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Todor Stojanovski

Profile picture of Todor Stojanovski




Researcher ID

About me

I finished my postdoc at the Embodied Social Agents Lab (ESAL), the division for Computational Science and Technology (CST) where I work with digitizing urban design, City Information Modelling (CIM) and Urban Mobility Certificates (UMC). My current research looks at the effect of urban form (as design/morphological elements) on multimodal travel (competition between walking, cycling, public transportation and private car).

I hold a PhD in Urban and Regional Studies at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. My research focuses on urban form and mobility, urban design and transportation infrastructures, habitation and mobility (sub)cultures. I have worked on research projects about urban form and transportation, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). I have a Licentiate of Engineering (teknologie licentiatexamen) in Infrastructure and MSc (magisterexamen) in Built Environment (Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. My background is architecture. I graduated (diplomiran inzinjer arhitekt) at the Faculty of Architecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University ( in Skopje, Macedonia.

My research interests include cities and urban morphology; urban form and its effect on habitation and mobility (sub)cultures; urban space and environmental psychology; urban design and integration of cities with public transportation; buses, BRT and TOD; traffic planning and engineering; regional planning and science. I also follow developments in Information Technology (IT) and urbanism; Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Building and City Information Modeling (BIM+CIM); urban planning and gaming.

Email Address:

Mailing Address:
Todor Stojanovski
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Computational Science and Technology (CST)
Lindstedtsvägen 3
10044 Stockholm

Office Phone: +46 8 790 92 18

Mobile Phone: +46 76 218 06 38