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My CV, with selected publications


Nils Örjan Svane, born 46 07 17 – 0075

Work:       Strategic Sustainability Studies, KTH, Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM. +46-8-790 8519

Family:      Married to Cilla Svane, children Martin, b -84 and Ulrika, b -89.



1966-70     KTH-Architecture, degree 1972.

1976-90     Private practice and employment, ARKOO architects.

1995-99     Research education, KTH, Built Environment Analysis. Licentiate 1998, Ph.D. 1999.

2003         Associate Professor, KTH, Built Environment Analysis.

2009-13     Professor in Urban Sustainable Development, KTH, Environmental Strategies Research fms.

2014-        Professor em., senior adviser, KTH, Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering



2003 -05    ”MAMMUT – Managing the Metabolism of Urbanisation”. Cross-disciplinary research programme. Funding: KTH. Proposals: Formas, STEM, MISTRA, Sida.

2004         “Towards Sustainable Leisure Time Consumption”. Research project and proposal. Partners: DTU, Dansk Byggeforskningsinstitut, Vestlandsforskning, Statens institutt for forbruksforskning.

2007-13      Research Leader, STEM/Formas’ research programme ”Situations of Opportunity in the Growth and Change of three Stockholm City Districts”. Main supervisor, PhD student Josefin Wangel.

2009-12      Research leader, “ICT as the motor of transition”, KTH-CESC, funding Vinnova.

2011-13      Research leader, ”What can be learned from the Citizens’ Initiative HS2020 in Hammarby Sjöstad”.

2012-14      Senior researcher, “Förnya en ny stad”, funding Delegationen för hållbara städer.

2014-16      Senior researcher, STEM-financed in-depth study and action research within FP7 project “Cities as drivers of social change, CIVIS”.

2017-20      Senior researcher, research and innovation project “Sharing Cities Stockholm”. Funding Vinnova.

2021          Coordinator, MSc course, Project Sustainable Urban Planning - Assessments, Plans and Processes.

2022-23      Consultant, KTH Viable Cities, System Innovation for Climate Transition in Cities.



2012          iEMSs 2012 Leipzig, paper and presentation.

2012          SEB 12 Stockholm, paper and presentation, invited keynote (panel) speaker.

2013          IC4S, Zürich, paper and presentation.

2013          ENHR 13, Tarragona, paper and presentation, invited workshop leader.

2015          ENHR 15, Lisbon, paper and presentation.

2016          ENHR 16, Belfast, paper and presentation, invited workshop leader

2017          SSC 2017, Trondheim, poster.


PUBLICATIONS, refereed, selected, 2002-

Svane, Ö 2002: Nordic Consumers and the Challenge for Sustainable Housing; Sustainable Development, Vol. 10, no 1, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Johansson, R, Svane, Ö 2002: Environmental Management in Large-scale Building Projects – Learning from Hammarby Sjöstiad; Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 9, 4, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Svane Ö 2005: Useful Concepts or Eternal Truths?  Reflections on generalisation based on experience from a case study; Vestbro D U, Hürol Y & Wilkinsson N (eds): Methodologies in Housing Research; Urban Intern. Press.

Weingaertner C, Svane Ö 2006: MAMMUT – Managing the Metabolism of Urbanization: Testing theory through a pilot study of the Stockholm Underground; Sustainable Development, Vol 14, no 5; John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Svane Ö 2008: Situations of Opportunity – Hammarby Sjöstad and Stockholm City’s Process of Environmental Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol 15, no 2; John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Weingaertner C, Svane Ö, Brikell B 2008: Daladala buses deregulated – analyzing urbanization’s Situations of Opportunity throgh a Tanzanian example; International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 3, 1; WIT.

Elfors S & Svane Ö 2008: Action Research for Sustainable Housing  Theoretical and Methodological Implications in Striving for Research as a Tool for Change; The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 7, 2; Roskilde University.

Jonsson D K, Gustafsson S, Wangel J, Höjer M, Lundqvist P, Svane Ö 2010: Energy at your service: Highlighting Energy Usage Systems in the context of energy efficiency analysis; Energy Efficiency, 4:355–369.

Svenfelt Å, Engström R, Svane Ö 2011: Decreasing energy use in buildings by 50% by 2050 — A backcasting study using stakeholder groups; Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78, 5.

