Kingdom and Sweden," Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 116, pp. 47-55, 2021.
E. Rodriguez et al., "Tensions in the energy transition : Swedish and Finnish company perspectives on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 280, pp. 124527, 2021.
A. Krüger et al., "Integration of water electrolysis for fossil-free steel production," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 45, no. 55, pp. 29966-29977, 2020.
J. Andersson, A. Krüger and S. Grönkvist, "Methanol as a carrier of hydrogen and carbon in fossil-free production of direct reduced iron," Energy Conversion and Management : X, vol. 7, no. 100051, 2020.
J. Andersson and S. Grönkvist, "Large-scale storage of hydrogen," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 44, no. 23, pp. 11901-11919, 2019.
T. Lönnqvist et al., "Stimulating biogas in the transport sector in a Swedish region - An actor and policy analysis with supply side focus," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 113, 2019.
J. Ammenberg et al., "Biogas in the transport sector—actor and policy analysis focusing on the demand side in the Stockholm region," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 129, pp. 70-80, 2018.
T. Lönnqvist et al., "Large-scale biogas generation in Bolivia – a stepwise reconfiguration," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 180, pp. 494-504, 2018.
T. Lönnqvist, S. Grönkvist and T. Sandberg, "Forest-derived methane in the Swedish transport sector: A closing window?," Energy Policy, vol. 105, pp. 440-450, 2017.
A. Olsson et al., "The elephant in the room - A comparative study of uncertainties in carbon offsets," Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 56, pp. 32-38, 2016.
M. Larsson, S. Grönkvist and P. Alvfors, "Upgraded biogas for transport in Sweden : effects of policy instruments on production, infrastructure deployment and vehicle sales," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 112, pp. 3774-3784, 2016.
J. Persson and S. Grönkvist, "Drivers for and barriers to low-energy buildings in Sweden," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 109, pp. 296-304, 2015.
M. Larsson et al., "Energy system analysis of the implications of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the Swedish road transport system," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 40, no. 35, pp. 11722-11729, 2015.
M. Larsson, S. Grönkvist and P. Alvfors, "Synthetic fuels from electricity for the Swedish transport sector : comparison of well to wheel energy efficiencies and costs," Energy Procedia, vol. 75, pp. 1875-1880, 2015.
M. Larsson et al., "Techno-economic assessment of anaerobic digestion in a typical Kraft pulp mill to produce biomethane for the road transport sector," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 104, pp. 460-467, 2015.
M. Larsson et al., "Bio-methane upgrading of pyrolysis gas from charcoal production," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 3, pp. 66-73, 2013.
K. Möllersten and S. Grönkvist, "All CO2 is equal in the atmosphere—A comment on CDM GHG accounting standards for methane recovery and oxidation projects," Energy Policy, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 3675-3680, 2007.
S. Grönkvist and P. Sandberg, "Driving forces and obstacles with regard to co-operation between municipal energy companies and process industries in Sweden," Energy Policy, vol. 34, no. 13, pp. 1508-1519, 2006.
S. Grönkvist, K. Möllersten and K. Pingoud, "Equal opportunity for biomass in greenhouse gas accounting of CO2 capture and storage : a step towards more cost-effective climate change mitigation regimes," Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 11, no. 5-6, pp. 1083-1096, 2006.
S. Grönkvist, M. Bryngelsson and M. Westermark, "Oxygen efficiency with regard to carbon capture," Energy, vol. 31, no. 15, pp. 3220-3226, 2006.
J. Sjödin and S. Grönkvist, "Emissions accounting for use and supply of electricity in the Nordic market," Energy Policy, vol. 32, no. 13, pp. 1555-1564, 2004.
S. Grönkvist, J. Sjödin and M. Westermark, "Models for assessing net CO2 emissions applied on district heating technologies," International Journal of Energy Research, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 601-613, 2003.
Conference papers
P. Peck et al., "Investigating socio-technical and institutional constraints to development of forest-derived transport biofuels in Sweden : A Study design," in EUBSE 2015, 2015.
M. Larsson et al., "Energy system analysis of the implications of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the Swedish road transport system," in 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2014, 2014, pp. 2084-2091.
