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Xiaoyu Wang

Profilbild av Xiaoyu Wang

Om mig

I am a post doctoral, working with Prof. Mikael Johansson, in Division of Decision and Control Systems, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

I recieved a Ph.D. degree in computational mathematics, from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Academy of Mathematics and System Science (AMSS), CAS, China, under the supervision of Prof. Ya-xiang Yuan, in 2020; and a B.S. degree, in mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, from Wuhan University, China, in 2015.

I am particularly interested in the optimization algorithms and its application in large scale machine learning. The topics I has been working on includes: 1) First-Order and Stochastic Optimization Algorithm 2) Stochastic Second-Order (Newton, Quasi-Newton, or Trust-Region) Algorithm 3) Learning Rate Policy in Stochastic Optimization 4) Applications of Optimization Methods in Machine Learning.

Profilbild av Xiaoyu Wang