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Torkel Berglund

Profilbild av Torkel Berglund

Om mig


Research interests

In the Ecological Plant Biochemistry Group we investigate stress and defense in plants - from molecules to the field. Stress signaling and epigenetics are main research topics, considered from an ecological perspective. An overall aim is to decrease pesticide use within forestry and agriculture. Pesticides may be harmful to users as well as other organisms exposed, particularly water living organisms. Our strategy is to treat seeds and young seedlings with natural nontoxic compounds to promote defense capacity in the seedlings months later. The compounds are selected via our basic research, partly performed in cell culture studies.

In cooperation with plant breeders, ecologists and analytical chemists we are investigating the possibility to increase conifer defense against large pine weevil attack via seed treatment, which is a method suited to mass treatment. We also study induced defense against drought stress. It is known that plants can establish an epigenetic "memory" of earlier environmental stress which can result in more rapid and stronger respones when attacked again. We see the possibility to influence memory-functions in plants without a primary stress. In cooperative research we also investigate volatile communication between insects and treated plants.

The research reflects an interest in environmental toxicology, including a role of oxidative stress for establishment of stress responses.

We perform basic research, aiming at applications within forestry and agriculture.

Profilbild av Torkel Berglund