S. Grönkvist, M. Bryngelsson and M. Westermark, "Oxygen efficiency with regards to carbon capture," in Energy-Efficient, Cost-Effective and Environmentally-Sustainable Systems and Processes, Vols 1-3, 2004, pp. 487-496.
Non-peer reviewed
Conference papers
M. Larsson, S. Grönkvist and P. Alvfors, "Barriers and drivers for upgraded biogas in Sweden," in ICAE 5th International Conference on Applied Energy 2013; Pretoria, South Africa, 1-4 July 2013, 2013.
S. Grönkvist, "All CO2 molecules are equal, but some CO2 molecules are more equal than others," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH, Trita-KET, 221, 2005.
T. Lönnqvist, S. Grönkvist and T. Sandberg, "How can forest-derived methane complement biogas from anaerobic digestion in the Swedish transport sector?," f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels, 2016.
M. Larsson and S. Grönkvist, "Factors that influence the development of biogas : Report from an f3 R&D project," f3 (Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels), f3 Report, 2013:31, 2013.
S. Grönkvist et al., "Policy Instruments Directed at Renewable Transportation Fuels : An International Comparison," f3 (Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels), f3 Report, 2013:15, 2013.
M. Bojler Görling et al., "Pre-study of biogas production from low-temperature production of biogas : Report from an f3 R&D project," f3 (Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels), f3 Report, 2013:1, 2013.
S. Grönkvist and . et al., "Lagstiftnings- och acceptansfrågor av relevans för en etablering av CCS i Östersjöregionen," Swedish Energy Agency, 2010.
S. Grönkvist et al., "Mapping the Baltic Sea on Technology Developments : compilation of questionnaires," Nordic Energy Research, 2010.
S. Grönkvist, "Specifika förutsättningar för koldioxidavskiljning i Sverige," ÅForsk, Forskningsrapporter, 09-396, 2010.
S. Grönkvist and . et al., "Systemstudie av möjligheter att etablera en infrastruktur för CCS i Östersjöregionen," Swedish Energy Agency, 2010.
S. Grönkvist and B. Hylander, "Möjligheter för avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid i Sverige : Underlagsrapport till Vägval för framtidens teknikutveckling," Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA, 2009.
L.-Å. Cronholm, S. Grönkvist and M. Saxe, "Spillvärme från industrier och lokaler," Swedish District Heating Association, Fjärrsyn, 2009:12, 2009.
K. Byman et al., "Survey on requirements for independent reviews and inspections of electrical and I&C equipment," Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten/Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM, 2009:05, 2009.
S. Grönkvist et al., "Analys av metoder för att öka incitament för spillvärmesamarbeten," Swedish Energy Agency, ER / Energimyndigheten, 2008:16, 2008.
S. Grönkvist, M. Stenkvist and H. Paradis, "Nordeuropeisk energikarta," Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA:M 396, 2008.
K. Byman et al., "Konsekvenser av en höjd koldioxidskatt i den icke handlande delen av industrin," , 2007.
H. Åkesson and S. Grönkvist, "Värdering av elmodellen på den svenska gasmarknaden," Svenskt Gastekniskt Center (SGC), Report SGC 173, 1102-7371, ISRN SGC-R-173-SE, 2007.
S. Grönkvist et al., "Fyra studier av energisamarbete i Sverige," , Program Energisystems skriftserie, Report No. 18, 2001.
A. Olsson, A. Lefvert and S. Grönkvist, "An alternative pathway to negative emissions : revitalising the wood-based panel production in Sweden," (Manuscript).
J. Ammenberg et al., "Biogas in the transport sector - a regional actor and policy analysis focusing on the demand side," (Manuscript).
J. Persson and S. Grönkvist, "Predictions of the heat consumption in a low-energy building usingan artificial neural network," (Manuscript).
T. Lönnqvist et al., "Stimulating biogas in the transport sector - an actor and policy analysis with supply side focus.," (Manuscript).
A. Olsson, M. Fridahl and S. Grönkvist, "The emergence of protected spaces for biochar as a climate solution in Sweden : strategic niche management and actor-perspectives," (Manuscript).
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