Svane Ö, Wangel J, Engberg L A, Palm J 2011: Compromise and Learning when Negotiating Sustainabilities – the brownfield development of Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm; International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development.

Wangel J, Gustafsson S, Svane Ö 2013: Goal-based socio-technical scenarios: Greening the mobility practices in the Stockholm City District of Bromma, Sweden; Futures, 47.

Olson P, Svane Ö & Gullström C 2021: What Does it Take to Apply Carbon Law in Hammarby Sjöstad? – backcasting local actors’ climate transition till 2030; Futures, 128.



Svane Ö, Gustafsson S, Wangel J, Jonsson D, Höjer M, Lundqvist P, Palm J, Weingaertner C  2009: Situations of Opportunity in City Transformation  – enriching evaluative case study methodology with scenarios and backcasting, exploring the sustainable development of three Stockholm city districts; Paper, Proceedings of the ENHR 09 Conference.

Svane Ö, Wangel J, Hugentobler M 2011: Impacts and Improvements – developing a qualitative tool for assessing scenarios’ contributions to sustainable urban development: examples from Stockholm city districts; Paper, ENHR 11 Conference.

Svane Ö, Lundqvist P, Wangel J, Jonsson D K, Kliatsko A 2012: Negotiated Outcomes – Actor-oriented Modelling of Energy Efficiency in a Stockholm City District Renewal; Proceedings, iEMSs 2012 Conference.

Isaksson S & Svane Ö 2013: Beyond prognosis - on the use of external scenario elements in backcasting studies, with a Stockholm example; Proceedings, ENHR 13 Conference.

Wangel J, Höjer M, Pargman D & Svane Ö 2013: Engineers of the future: using scenarios methods in sustainable development educationProceedings, Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference.

Svane Ö 2013: Energy Efficiency in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm through ICT and smarter infrastructure – survey and potentials; Proceedings, ICT4S Conference,

Evliati, M A;, Svane L & Wangel J 2015: How to “Renew a New City District”? The citizens’ initiative HS2020 in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm; Proceedings, ENHR 15 Conference.

Jöhnemark A-M & Svane Ö 2016: What if Sharing Were Part of the Citizen Initiative’s Vision? Exploring Collaborative Consumption as implemented in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm; Proceedings, ENHR 16 Conference.


PUBLICATIONS, non-refereed, selected, 2005-

Svane Ö 2008: ...but most buildings are already there   Basic starting points for environmental management in the housing sector; Columbus F: Housing: Socioeconomic, Availability, and Development Issues; Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Svane Ö 2009: Helping, Informing or Coaxing the Consumer? – exploring Persuasive Technology as applied to households’ energy use; Varma A 2008: Domotics: Smart Technology, Smarter Homes; ICFAI.

Lewakowski B, Sølgaard Bang M & Svane Ö 2010: ICT as a Motor of Transition  Master students’ scenarios of a Situation of Opportunity in the urban sustainable development of Södermalm, Stockholm; KTH Environmental Strategies Research-fms

Sølgaard Bang M, Lewakowski B & Svane Ö 2010: Car Sharing and Low-Fossil Mobility Master students’ scenarios of a Situation of Opportunity in the urban sustainable development of Bromma, Stockholm; KTH Environmental Strategies Research-fms

Kramers A, Svane Ö 2011: ICT applications for energy efficiency in buildings; KTH-CESC.

Evliati M A & Svane Ö 2014: Förnya en ny stadsdel  Vad kan vi lära av medborgarinitiativet i Hammarby Sjöstad?; KTH Miljöstrategisk analys-fms

Svane Ö 2017: Vad krävs det? Om att minska energianvändning och klimatpåverkan i stadsdelen Hammarby Sjöstad med femton procent på tio år; KTH Miljöstrategisk analys – fms.

Knatz K,  Svane Ö & Malmqvist T 2018: How can Hammarby Sjöstad become more sustainable? Master Students’ assessments using the CityLab tool; KTH, TRITA-ABE-RPT-2018

Svane Ö 2021: Fyll klimatgapet – Hammarby Sjöstad 2030; Viable Cities,; Visited jan -23.

Profile picture of Örjan Svane


  • My CV, with selected publications