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Xingqiang Song

Profilbild av Xingqiang Song

Om mig

He is now a researcher at the Division of Industrial Ecology, within the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). His main research interest is in the application of systems thinking and metabolic approaches to aid in sustainable urban/industrial development with focus on water, energy and materials.   


  • 2012-05  Ph.D. in Industrial Ecology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2004-06  M.Sc. in Thermal Energy Engineering, Shandong University, P. R. China
  • 2001-06  B.Sc. in Thermal Energy Engineering, Shandong University, P. R. China

Work Experience

  • 2015-01-01 to ongoing: Researcher (100%) at the Division of Industrial Ecology, KTH
  • 2014-09-01 to 2014-10-31: Researcher (75%) at the Division of Industrial Ecology, KTH
  • 2012-06-01 to 2013-12-31: Researcher (100%) at the Division of Industrial Ecology, KTH

Project Experience

  • 2013-10-15 to ongoing
    • A EuropeAid project entitled “Support on the Development of National Strategy for the Control of Heavy Metal Emissions and its Demonstration in Key Polluted Areas” funded by the European Union (Contract No. DCI-ASIE/2013/323-548)
    • Project co-coordinator at KTH (responsible for the practical aspects of the project)
  • 2014-11-01 to 2015-10-30
    • A KTH-Sustainability funded project on “Establishment of a KTH-RAS Network in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems” (2014/2015)
    • Project coordinator
  •  2013-01-01 to 2015-06-30
    • An EU Tempus Project entitled “Master program in environmental science and sustainable development with focus on water management for Uzbekistan higher education” (UZWATER)
    • Project participant
  • 2011-01-01 to 2013-12-31
    • SanWatPUA “Sanitation and Water supply in Peri-Urban Areas in developing countries” Funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
    • Project participant
  • 2007-01-01 to 2008-12-31
    • An EU-funded Erasmus Mundus project entitled “Promoting European Education in Sustainable Development” (SDPROMO)
    • Project participant

 Publications (in English)

  1. Song, X., Wennersten, R. & Frostell, B. (2015) Moving toward an Anthropogenic Metabolism-Based and Pressure-oriented Approach to Water Management. In: Filho, W.L. & Sumer, V. (eds.) Sustainable Water Use and Management: Examples of New Approaches and Perspectives. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 229-244.
  2. Frostell, B. & Song, X. (2014) Water-Energy Efficiency: A Systems Perspective. In: McConville, J. & Wittgren, H.B. (eds.) Peri-Urban Sanitation and Water Service Provision: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries. Stockholm Environment Institute, Project Report 2014-01, pp. 10-13.
  3. Song, X. (2012) A Pressure-oriented Approach to Water Management. Doctoral Thesis. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.
  4. Song, X. & Frostell, B. (2012) The DPSIR Framework and a Pressure-oriented Water Quality Monitoring Approach to Ecological River Restoration. Water, 4(3), 670-682. doi:10.3390/w4030670
  5. Ravesteijn, W., Song, X. & Wennersten, R. (2012) European and Chinese Integrated River Basin Management: Experiences and Perspectives. In: Mambretti, S. (ed.) Flood Risk Assessment and Management. WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 59-70.
  6. Song, X., Mulder, K., Frostell, B., Wennersten, R. & Ravesteijn, W. (2011) Transition in Public Participation in Chinese Water Management. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability, 164(1), 71-83. doi:10.1680/ensu.2011.164.1.71
  7. Song, X. & Ravesteijn, W. (2011) Dilemmas in Water Systems Development in China. In: Mulder, K., Ferrer, D. & Lente, V.L. (eds.) What is Sustainable Technology? Perceptions, Paradoxes and Possibilities. Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, pp. 213-234.
  8. Ravesteijn, W., Kroesen, O., Firoozyar, F. & Song, X. (2011) River Systems in Transition: Pathways and Stakeholder Involvement. In: Brebbia, C.A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on River Basin Management. May 25-27, 2011, California, USA. WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 327-340. doi: 10.2495/RM110281
  9. Song, X., Ravesteijn, W., Frostell, B. & Wennersten, R. (2010) Managing Water Resources for Sustainable Development: The Case of Integrated River Basin Management in China. Water Science and Technology, 61(2), 499-506. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.848
  10.  Ravesteijn, W., Song, X. & Wennersten, R. (2009) The 2000 EU Water Framework Directive and Chinese Water Management: Experiences and Perspectives. In: Brebbia, C.A. (ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on River Basin Management. September 7-9, 2009, Malta. WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 37-46. doi: 10.2495/RM090041
  11. Cai, Z., Song, X. & Wennersten, R. (2009) Sustainable Development in China: Challenges for Research and Education. Biennial ISIE Conference in 2009. June 21-24, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. (Abstract)
  12. Song, X., Wennersten, R., Assefa, G. & Ravesteijn, W. (2008) Managing Water Resources for Sustainable Development: the Case of Integrated River Basin Management in China. Proceedings of IWA on Industrial Water Treatment Systems. October 2-3, 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (CD-ROM)
  13. Song, X., Frostell, B., Wennersten, R. & Assefa, G. (2007) The Green Olympics 2008 - Concerning Urban Planning and Development in Beijing. In: Frostell, B., Danielsson, Å., Hagberg, L., Linnér, B.-O. & Lisberg Jensen, E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd VHU Conference on Science for Sustainable Development: The Social Challenge with Emphasis on Conditions for Change, September 6-7, 2007, Linköping, Sweden, pp. 49-58.
  14. Song, X., Wennersten, R. & Mulder, K. (2007) Challenges for Sustainable Development in China. SDPROMO (Promoting European Education in Sustainable Development) project within the Erasmus Mundus Action 3 program, 80 pp. available at http://www.sdpromo.info/ web/page.aspx?refid=31.

 Publications in Chinese (Peer-reviewed journal articles)

  1.  Song, X., Niu, Z. & Liu, C. (2004). Analysis on the Optimum Operation of Boiler Drum’s Water Level ("锅炉汽包水位优化运行控制分析"). Boiler Technology, 35(2), 59-61.
  2. Sun, D. & Song, X. (2004) Wear Mechanisms of Economizer and Anti-wear Measures ("锅炉省煤器磨损机理及防磨措施"). Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science), 2004, 4, 101-104.
  3. Huang, X., Liu, C., Song, X., Sun, F., Liu, Z. & Xu, H. (2004) Study on the optimum configuration of PM type burner and its application in Huangtai Power Plant ("黄台电厂PM型燃烧器结构优化研究及应用"). Electric Power, 7, 44-46.
  4. Song, X., Chen, S. & Ma, Z. (2003). A Cleaner Coal Combustion Method – ‘Separated’ Burning ("煤的洁净燃烧—分离燃烧"). Journal of Industrial Furnace, 25(1), 3-4.
  5. Song, X., Yang, D. and Ma, Z. (2003). A New Approach to Boiler’s Cleaner Burning – ‘Separated’ Burning (“锅炉洁净燃煤新方案—分离燃烧”). Energy Conservation Technology, 21(3), 6-7.
  6. Yang, D., Lu, C., Wang, Y. & Song, X. (2003) Conversion and Control of Nitrogen Oxides during Coal Combustion (“煤燃烧过程中氮氧化物的转化及控制”). Shanxi Energy and Conservation, 4, 14-16.
  7. Huang, X., Liu, C., Song, X. & Sun, F. (2003) Test Research on Structure Optimization of PM Coal Burner ("PM型浓淡分离燃烧器结构优化研究"). Boiler Manufacturing, 4, 13-16.
Profilbild av Xingqiang Song
